Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The wind is back

very bad night just 2 hours sleep. Had to take DB to the techie to get a new impression for his top plate. We were supposed to go back at 3.30pm this afternoon. Ijust could not hack it, so had to arrange to go back tomorrow morning to pick them up.

Some horrendous driving on the road into Leicester, there were a couple of times I thought we might come to grief, was glad to get home.

Sloppy tea for DB tonight, so frittata and mashed potato, will put a rice pudding in.

1 comment:

  1. What a misery to get so little sleep and you were wise to postpone picking up DB's new plate until tomorrow, especially with the roads so unpleasant to drive on.
    Hope you had a Nana nap so feel better thereafter.
    We had another thunderstorm last eve with loud thunder, lots of lightening, and torrential rain. There may be more Fri thru Mon but time will tell.
    Am enjoying feeding and playing with our grandcat, Dottie, as she is so sweet. Z&L will return in about 3 weeks. Their FL home hasn't yet sold. Sigh!
    Still making little hearts as it's simple and doesn't take much energy.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...