Friday, December 13, 2024

What a grey day

but at least its not raining, makes a change. Its very cold, had a doorstep conversation with a neighbour, frozen when I went back in the house.

Complete failure at sleeping last night 5+ hours......nothing seems to work.......If I ring for a Drs appointment I will have to wait 2 months for an appointment.........

Ready to go over to Hose for lunch at the chapel,am have the cards and things that were ordered ready to deliver. Have also arranged to meet Trevor to give him his Christmas card. I need to call at Tesco on the way back and fill the car up, I have a voucher that will save me £2.50. That equates to just over half a gallon of fuel. I was checking my driving licence yesterday I have to renew it in 2025. I think another 3 years will see me out driving.

I started on the play mat yesterday, suddenly realised my seam was more than 1/4" I forgot to move my needle over to the right, so its unpicking time again!!

No fish and chips tonight, so maybe tomorrow for supper. Will be too full of Christmas lunch, so supper may well be cheese and biscuits.

1 comment:

  1. Bother about the wakeful night again and hope this will soon be a thing of the past. If you make that doctor's appt now and wait the two months, you'll see the doctor well ahead of if you don't make the appt!
    Hope you lunch with friends in Hose is a delight. I can imagine the delight of those who received the wares they ordered from you and the wish of others that they'd placed orders, too.
    Do I ever hear you on forgetting a setting on the sewing machine so your stitches are far too large or too small. Recently I forgot to check the stitch length on the wavy stitch and the stitch undulations looked like V-tach!
    We're off to see the ortho doctor about DH's knees in a little while. Wasn't in nice when body parts did their jobs silently and without complaints?



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...