Saturday, May 4, 2024

Visiting day

I had a quiet day yesterday, did nothing except the essentials. The towels ended up in the dryer, it started to rain.

DB did not have a good day a couple of 'episodes' one was quite a bad one. He phoned me in the afternoon, and now he is connected to the internet is sending me messages, he is looking forward to me going in this afternoon sometime. I am waiting for M to come and fit up the water barrel to the rain water pipe on the garage. Just in time for it to collect the rain we are forecast for Monday.

No idea whats for supper, might do myself bacon and egg with a slice of fried bread.

1 comment:

  1. Am glad your water barrel will be connected soon so watering the garden will be easier.
    Hope DB gets to come home soon with appropriate home care and that traffic and parking weren't bad when you visited him.
    Rainy day with drizzle and mizzle but have done 2 loads of laundry - dried in the dryer, of course.
    I'm still tired from all I did yestreday and the day before. Bother!



Its the weekend!!

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