Wednesday, May 29, 2024

more rain

It has rained on and off for the last 3 days, we get a brief burst of sun and then the sky starts leaking again. Getting a bit fed up with it.

DB continues to improve, he is showering on his own now, we had a visit from the OT yesterday, poking his nose into everything. Did not get much satisfaction out of me, everything is fine, although DB's appetite could be a bit better.

Seem to have spent most of the day doing nothing, am thinking of sorting out the machine......I cannot do anything in the garden whilst it is so wet. The stone came this morning for the piece to the left of the steps, if it stops raining long enough I will try and get the weed supprestant down and the pavors in the the plant pots to stand on, then I can tip the gravel on to fill the gaps.I am waiting for the strulch to come. Going to put cardboard onto the tubers of the berginia and then top it off with a layer os strulch will then use the pavors to stand pot on there. We have decided to leave one part of the garden at the top to 'do its own thing'. The piece to the right of the steps is going to get doused in weed killer and once the vegetation has died back strulsh and then plant through it into the soil underneath. We have several bush fuchias in the front, I am going to take cutting off and strike them to put in the back. I also still have the arch to erect and get put in, the rose for it is coming this week. Hey Ho......

Supper tonight is shepherds pie with carrots and peas. I have creme caramel for dessert. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that DB is improving and hope his appetite improves, too.
    Your gardening skills are wonderful!

    Off to the library and post office!



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...