Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Made it

yesterday afternoon I rang, apologised for having to cancel my X Ray appointment and made one for this morning.

When I woke up just before 9am, it was obvious there had been quite a frost and Alexa confirmed it. After my breakfast I went out and took the cover off the car windscreen, squirted the back screen and side windows with de-icer. Only took me a few minutes to clear the car. I had checked on the internet and Melton was clear, although the road to Leicester and also Loughborough were both jammed.

Arrived early at the hospital and was taken stright away, problem came when they asked me to bend my right knee........once they picked me up from the floor I was ok, they gave me a bar to hold onto......my left knee was not a problem, although it is painful, its no where near as bad as my right......once back out I had to sit in the car for a few minutes to collect myself.

So thats that finished, I have to wait up to 2 weeks for the results to get to the Dr.

I plan to do another couple of the figures for the nativity, they take about 30 minutes each, it will be gluing  all of them together which will be interesting!!!

We are not out for the rest of the week, so hopefully the bad weather will have cleared by then.

I managed a better sleep last night, despite falling asleep whilst DB was watching his 'police' programme.

Supper tonight egg and chips, possibly rice pudding to follow. 

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