Friday, January 3, 2025


We woke this morning to a fine dusting of snow, it has sort of cleared through the morning.

Load of laundry put in and dried, one job out of the way.

Have down loaded the nativity design onto a small USB and sewn one out, the new machine makes a different sound to the Lumi, it does not sulk either when you go out of the room, got to be good.

AQppointment for my knee Xray Monday 9.20 willring the surgery the following week, to see what the report is, although I know already.

DB is keeping himself occupied with his jig saw, its on a board with a cover, so we just put the place mats on it when its mealtime.

Everybody is taking their decs down, ours have been down for a while and put away for another year.

Usual Friday supper, fish and chips, we have mince pies to eat up, and also a piece of cake that was in the hamper from DD2.

She has made an appointment for us to get our eyes tested later this month, more expence I guess I will need new ones, I managed to get away with it last year. DB has 20, 20 vision, just needs reading glasses.


1 comment:

  1. Am glad your new machine isn't a grumpy as the Lumi was and hope you enjoy making many more trouble-free beautiful patterns!
    How handy that you can put your place mats on top of DB's puzzle a meal times!
    Snow that comes and melts quickly is lovely. It remains to be seen what falls here Sunday night and Monday. We're in for a cold few days.
    Today is errand day so well be used up by the time we get home.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...