Tuesday, October 15, 2024


the mist is hanging over the hill and looks as if it will descend into the town.

The chap is here doing the fence panels and I am expecting DD2 & DGD this afternoon to sort out the pram in the garage.

Did not have a good night at all, just over 3 hours sleep......must do better tonight.

I have managed to get the Lumi into its case ready to go on Friday, we are off for coffee at Hose tomorrow morning, travelling into Leicester ready for our meet up with Dick and Angel and the children after DB has his siesta.

Supper tonight is sweet and sour pork with pilau rice, I have a couple of oranges which need eating so we will have them for dessert. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your new fence panels have been installed so your garden must already look neater!
    Hope the pram is in pristine condition and will be on its way to it's new home with the new baby! Also hope its mother is feeling good as her time nears.
    Sorry about your missed sleep, but hope you're well rested for your delightful day tomorrow and your Friday trip.
    Will be a tad late for dinner but I do love sweet and sour pork!



Its the weekend!!

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