Thursday, January 2, 2025

Heath, weath and happiness

in 2025 to all my readers.

We did not sit up to welcome in the new year, went to bed to read whilst the clock ticked away the old year.

When we went to bed itwas blowing a hoolie and raining fit to bust. By the time we got up the wind was dropping and the rain down to a sligh drizzle.

After breakfast we drove out to Hose for the coffee morning as we dipped down into the vale, the sun was out and blue sky. It was very well attended.

We have had quite a heavy frost overnight, the top of the car has a very pretty pattern on it, good job I do not need to go out. Sun is out but not a lot of heat in it. Have not put my nose outside the back looks brrrrrr............

DB went for his siesta, I was searching for a pattern, I had looked everywhere for it, even getting my old lap top out, eventually I managed to down load it to a USB, checked the little machine and bingo it was there.......I am waiting for some Mylar to come before I stitch another one, want to see how it turns out.

I had an email from the Dr. I have to go for an X Ray on both knees and then to see the GP. The earliest appointment I can get is in March!! I am suffering from taking the pain killers, as usual......have had to take some senna.......

I had been looking at changing the chaise long for a bed settee, cannot get one to fit the space, so back to plan A. I need to look for a decent topper. I should have bed linen, but will also need to get a duvet. DD2 will stay with DB when I go to have my pacemaker changed.

ADB for supper tonight, we still have a few dessert bits to clear up as well.

The nativity scene I did yesterday, am going to sew it again backed with mylar, see how it comes out.

1 comment:

  1. How nice the weather in Hose was so pretty and the coffee morning was well attended!
    Nice, too, that DD2 can stay with DB while your pacemaker is changed. One less concern for you!
    Your 2nd Nativity scene is lovely and I can imagine the Mylar adding to its beauty. So glad you found your pattern!!
    Yesterday we had wind blowing a hoolie, too, and all was bright and COLD!
    I haven't quite finished transferring dates from the 2024 calendar to the 2025 calendar but am at November, so am nearly done. Sad to omit the birthdays for two friends who died last year.
    Then will be onward to taking the bazillion ornaments off the tree and changing the wall quilts to winter. Each year I plan to use fewer ornaments on the tree but can never decide which to omit as I love them all.
    Laundry today, too.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...