Friday, May 3, 2024

Dull morning

DB was moved twice yesterday, he sent me an email to say which ward he was on. I phoned this morning, he had just had one of this vacant moments, did speak to him but briefly.

Not such a good night as I had hoped, got up at 7.30 and took a cup of tea back to bed after setting the washer to wash the towels, they are now on the line, although I doubt it will dry much, will have put them in the dryer later.

Goshi has been in to see me this morning, they are coming back after Ella finishes school. The grass needs cutting again.

No hospital visit today I am not sure when or if they are coming to sort out the meters, after yesterday I need respite from the traffic, it was horrendous getting into the parking at the hospital, and then trying to get to the A46 to come home. I think ion futute I might try about 11.30, although I have a feeling that the traffic at the hospital is always busy.

Fish and chips for supper I think, I have the remains of yesterday corned beef sarnies to finish at lunchtime.


1 comment:

  1. Wishing DB well and wishing you well on your own. It's unasettling for each of you.
    Staying busy with preparations for Z&L's arrival in about 10 days. Rain is forecast for the weekend so will be busy in our house then.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...