Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Early doors

We were up early this morning GS was coming to put the boxes up in the attic, they called him into work this morning, so he is coming later.

I am back to not sleeping well, was drinking tea and reading till almost 2am.

No real plans, it looks as though the dryer has gone to dryer heaven, I hung clothes out yesterday, had to finish them off on the rads, one advantage I had warm knickers to put on this morning!! We need to do a bit of a move round in the garage, want to put the freezer where the dryer is and vice versa, easier to get to the plug.

I have a couple of DB'S shirts to iron, will may be sort out the rest of the Drummer Boy get him out of the way. Then I need to sort out something extra for the sale at the end of November.

Supper tonight, salmon, new potatoes,peas and parsley sauce.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the boxes are nicely in the attic now and that you've had that Granny nap you missed yesterday!
    Is the tea you drink at night de-caf so the caffeine won't keep you awake? We have to have de-caf from late afternoon onward or we'll be awake all night.
    I've washed some small rugs today and they are drying in the sunshine, which is nice.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...