Monday, January 13, 2025

Oh Dear

the bad nights are back. Last week I scored 1 8+ hours and 2 9+ hours, the last 3 nights have been pathetic......61/2 hours over 2 nights!! I definitely felt decidedly rough this morning, took me an hour to feel half up to par!!

So my cleaner has been, all nice and clean now, just need the sheets to be collected next week for ironing. I have another laod in this morning and will have to do a clothes wash tomorrow. It will go in the dryer.

The snow has gone and with it the mist but its still very cold out there.

I have finished the figures for the nativity, I now need to find the instructions to make then free standing. Also thinking about staking a table in  a shop in the Bell Centre, several handicraft people have stuff displayed in there. I need to look and see what type of things the other table holders are selling.

Supper tonight macaroni cheese, jacket spuf and baked tomatoes, no dessert unless O defrost the roularde from the freezer.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that long hours of good sleep continue to all too often be hit or miss. Have you detected any common denominator in the activities/evenings/foods after which you sleep well or sleep badly? A puzzlement.
    What a good idea to see what others are selling at the Bell Centre so you know if your lovely creations might sell there also.
    We're not quite up to the 10*C high for today, but there's an awful lot of ice and snow that has yet to melt. Bother!
    I may yet make the Spritz cookies I usually make before Christmas.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...