Tuesday, September 3, 2024

We had rain

A very heavy rain shower about 6pm ;ast night and then more rain overnight, the garden really needs it. Its spitting with rain again, but not really coming to much.

We were drinking tea at 1am, so consequently it was 9.45am before we woke, so everything is out of sync today.

Have just walked down to the shop, forgot to order weetabix from Morrison, so picked up the TV Choice at the same time. Forgot to take a letter to post, so it will have to wait until we go out again.

No sewing yesterday, might manage an hour when DB goes for his siesta, I must concentrate then on the baby quilt, need to find out if its a cot quilt or pram quilt thats required.

Grocery delivery this afternoon, we will be having egg chips and beans for supper tonight, I made a raspberry jeslly yesterday, so jelly and ice cream for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your garden got some good rain! Do you have a rain gauge in the garden so you know how much rain fell? I like to know the rain totals tho haven't had a garden in a decade. We've had 1.57" of rain from those two storms since Sept 1. Amazing.
    Seems the baby quilts I've made are either from the Rail Fence or Pinwheel patterns as they go together quickly. The pram quilt would be smaller but the cot quilt might be useful for longer. Have fun!
    Bother about the out of sync day and certainly know how that feels. Since I've been getting up at about 8a to feed Dottie, I appreciate the extra hour!
    Have just paid bills so trekked to the mailbox at the end of the driveway and they await the postman.
    It's a chilly breezy morning and the high is forecast to be 24*C. Nice!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...