Tuesday, May 21, 2024

We now know the problem

Quite a few years ago DB was put on medication to keep his blood pressure up. At some point he was taken off it and he should not have been, we could have avoided all the carting off to hospital and anguish that invoked if Drs had questioned why he was on it. Had they read his notes properly they would have known that Dr Lakani prescribed the drug and why. DB went down for his tilt test, Dr Lakani was there and recognised DB, he refused to do the tilt test as he said it was not in DB's interest to have it done. So he is now back on the medication, once he is stabilised he will be discharged. So he is off the heart monitor, has been prescribed ointment to put on the places where the pads were, he is still having someone taking him to the toilet etc until they are sure they have the dose right. 

I will be glad to get him home and get a routine sorted out.

Not a nice morning, raining elephants and leopards, had to finish drying the laundry in the dryer. I had a decent night, decided to conserve my energy stayed in bed till 9.30am. DB tells me the script has gone for his medication. He has to seevthe physios theyvwill decide if he is fit enough to come home!!

1 comment:

  1. Well glory hallelujah! It's about time they found out what's going on with BD and how perfect that his former doctor was there to save the day! Was his pacemaker working fine after all?
    Hope you sleep better tonight and that DB is home soon.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...