Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cooler this morning

Was up early to go for my well woman check, everything is fine, weight is the same height is just down a wee bit more, but BP etc is fine.

DB ate all his supper last night, and had jelly, no ice cream though. 

Morrison delivered today, the chap brought in the wrong order, it was the toilet paper that did it I always buy chushelle from QD. So everything back in the van and the right order brought in.

DB asked for cream cheese and cucumber for lunch, there was half the frittata left so I have sliced it up, can eat it with our fingers. 

I made up one of the blocks, have to sort out how I can set up an ironing station, the bits need pressing before I joint them together.

Supper tonight, cooked gammon from the freezer with new spuds and salad, more of the jelly, there should be enough left for tomorrow night as well.

1 comment:

  1. So glad the doctor says you're still in good shape! What good news, indeed. :-)
    Here, when a mistake is made with the grocery delivery it cannot go back in the truck but we get a refund.
    Hope you can find a good place for the ironing station as there is lots of ironing to come as you make this delightful quilt.
    Our rain has finally stopped but it was still very overcast all morning. It will be good to see the sun again!
    A late lunch calls, so away I go.



Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same. DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he h...