Friday, August 30, 2024

Its sunny

Woke up at 7am  to the bedside clock flashing away, power cut,  by the time we got up it was back on again. Another load of laundry out on the line to dry.

DB decided to put the feed and weed down on the lawn, he has left the bit by the whirly till tomorrow.

Its a no spend month next month, have to pay for the new mattress, I have just had to buy an extender for the wifi, it does not travel through the room as it did ta Hose, the shape of the bungalow is different, singal has further to travel through more walls. So thats the purse SHUT apart from the usual bills etc. deffinately  no fabric. Need to go through what I have in stock for things. Still not made up my mind what to do block wase for the baby quilt, the birth has been brought forward a bit due to problems that DGD has. I knew this pregnancy was not going to be staight forward!!!

I am now on the bottom of the nutcrackes tunic, all these bits have to be joined together at some point..........

Tonight is our usual fish and chip night, I got a couple of jam donuts for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice when the power is back on by the time you wake up!
    Wishing you two well on the no spend month. Seems when we decide to do that, something costly always comes up.
    Well done on your progress with the Nutcracker!
    Last night we had the noisiest, loudest thunderstorm with lightening and torrential rain that we've ever experienced. It was even louder than the hurricane remnants we've had come our way and it went on and on. Before midnight we'd had nearly an inch of rain.
    I've done a load of laundry and started the dishwasher and am out of energy. Is that pitiful or what?



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...