Monday, September 23, 2024

Oh my goodness

what a good job I got the pram and car seat lifted up, the garage is flooded from the back almost to the front, and more rain expected today. Its quite misty just now, but a very grey sky.

Terrible night last night, only slept for about 3 hours, good job I was not collecting Trevor.

DD2 messaged to say that she is calling in this afternoon on her way to collect GGD from school.

Cleaner is here doing her usual excellent job, I have had to put the mat from the kitchen in the porch, I think something got split on it yesterday, I came through to make tea juist after eleven and ended up with wet feet. Hopefully it will dry out. I can wash it but not going to try cramming it in the washer, when we get a fine day - if ever, I will scrub it outside and hang it up to dry off.

I will get another row onto the quilt hopefully, depends how tired I am after lunch.

Supper tonight will be chicken kiev with salad, we can have ice cream for dessert. 

1 comment:

  1. I know you're asleep now (or hope so!) but am tardy writing.
    Sorry about your lack of good sleep last night and hope you're sleeping the sleep of the just, peacefully now.
    Busy day here and have just put to 2nd load of R IV's laundry in the dryer as it's pitch dark so no use hanging it out.
    Earlier I clipped pairs of blocks together to sew together tomorrow - I hope.
    DS1 took me to the library this eve to return one book and pick up 2 that were requested and some MC Beaton Hamish McBeth for me to enjoy.
    Hope tomorrow is a good day for you and you can make more progress on the baby quilt. Hope I can sew, too.



Its the weekend!!

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