Wednesday, August 21, 2024


I seem to have missed posting yesterday, sorry, I did a load of laundry, out on the line, just after lunch it did not stop to rain, it hissed it down. Lasted for about half an hour, then the sun came out and by the time I went out for the laundry it had dried.

We had pork pasta for supper, banana and ice cream for dessert.

This morning we went over to Hose for coffee, went to get our hair cut, then home.

I did not sleep so well last night, managed to have a Nana nap before I got supper.

Still waiting to hear what is causing Dgd's problems, they are now looking at pacreatic problems, she seems to be making too much acid. The baby is fine. She is hoping to be home at the weekend.

Supper tonight, ham salad, finished off the gammon I cooked two weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear all is well and hope you've caught up on your sleep. Those Nana naps help!
    I imagine the bookmarks you delivered were met with pleasure by the buyer and it's nice you and DB can meet up with your friends there.
    It was a lovely, cool day with low humidity for a pleasant change but I was a bit under the weather so couldn't make the most of it. Bother!



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