Saturday, August 3, 2024


its raining, not a lot but its rain. yesterday was almost unbearable, we drank a lot of iced water.........going to the library van was our only trip out. The reat of the time we were inside with the back porch door open to try and collect some of the breeze.

The garden is not suffering too much, thanks to the downpour the other night things are looking less stressed and certainly saved me from having to water.

No real plans for today, at least its cooler.....

Reasonanble night last night, just under 8 hours, just one bad night during the week. Mind you I was dosed up with pain killers, my hands had een driving me mad all day.

Supper tonight sausage, mash and cabbage. ice cream for afters.

1 comment:

  1. We have been having very hot, 30*C plus the humidity from the thunder storms, makes it feel closer to the 35*C plus some days,
    Cooler temps coming next week, which will be nice.
    I have not been doing much do to this neck brace I am wearing, can't even do any sewing, so reading is pretty much all I have done for the past seven weeks, with three more to go.
    Pics of your garden are looking very nice.


Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...