Saturday, December 28, 2024

Home again

DB returned home last night, straight to bed and apart from having a drink at 10pm, slept right through to 8.30 this morning when I managed to get out of bed after 5 hours sleep.

They have confirmed that there is a loose wire on his pacemaker and it is not working properly, but he would need an op to put it right....... no way, there is a big risk of infection, so he will just have to put up with it. If he gets the pain again he is to take paracetamol 2 x 4 times a day. So we are back where we started.

I am feeling the strain quite a bit, they keep asking if we have carers, no just me, but I do have a cleaner and gardener which takes off some of the weight, DB gets himself up, washes and dresses etc, I do the rest, cooking and washing etc. The bed linen I wash and then the lady collects 2 lots once a month. I do not see the need for carers. at the moment......

We have had several days of fog hanging about, its misty this morning, very slow to clear.

Boxing Day afternoon we were at DD2's we had a running buffet which was very nice. Emilio was ssleep when we got there, but woke for a bottle and was then handed over to me for a while. It was rather foggy so I drove the car straight in, will turn it round on Monday when I have an appointment at the pacemaker clinic myself. Will also post DD1 and DGD's cards through DD1's door on the way home.

Tonights supper is fish and chips, will have more of the trifle for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that DB will have to contend with a disconnected wire from his pacemaker. In my experience, those had to be replaced or reconnected promptly and the risk was low. Hope he does well.
    I agree that you and he have enough helpers that relieve you of exhausting tasks that you don't need carers for DB yet, if ever.
    The Boxing Day visit with DD2 and family and the sweet joy of holding little Emilio sounds very delightful. I remember the first visit for DS1 with family's 4 generations soon after we were home from the hospital. It was lovely.
    Hope your pacemaker appt shows all is well and no treatment is needed.



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...