Friday, July 5, 2024

Our garden gets a viewing

earlier in the week, we asked Colin to deliver 6 bags of compost.  He came just as we finished lunch yesterday, dropped the bags and then took a walk round the garden. He was surprised at how  much we had done and how much better it looked than when he saw it last, two weeks after we moved in. We had a discussion about what we hoped to do and he answered various queries I had about some of the existing plants, he has recommended we cut the cherry tree back to 2 buds to encourage them to grow. He also said they had a big problem with leaf curl as well. He suggested leaving the crososmia until it had flowered and then chop it down and dig out the bulbs.

It was quite chilly this morning, but the sun came out around 11am, there appeares to be something on at the school this afternoon, there are cars everywhere.

Out in the garden for half an hour this morning, DB is still having dizzies when he wakes up, he is ok after 10 - 15 minutes, it must be something to do with his BP. Might have to get the dose upped, will speak to the chemist at the Drs next week, see what they say.

Fish and chips tonight, we had icecream last night for dessert, so may well have the sponge pudding tonight.

1 comment:

  1. How nice to have Colin's good advice about your new garden along with the bags he delivered!
    A agree that DB is likely experiencing 'postural hypotension' and getting up slowly then sitting on the side of the bed should keep him safe unitl you find out what the doctor says.

    48*C here today and that's no fun. We had a gully waher os a strm last night followed by fireworks for the 4th of July. A noisy evening one way or the oter!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...