Friday, January 10, 2025

its more

than brrr, down to -7c overnight, the sun is shining, but its still  -3 below freezing, no way am I going out. If I slip there is no telling what might break!!

I ran out of white thread yesterday, I was expecting it in the post, yesterday but it has just arrived, so I can carry on with what I was doing. I am using the Lumi just now. I have finished most of the figures, so working on the stable which is sewn in 7 bits. I need to get some clear glue so I can put it together. Its not going to be easy to store. Might have to see if I can beg borrow or steal a shoe box or something similar.

DB is cracking on with the puzzle, he has managed to join it side to side in the middle, so now working on the bottom half.

I have cooked belly pork this morning for tomorrows supper, tonight is fish and chips as usual. Just now we are not eating dessert.

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