Friday, June 21, 2024


 It was a nice day yesterday, and the sun is hotter this morning, our sitting room faces North so its fairly cool, I draw the blinds and curtains in the bedroom to keep the afternoon sun out.

Thank you to those of you who sent good wished for DB's birthday, it was a nice day, but I was forced to have words with him in the evening, he can be so selfish and subborn at times..........hey ho.....He enjoyed his Cornish cream tea, there were just enough strawberries for him to have them. 

This morning we went to the mobile library to change our books. I have also paid my car insurance and tax, TV licence will be the next thing, the bank balance goes down with a real whomp in June, everything seems to fall then. Good job we have an emergency fund!!

The towels dried well yesterday, folded and put away. Bad night for me, woke at 2am my fitbitt tells me I had just under 5 hours sleep....grrr I was dooing so well.

As its friday its the usual fish and chips for supper tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, men can be difficult sometimes, and some men worse than others. Water ooff a duck's back, eh?!
    Hope you sleep better tonight!
    Zand I went to see another house this morning and while the rooms are sort of small, it's got the space needed for the 4 of them. I am tired.
    33.5*C here today so iced peach tea iis on order with lunch.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...