Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A slower day

 Did not get to sleep until after 1am, managed 6 hours, so not too bad but not good.

Dull morning, it has rained during the night, the slabs are still damp. The garden needs the rain, the grass has started to grow again.

Ironed the bed linen, its the last lot I bought, am not rally happy with it, have a job to get it to lie flat especially yhe pillowcases which seem to have been sewn on the twist somehow. I have to iron it myself, just cannot afford to have the ironing done at the laundry.

DB has been out and moved things around a bit, Colin is coming sometime with 6 more bags of compost. I am hoping tomorrow to sort out the rest of the pots that are sitting at the back of the garage, so the patio can be swept and weed killed.  Then we can perhaps sit out if its not too hot. Apparently we are due another week of high temperatures this month.

Supper tonight, some of the gammon I cooked at the weekend with a green salad, no tomato's until tomorrow. possibly ice crem for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. 6 hours sleep is better than less, but I hope you have a better night tonight.
    It's it annoying to have pillowcases that were sewn together with that twist? We have some, too.
    Am going to the library today but have to time that trip with our grocery delivery.



Its the weekend!!

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