Thursday, January 23, 2025

Still here

 Still in hospital, no idea why, we were both moved 2 days ago. DB had a dizzy yesterday, they are still trying to find out what is going on.

I am getting better at managing on one leg, a bit worried about the house, DB has the set of keys. Might try and get Karen to collect them and deliver them to Claire so she can check the house and sort out the fridge etc, no idea how long we are going to be here.

1 comment:

  1. Well, what a bother! It's not as if DB hasn't had a bazillion 'dizzy' episodes in the past so should be no surprise.
    Glad you're learning how to manage on crutches or whatever helpful gizmo they've given you to help you be stable and safe as you walk. Happy healing!
    Hope Karen and Clare can work out the key swap so you have one less thing on your mind.
    Fingers crossed that the care package is in place so you're both home by the weekend or sooner.



That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...