Wednesday, October 23, 2024


How to waste 10 - 15 hours. I tackled the Drummer again, not sure why........I made a right mess of it, I have come to the conclusion that using felt, as I did for the nut cracker, was a huge mistake. I have given up on it. Parts were very thick and the machine had a job coping with it.

If you look closely  you will see it's a mess, the gold fabric on the left shoulder has frayed away and on the right hand I have got the placement wrong and you can see the top of his sleeve. I think if I do it again I will use different fabric and also do the face in a larger hoop!!

Collapsed the boxes for the machine, the outer box is flat under the bed. The smaller ones will go in the attic.

Nothing much done this morning, pressed DB'S cords and ironed two shirts.

Frittata and salad for supper, banana and ice cream for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for the bothers putting the Drummer together and it's just not right that felt comes in several unannounced thicknesses! You're wise to conclude a different fabric will work better.
    I'm finally about to have the orange/autumn fabric slab together and will be on to my efforts to machine quilt "Skylines". Heaven help me!




How to waste 10 - 15 hours. I tackled the Drummer again, not sure why........I made a right mess of it, I have come to the conclusion that u...