Tuesday, January 14, 2025


last night so went to bed at 8pm, DB watching TV, eventually managed to sleep until DB got up for the toilet, was then awake for a couple of hours, so managed just over 7 hours last night.

Its a fine but cold day a bit warmer than yesterday thankfully. Laundry done and in the dryer.

Messing about trying to download designs, fancy doing a zipper purse, need to sort the pattern first. 

Our neighbour over the road, called in this morning, I have not been over recently, could not risk falling. She wished us a happy 2025, she was off into town to do some shopping, she usually has her lunch in town and gets a taxi home.

Supper tonight is egg and chips, I have some roulard, its raspberry, we had some last night, it was delicious, part of the stuff we got from M & S the other week.

1 comment:

  1. Playing catch-up today and am glad you had good sleep and a pleasant day yesterday. Hope you find the zipper purse pattern an enjoyable one to use.
    Yesterday I did 2 loads of laundry for son next door, while there to deliver said laundry, I washed his dishes, and we had a nice visit - still snow underfoot here and soggy meltdown in his yard. Also found the footing safe enough to finally take the boxes of Christmas ornaments to their 11 month abode (many trips back and forth), and a grocery delivery wore me out even further.
    Today is cold - high 2.0*C - so little melting will occur. Early next week we have another round of Arctic Blast arriving to make things even colder. Hope our driveway ice has melted before then!
    Am planning to tackle some UFOs.



busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...