Monday, August 12, 2024

I ache

after yesterday I am shattered, my back and legs ache, double pain killers eased it slightly.

Over to pick up Trevor early, Cleaner arrived and helped me make the bed than continued to clean the house, everything done in 2 hours.Took Trevor back early as it started to rain.

I had washed the sheets, it rained at lunchtime, so left them out, it was raining agin when I got back from taking Trevor home.

DB was late going for his siesta, I lay on the settee for half an hour, than went out and collected the dry laundry and folded it ready for collection for ironing.

We finished off what was left from yesterday for lunch, there is still some cake and strawberries left, we will finish them tonight.

Inspite of the rain it is very muggy, hope the heat dies down tomorrow, I find it so difficult to function when its hot.

Scratch supper tonight cheesy jackets spuds, tomato and cucumber, more strawberries for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you were so achy today, hope the meds helped, and that you feel lots better tomorrow.
    Nice to have the house cleaning done and help remaking the bed. Also nice to have your garden tidied by Trevor and watered by the clouds.
    Since DS1 has returned to Florida, I am feeling Dottie, the cat, her breakfast and DS2 feeds her lunch, dinner, and bedtime snack. She's a sweet cat and very talkative.
    Our cooler weather continues but it's still humid, just less so but that's appreciated.
    I hope to move my sewing machine to the dining table again to hem the bedskirt I washed before putting it back under the mattress. Will also machine quilt the 'Skylines' quilt and make a cover for DS2's weighted blanket. Hope I have the energy for all of that.




Very tired this morning, managed just over 7 hours. Mothers day gift from DD2 and family, Cornish cream tea, so we will have afternoon tea a...