Saturday, August 31, 2024

Slow day

Its another sunny morning but with a bit more wind, no laundry to go out today.

DB has emptied all the bins, they were full, especislly the one in the sewing room. I gave up sewing yesterday, could noot recocile what was on the screen with what the pattern said, so went to the video, have managed to sort it out ok. Have the two parts of the body and the legs together, think the next  bit is the hat,

I made scotch broth yesterday, so a bowl full each for lunch. enough for tomorrow in the frdige and  enough for another day in the freezer. DB tells me there are two films on he wants to watch this afternoon, one is Goodbye Mr Tom, a reallt good watch with The late lamented John Thaw of Morse fame.

Supper tonight is lasanga and salad, banana for afters.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever did we do for up to date information and instructions on all manner of subjects before the internet? Glad the online instructions are helping you with the annoying Nutcracker and hope it is more fun than annoying to make!
    Do you have recipes on this blog? I can probably look up Scotch Broth in my Mary Berry "Complete Home Cooking" - did and it's not there - but will find it elsewhere.
    Under the weather today for some unknown reason.



Its the weekend!!

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