Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Yesterday did not end well.

 DB fell in the garden yesterday and banged the back of his head. Our next door neighbour is a Paramedic, he suggested I ring 999 which I did. They wanted me to take DB in in the car, soon told them where to get off there. We waited 61/2hours before the ambulance came, they had a trainee with them, it took her over an hour to do the obs etc. As they were taking DB out, of course he had to make things difficult by collapsing, as is his want. Eventually they got him tinto the ambulance and away.

I rang about 9pm, he has a scan which as I suspected showed zilch. Just as I was going to bed the hospital rang, they had given him Morphine aarrggg, he is allergic to it, they wanted me to drive in 25 miles to sit with way. Not allowed to drive in the dark.

Needless to say I did not have a good night, I rang this morning and was told he was still in A&E waiting for a bed in the elderly frail ward....... humm he would love that.

I have to wait until I know they have moved him before I can go in, they did say they had given him the antidote for the Morphine and he was ok, I need to get it added to the list of things he is allergic to.

So I am shattered, just had some lunch, waiting for two phone calls, they want to change the meters this week...... and also from my old neighbour about some stuff that was delivered to the wrong address.

Fine day but cool, the sun is just beginning to break through. I got all the laundry dried on the whirly yesterday, there was quite a strong breeze.

Chicken pasta for my supper, possibly an orange for dessert, there are some that need using up.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine that waiting 6.5 hours for an ambulance is acceptable but am glad DB seems okay, aside from the reaction to morphine. Cannot imagine why the hospital would ask you to come sit with him either. Head shaking here.
    Hope DB is fine and can come home today and that those misdelivered packages will make their way to you.

    Big hugs!


Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...