Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 sunny day but with a cool breeze. I have a load of laundry in, would love to hang it on the line but not able to. It will go on the airer in the proch.

DB and I had words yesterday.......rather harsh on my side, however I have learnt in the past that I need to do this to make him buck up his ideas and concentrate on getting stronger. I am tired of having to remind him to do his exercises, take his meds etc........ now I am out of my splint he forgets my leg is still not healed and the arthritis in both knees is uncomfortable to say the least........

DD2 called in last night on her way to DGS's she stayed for about an hour. I had hoped that she would be able to baby site DB next week, but she is having to work onher day off as a fellow member of staff is off sick. I remembered in the past I have used the community drivers for hospital appointments which uses drivers to take patients to hospital appointments. I have phoned them this morning, all being well I will be able to cancel the ambulance for the hospital visit.

Egg and chips tonight, should prove interesting.........

1 comment:

  1. It must be frustrating to be limited in what you can outdoors safely just now. As the weather warms up you'll be able to do more and that will be a delight.
    Oh, I hear you on reminders that get to be seen as nagging, but there would be no reminders needed if said person would take the pills or do the exercises without being told! Now DH seems to have the flu. Yesterday he felt worse and worse as the day went on, made chicken soup for a late supper, and had Thera-Flu before bed. This won't be fun and I surely hope I don't get it, too. Z got it from L last week.
    Hope the local drivers can take you to your appt and bring you back home.
    I plan to sew the outer border on this little Laurel Burch panel called Mythical Jungle. Two borders are already on so think I'll be looking for backing fabric before the day is over.
    It's a sunny 19.5*C here today and tonight's low is expected to be 3.0*C.



That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...