Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another late post

Water flooding the garage

flooded patio

This looks better, the ground in front of the trees has about 12 Fuschia plants coming through

All the catoneaster has now gone and you can see the camelia in all its glory

Hydrangea its red when the flowers come out, by the door to the porch

White Rhodi in the centre of the front garden

The compassion rose we brought with us from Hose. Will tie is back to the trellis when it gets a bit bigger.

Plants for the pots in the porch.

Geraniums for the patio pots.

Sorry I am late posting. DB went out to do his 1/2 hour, next thing I knew he had fallen and hit the back of his head on the concrete, for the last 5 hours I have been waiting for an ambulance to collect him and take him for an exray. He is moaning about his head hurts, but due to the fact that he is on blood thinners, they need to make sure there is no internal bleed.

I have sat around all morning, so decided to go out and take some photos of the garden since its cut back yesterday, so here goes.

No idea re DB they did say there was a 6 hour wait, its now 5 1/2hrs since I phoned. Have just chewed him off a strip, the number of times I have told him to stay out of the garden and he deliberatly ingnores me, afraid I have run out of patience. 30+ years I have put up with it and I have just had enough!!!

No idea about supper.......

Monday, April 29, 2024

Late post today

We woke up to sun, after the rain yesterday I could not believe it......all the water has drained away.

I drove over to Hose to pick up our old gardener. He was coming to do some cutting back in the front garden, after a coffee, he was out and on it. I could not believe what he fetched out, the garden looks a lot better now. there are two trees close together, one is an ash tree, am not sure what the other one is. In front of the trees there are about 5 bush fuchias which are starting to grow, will have to put some feed on the, I guess its years since they were fed.

Whilst I was taking T hone, DB arranged to have all the waste taken away by someone who was working on the house round the corner. He has spoken to the green waste chap and we have to cut the woody bits up and put it in a bag, he will then put it into the masher.

So not much else done. T dug the hole for the support for the clothes pole so I will put a load on tonight and hopefully will be able to hang it out tomorrow.

Supper tonight is egg and chips, I might just about be able to do that.

Sunday, April 28, 2024


 Woke up this morning to torrential  rain, when we looked through the blinds, the patio at the back of the bungalow was flooded with about 2" of water. I went out when I was dressed, I think it was the pure volume of rain,, it is brightening up just now, I will go out with the yard brush and try to sweep it towards the drain at the side.

DD1 is coming over to help put the curtains up, I think I may have to get some more rings 10 for each curtain does not seem to be many, and they curtains are quite heavy.

Cooked gammon yesterday sliced it today, some for tonight, will have ham salad later in the week. I also made a pot of lentil soup, we will have some at lunchtime.

Supper tonight, ham roast spuds veggies. I have a couple of sponge puddings for dessert.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Early Doors

DB woke at 6.30am, then spent 3/4 of an hour wriggling until I decided to give in and sit up. I am managing an average of 7 hours plus each night which is not bad.

This morning was blooming cold but fine, we spent an hour in the garden DB spent more time dittering than doing anything. I moved two plants to the front a red hydrangea and a pink and white Rhodi. there is quite a breeze. also sorted out some of the pots, one with fuschia in is sprouting, so will keep my eye on it. There is still so much to do......I am fetching our old gardener on Monday to see if we can at least part fettle the front.

I have a gammon joint to cook, we will have it tomorrow with roast tattes, veggies and leeks in cheese sauce. Might do another crumble.

Tonight is ADB again, will have to use tinned tomato's.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Its Friday

 A bad night, I am still seething over the mess with the TV people. They are not willing to take my word it has been paid and they have assigned it to someone else, so I have had to email them a copy of the statement. There is no way I am paying it again.........The officers can come. I will not let them in, but give them a copy of the statement......

Load of laundry in, I wish I could get the whirly up, its driving me nuts having to use the dryer or put them on the clothes airer in the porch. Apart from the curtains, its the last thing that needs doing.

Next week is supposed to be warmer. I still have the heating on, but it will go off next week. I am also having a problem with the accounts for the gas and electric, but thats another story.

The plants on the shelf in the porch are ding ok, if the weather warms up a bit I will plant up the rest of the pots. I want to get the back garden sorted out so we can sit out.

Tonight is fish and chip night.......

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Double Arrgghh

Not happy, this morning received  missive threatening us with a visit from enforcement officers as we have no TV license. Two phone calls, I have proof I paid £159 last July, what a performance. I have had to send details of the payment, which of course is on a statement with all my details on.......really fed up.....moving was bad enough but all the blasted red tape is driving me crackers.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Lap top problems, cannot get it to switch on no matter what I do, so not a happy bunny.

I caved in yesterday and ordered an air fryer. I have the Ninja 15 - 1 which I use a lot for casseroles and soups. Hoping to be able to cook so main course and veg are ready at the same time amongst other things.

Fine day so far, keeps clouding over and its freezing cold, it will be another 4 - 6 weeks before I am able to plant out pots etc. The shrubs I put in are doing OK, and the dandelions in the grass are at last starting to die back. DB was out with the vinegar squirting some other weeds. We have to dig out a couple of primulas that have grown in the grass.

Expecting DD2 to call this afternoon, she is picking up little miss from school. Daddy took her to school this morning, we were aware of someone jumping up and down waving his arms on the front, daddy and little miss frantic waving!!

I am sure the other people walking up to school thought he had lost the plot!!

After 2 mediocre nights sleep, last night I managed just over 8 hours last night. Fingers crossed it is repeated tonight.

Supper, cottage pie and mixed veg no dessert, the crumble is finished.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

at least its dry just now

 but the clouds are ominous. It poured with rain most of the day yesterday, the rain beating on the roof of the porch was very heavy, I hoped it might shift some of the moss, but most of it is still there. The amount of rain and its intensitity reminded me of the rain storms in Africa and India.

Its St George's Day and also Shakespeares birthday. There will be the usual parade of scouts etc to the Church on Sunday. We are girding our loins for all the roads to be closed next Sunday, its the major cycle race. Beacuse of the road works they have had to change the route a bit so some villages are going to have two rounds of the cycles around the village rather than one.

Laundry done, partially dried in the dryer, it should be just damp enough not to need steam on the iron. I am going to try and lift the ironing machine onto the cutting table, then I can sit whilst I iron.

DB seems to be ok after his dizzy do on Sunday, just watching him, he is going out to the garden just to tidy up, its too wet to do anything.

I have chicken to cook for tonight, took some mince out as well, will do the sauce for spag bol for tomorrow. There will be enough for at least 2 suppers from each. So 2 in the freezer against meals later.

The inside freezer is getting low, so I will move some stuff from the freezer in the garage.

I am taking it steady, trying not to do too much, I am slaaping better over all. Have had several night of over 8 hours.

Supper tonight chicken with rice and mixed veg, we will finish off the crumble from Sunday for dessert.

Monday, April 22, 2024


This should have been the day Trevor came to start cutting back in the front garden. We woke up to pouring rain, hey ho, will have to try later when the weather improves, if it ever does.

Cleaner here doing her usual good job, bed changed, linen washed and in the dryer.

Still not done any sewing, I need to press the fabric when I next have the iron on, them may then get the fabric in the hoop........

Salmon salad for supper, I made an apple and blackberry crumble, so more of that for dessert, have some cream to use up. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Dry but cold

supposed to be a bit warmer than yesterday, we will see.

Laundry mostly dried in the porch, just thicker things needed  a bit on the radiators to finish them off.

Plants in the porch are doing well, it will be well into may before they get planted out.

Brekkie in bed, I needed to change the sheets, I have to go and collect Trevor tomorrow morning. The cleaner is due, so she will be able to get on with the cleaning until I get back. Trevor is bringing his secateurs, lots of cutting down for him to do in the front. Forecast is for a decent day up till lunchtime. Hopefully he will also dig out and concrete in the sleeve for the whirly in the grass.

DB in the garden fell, first time for ages, got him inside and he flaked out, so he is in bed. Have given him his medication, will have to see how he goes.

Supper tonight roast pork, new potato's, cauli and calabrese.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sunny days

Nice sunny morning but still chilly. DB was out in the garage sorting out still more stuff. I put a load of washing in, it will have to dry inside. Hopefully next week we will get the whirly dryer up in the garden.

I need to sort out the plants we have on the shelf in the porch. I have ordered a metal arch to go over the steps onto the lawn. I have a clematis to go up one side, need a climbing roses for the other side. A bit cross with myself I had a lovely one in the garden at No 16, I should have dug it up. I did buy a pale pink and white Rhododendron, I have put it into a planter to go in the middle of the front garden. It will have to be potted on later.

Still trying to come to terms with Beryl's passing, I did have a feeling, but it was still a shock.

Supper tonight, ADB. have a strawberry cheese cake for dessert.

Friday, April 19, 2024

At Last

I have been struggling for days to get this blog set up, as you will see it had a new title.

I will do my best to catch up on the last few days.

Yesterday afternoon, I was contacted by Andy to tell me his mother had passed away in her sleep. We are devastated. Pete and Beryl welcomed us to the close, by showing us round their bungalow. We had been peering through the window at No 16.

We rapidly became friends and during Petes decline did what we could to help and support Beryl.

We then switched to keeping a watching brief over Beryl which we did until she moved 3 years ago, into sheltered housing. We then started to visit her there as we had promised to do.

She had not been well over Christmas and had a problem with her left leg, which gradually got worse the last time we saw her 2 weeks ago it had spread to her other leg, she was also a bit confused. I was concerned and we had spoken yesterday about ringing to go and see her again, instead we will be going to her funeral. Andy is devastated. His wife died last July and now his mother has gone too.

I contacted a couple of people I know and let them know.

We will miss her so much, she was always good for a laugh especially at  what our great grandchildren got up to.

Yesterday was a sunny day, with little wind so DB treated the lawn, it rained last night so we should see some improvement. Not sure what I did but not much, I had been to Aldi for a months shop, so was pretty tied.

I did spend time working out the project I have on hand. I am going to stitch it out in a single color to see if I need to make any adjustments.

That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...