Thursday, October 17, 2024


for 24 hours, will be in Sheffield this time tomorrow.

We had a very good night last night, the children took part in the show until they were sent off to bed at 9pm. Dick was his usual garrulous self, he does love a captive audience.

Our hotel was very comfortable, although I did not sleep too well. Cereal and scrambled eggs on toast with orange juice and coffee for breakfast.

The Stawbridges were off early this morning to Cambridge for a show tonight.

DB is driving me nuts in the car, twice yesterday he insisted in taking me the wrong way and this morning I made him get out of the car when we got home, I was reversing in and the motor mouth was at it again. In future I will drop him off before attempting to reverse in. Our drive is awkward you have to come through the gates at just the right angle or you have had it.

Message on the car screen re the tyres, yesterday on the way in I had to pull over for a maniac, who had no thoought of stopping, drove up the middle of the road and I landed in a rut on the side of the road. It was quite a big bounce and I think thats what let a bit of air out of the passenger side tyres. The are back to the right pressure now. so all is well for our journey tomorrow.

Sunny morning, yesterdays laundry dried in the kitchen on the airer, so it will get  folded and put away.

Grocery delivery this afternoon, rolls to do for tea tomorrow night, also have a couple of jam tarts we can take with us.

Tonights supper, sausage, jacket potato and  beans.


1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a wonderful visit with your famous friends and that you get to sleep in your own bed tonight. Hope you sleep well and restfully so you're in good shape for the drive to Sheffield.
    Hope the coming week finds you and DB at home with a full larder and nothing scheduled but enjoying being home.
    DIL returned from her conference in Miami on a plane that landed at midnight so we haven't seen her yet. It would be nice if she could take it easy today.
    I hope to press "Skylines" and begin to machine quilt it. I confess to not looking forward to that process!
    15*C today and 4*C for our low tonight but the coming several days will be warmer, both day and night.




for 24 hours, will be in Sheffield this time tomorrow. We had a very good night last night, the children took part in the show until they we...