Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Busy morning

 DB had an appointment with his consultant this morning. We were in for an hour going through various things. He is to cut down one of his medications, with a view to stop taking it, It appears that his BP is not to blame, He is being referred on to see someone else.

We left home at 8.45, arrived back at 12 45, he has gone for his siesta. I had a much better night 8. 15 hours After 3 bad nights it was a welcome relief.

Sausage and mash tonight, Ice cream for dessert I think.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear the doctor is paying attention to DB's symptoms and may be able to wean him off of the BP med as well as referring him to a different doctor. Hope the new doctor is a brilliant diagnostician!
    What wonderful news to hear you got a good night's sleep! May it continue.
    Still puttering with the little hearts as I also tidy, dust, and vacuum before Z&L arrive again on Sunday. Even my One-a-Day Energy vitamin no longer gives me any energy (it has a bit of caffeine in it).
    Have ordered a new set of cotton jersey sheets that should arrive today. We love them for autumn and spring; flannel in the winter and cotton in the summer.



Done it

  went out in the car this morning and drove round the square, backed the car in, the bleeper sounded, so I stopped and got out the car. It ...