Monday, September 9, 2024

Raining again

So not trip to pick up the gardener. Now 10.20 the sun is trying to peep through. Everywhere is wet, think it has been raining all night.

Trying to work out the size of the quilt blocks, have converted my machine to sew.....will be strange using the foot pedal. I need to iron the fabric, just waiting for the white Peter Rabbit fabric to come, can make the blue blocks for a start.

Cleaner is here doing her usual excellent job, she is worth her weight in gold.....

DB is back on his Family research,  He got his DNA done, I am wondering what mine might bring up........ I might be related to royalty not!!

Supper tonight sausage and mash....... no idea about a dessert, may be fresh fruit.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to have the rain water your garden and pots and that it started early enough to save you the trip to pick up your gardener.
    Will the baby quilt have Pinwheels and alternate squares? Hope the Peter Rabbit fabric comes soon.
    I've never thought to get my DNA done, just know I'm French, German, Scots, Irish, and English. DH has some Choctaw and Cherokee Native American blood along with German, French, and Scots in him.
    It's starting to warm up here again, but still won't be really hot and that suits me just fine. Maybe rain over the weekend or not.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...