Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Late start

Did not wake until 8 55am this morning, so a much better night.....chap arrived to re point the chimney, also the chap at the back who is selling his house has cut the ivy away from the top of the fence. We now know it is ours so next week Trevor can go in and find the main stems and saw through. Then we can remove it once ir dies back. There is another piece at the side which I also intend to get rid of, it has pulled a piece of fence over, so it needs to go. The aptio behimd the garage is beginning to clear, I just need the arch to go up and I can get rid of more pots.

Laundry done and out on the line, need to keep an eye on the weather, will put it in the dryer to finish it off if it needs its. Yesterdays sheets etc folded and put away.

Its cloudy but keeps clouding over...... there is a bit of a breeze.

Supper tonight Tuna mayo and salad. DB has one banana left he will have it for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. My mother used to say that the only good ivy is in a pot and that is so very true! We have ivy to deal with, too, and - alas - it's nt in a pot.
    I have SH eating a banana a day, too. Vitamin K+!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...