Sunday, January 26, 2025


I have been home since Friday morning. DD2 came in on her way back from work, brought a fish supper between us. DD1 and SIL came to pick up the things for DB, and my grandson also arrived. 

A reasonable night. Carer came early yesterday, wash and breakfast. Back at lunchtime and then to undress me ready for bed. I am sleeping in the sitting room in DB'S chair, very comfortable.

Carer has been in this morning, will be back later, had breakfast. Gson is bringing me a meal tonight and DD2 is coming this afternoon. So a busy day. Have to contact the fracture clinic in the morning.

DB is still in hospital, guess they may send him out next week sometime, they are still unable to say what his problem is. What's new?

1 comment:

  1. It's good to hear you're home with lots of family attention and food and with the carers to help with the more mundane everyday tasks. How are you managing with crutches or other walking aid? How does your leg feel? So sorry this happened.
    Hope you have lots of books to read, and am glad you have your cleaner to come tidy up, and perhaps you'll need someone to help with laundry.
    Do the fracture clinic people come to you or you go to them?
    Hope DB is doing better.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...