Friday, March 28, 2025


Yesterday was Pacemaker appointment day. I was up and ready when the driver came to collect me, good journey in and was taken ahead of time, so home in just over an hour and a half. Another appointment in 3 months, very little battery use, but then I have been laid up for over 10 weeks now. I did manage to walk in to the clinic and out again without the walker. I am taking pain killers 3 times a day now. I may be able to cope with high levels of pain, but constant pain I cannot, I need to move about more, so its the lesser of the two evils. My right knee is a real problem.

DB had done as he was told, and not been out of the sitting room, so that was ok. Another time will matbe take him with me, depends how he is.

Was exhausted for the rest of the day. Better nights sleep last night. I have towels in the washer, it looks like rain so they are going in the dryer. I have been through the outside freezer, have stuff in there that needs using up. Then I may switch it off for a bit until things resolve themselves a bit.

I am planning to drive the car round the square this weekend and try reversing the car onto the drive. I have to remember its longer than the other one.

DD2 coming tonight with fish and chips for us all, she has been working extra as a member of staff is off sick and they do not know when she may be back.

So its fish and chips tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Am glad to hear all went well at the Pacemaker clinic, that you don't need to return for 3 months, and that you could walk in and out without the walker. Good, too, that DB behaved himself while you were away!
    I can well imagine how tiring yesterday was for you.
    Wish we had your kind of fish and chips here.
    I'm a bit better, no fever yesterday or so far today and my nose isn't running constantly as it has been. DH and I have gone through so many boxes of Kleenex in the last two week's, it's amazing. Our poor noses! My voice is still deep and froggy but I feel better.
    Am catching up on laundry today.



Another sunny day

  it is forecast to get up to 20c this week, I have laundry in am going to see if I can manage to get it on the whirly in the garden. Lady h...