Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday, Monday

Not too good a night, woke just after 3am, snoozed a bit, but not for long.

Carer came just after 9am. Cleaner here so house is nice and clean. GS came this afternoon and put the keysafe up, DD2 brought the keys and tried them, one set ok, the mortise lock ones have to go back, do not fit. DD2 will come in after work tomorrow with them and one set will go in the box, the other set to DD2.

My new car arrived this morning, all gleaming, bins were moved and the car parked in front of the garage. It is not taxed at the moment until I get back to driving once my leg has healed. DB is being moved to another hospital for rehab, he is just not fit to come home yet.

Three phone calls, all from the chapel asking how things were, Barry phoned, he has offered to take me over to see DB when he is moved. It is a week today since our visit to the hospital.

It has been another busy day with people coming in and out. DGS met Little Miss from school this afternoon, stayed chatting for a little while.

My supper tonight will be a chicken and cranberry roll and a banana.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that helpers both family and employed are on the spot so you're well cared for and that your new car has arrived!
    Hope you feel good and aren't too annoyed by the cast. At least it's not hot summertime!
    Wish I could help but that big ocean is still in the way.

    Big hugs!


busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...