Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Thank goodness

it stopped raining during the night, when I got up the water had drained from the garden and half way across the garage floor. I am worried about the pram in the garage, if we are in for a lot of rain we could end up with the pram getting damp. Its packed in polystyrene in a box, damp could affect it. I need to have a conversation with DD2 and see about getting it unpacked and into the loft, the boiler for the heating is up there and its fully floored with means its insulated.......

No sewing today, just did not feel like it, might have a go tomorrow. I have my appointment re my pacmaker on Thursday, need to see what the prognosis is.

Cooked casserolled beef for tonght enough for may be 2 more meals as DB is not eating so much, have done potato, cauli and sweet corn to have with it. Might do rice pudding for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly hope the pram is high and dry and that it's not too humid in the garage. Hope, too, someone else can store the pram until time so you don't have to bother getting up in the loft.
    We have rain today and a good chance of more during the week.
    Z&L plan to go to Washington DC for a few days, leaving tomorrow and I hope the weather is kind to them.
    After lunch, I hope to sew the new Ukraine quilt's blocks into pairs but time will tell.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...