Saturday, November 30, 2024


up again this morning, not quite as bad as yesterday though.

Step son rang to say he was on his way up to see us from Milton Keynes. He brought A with him, she has made some progress, but has now been diagnosed with epilepsy, she seems to have more fits at night rather than during the day.

I did not get much done this morning except run the vaccum over the  carpet. C will be here on Monday to give us our fortnightly turn out.

I have decided to take the tree decs to the christmas lunch, people can take what they want. Will also take them to the coffee morningas well. Will use whats left over as gifts.

Its dry but quite cold this morning, the sky keeps darkening as if we are going to have rain, then clears again.

Supper tonight all day breakfast, either mince pie of sponge pudding for dessert.


Friday, November 29, 2024


not so cold as yesterday though.

I managed 7+ hours last night in two bits, we did not wake up until 9.45am, so a really late start.

One thing I forgot yesterday, was a stamp, for the bill for the quilting on the cot quilt, will have to buy a book of first class which will be over £5!! No wonder people are not buying stamps........big money for an inferior service.

Phoned EDF again this morning, still no resolution to the gas bill fiasco, they are going to come back to me. when? Your guess is as good as mine.

So a quiet day, I need to sort the  binding out for the cot quilt. I have the strips cut need to sew them together. Have been looking at a binding foot for the machine, cannot make my mind up wether to buy it or not.

Supper tonight, fish and chips as usual, might make a raspberry jelly for dessert.


Thursday, November 28, 2024


fine sunny morning, but very cold. A bit of a marathon, first Aldi where I stocked up with goodies for Christmas, including a bottle of sherry and a bottle of Irish cream liquer. Cupboards and freezer are full to bursting. Then on to the Post Office to draw the Christmas present money and finally our local chemist for our Covid booster shot.Back home we put all the shopping away and then had soup and toast for lunch.

I had another bad night last night, just 5+ hours of sleep. Hoping for better tonight.

DGD goes for her pre-op today, baby will be delivered in a C section on Monday, so it will be champagne all round (I doubt it).

My other DGD is in Cyprus for her Companies anuual meeting and dinner, they are in Cyprus. We heard last night that the company had become top sellers for the East Midlands and Bex for the third year running was top national sales executive. She works very hard, the company has 2 branches in Leicestershire and  Bex is the manager of one of them in a local shopping mall.

Well done Bex. She has been a travel agent for over 20 years.

Supper tonight could be spag bol or some such pasta, or just mince and tatties. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Rain again

It started to rain about 8pm last night, this morning there is a pool of water on the garage floor, I doubt we will ever get anything done about obviously coming in through the brick work.

Morrison delivery, they had substituted 3 things, I did not want them so sent them back, made a difference of over £10 to the bill!! I have to go to Aldi tomorrow to do a small stock up, will get what was returned from there, probably at half the cost.

Twels wahsed and in the dryer, the rain seems to have stopped for now, not holding my breath.

Supper tonight cooked gammon and salad. I got a couple og sponge puddings, so might have one of this for dessert. No sorting in the sewing room as yet, am still recovering from a few sleepless nights.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

I don't believe it!!

no rain!! The sun is shining but its cold enough for me to have to wear a hat if I go out. Thankfully we are warm and cosy in the house, the heating is on, doors kept shut and curtains drawn as the light goes.

I was in bed just after 9 last night just under 8 hours sleep. DB woke up with a dizzy, he is not taking his medication as he should, so I have taken it over.

Sorted out the Alexa it will remind him that he has to take a dose around 4pm in the afternoon. I have today sent an application to see if we can get a private appointment with Peter Rae, I need to get this sorted out and a definate diagnosis, it is affecting me as well as DB.

I have not looked at the sewing room since the weekend, my sewing mojo has mojo'ed off. Want to try and sort out the mess in there and get rid of some things we should have sold when we moved.

Supper tonight smoked haddock, poached egg and bread and butter. We finished the ice cream, so no dessert. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

More rain

it rained all day yesterday, this morning, bright sun.....I managed 9+ hours of sleep last night, I began to wonder if I was ever going to get another decent nights sleep.

Laundry donne, dried most of it in the dryer, so dried, folded and put away.

Nothing else done, still very tired.

Supper tonight egg, chips and beans, finished off some icecream for dessert.

Sunday, November 24, 2024


rain and more rain, it is also blowing a gale....

Although I was in bed early, it was well after 1am before I finally dropped into the land of nod. Was late waking up, so breakfast in bed was late, we finally made it out of bed at 11am. I am exhausted, yesterday was a tough day and confirmed my decision to not do another craft fair. It will take me a couple of days to recover. DB seems to have survived it better than me.

Tomorrow I plan to start the binding for the baby cot quilt, once I have done that I am going to clear out the sewing room, there is so much stuff in there that should be elsewhere. I may come across the missing Santa etc..... figures in the process, I know they are here, I remember seeing them whilst trying to sort some sort of order in there earlier in the year. Just cannot remember where.

The rain has cleared the snow, but the threat of floods is on the up, we have had so much rain recently. There is still a smattering lying on the back garden, but the front and the drive is clear again. 

Have brought next weeks delivery from Morrison forward to Wednesday. I really need a visit to Aldi this week or next to stock up on the things I like from there. Our Christmas delivery is due 20th December. We will spend Christmas Day here, DD2 has asked up to go there on Boxing afternoon. Think thats when I might take the cot quilt.

We just had a snack lunch, I have pork for tonight, will reheat the pork  in foil, on top of the veggies as they steam.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The snow has gone

we now have rain hissing down and a gale force wind blowing. 

This the stall for the craft fair.

To say it was a bit of a fiasco is putting it mildly. We got there just before 9.30, cars everywhere. DB had to go and ask the organiser to ask someone to move from the disabled parking space, it was done with a bad grace. We got set up and then just waited, and waited and waited. over the cost of the table we made the grand sum of £38.50!! So I have quite a bit to shift somehow....... I had made the decision that it would be the last time we did a fair.

It has rained all day, so the snow and ice has melted away, an easier journey home and no problem reversing the car in. Every thing is unpacked and put away for now, some will be coming out again in due course, including the Nutcracker and drummer. I have to find the santa etc, I know there are here, its finding what I did with them. Have a nasty feeling it might be an up the ladder to the loft.

To shattered to cook, so supper will be poached egg on toast.

Friday, November 22, 2024

More snow

After a mostly dry, sunny day yesterday, it snowed overnight, so we are back to square one. It is thawing and its supposed to rain tonight......I hope so because the roads are a bit slippy. I will have to back the car down the drive to get a run to get out of the drive if the snow is still aound in the morning, I tried to move forward on Wednesday but the tyres were on snow and just spun round, no traction.

Everything apart from food is ready for tomorrow, I have mounted the two soldiers on a board to stand at the back of the stall. Made the tissue covers yesterday and also the white book marks, so table cloth etc is on the chair in the sitting room ready to go into the car in the morning. I want to get there about 9.30am to set up. I just hope we can get into the disabled space and that the hill has been cleared.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, I have mince pies for dessert.


Thursday, November 21, 2024


We have had a bright sunny day but it has stayed at - 4c all day.

Yesterday I was asked if I would do 4 white book marks with the cross on, did them when we got home, they are now drying, having had the stabiliser soaked off. I was also asked for 4 tissue holders. I had 3 in the box, have made 3 more so I have 6 to sell, any left will go towards the ones for C. Have had to send for tissue packs and different sized cello bags for the mats etc. Our next trip to Hose will be for Christmas lunch on Dec. 13th. Will take the stuff then.

I have cooked chicken and bacon, have to cook the pasta and thicken the stock. We will have a tomato and celery salad with it for supper.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Coffee Morning

We ventured out to the coffee morning and to get our haircut, it took a couple of goes to get out of the drive, but managed it. The roads were largely clear, but plenty of snow still on the pavements.

A couple of people asked for things, 4 book marks with the cross on for one lady and 4 tissue holders for another. We called at CC for lunch, scrambled egg on toast. C the chap who owns the garden centre

Came in for his lunch, I showed him the Nutcracker and Drummer, he did remark they would look nice in the window of his bungalow.......

Home, DB went for his siesta, I sorted through and ordered some bigger cello bags to put thie extra things in I have made.

Had a call from the hotel re the retreat, she has confirmed that we have the extra nights booked and also a ground floor room, we should get a discount on the two extra rooms, as I am a member of the Hilton Honors Club.

Supper will be rolls tonight, we do not need another meal, the scrambled egg was very filling. We had also had mince pies at the coffee morning, so do not really need another meal.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


It started to snow last night and is lying this morning, trains cancelled and traffic apparently is horrendous. I am glad we do not have to go out today. Still hoping to get to the coffee morning tomorrow although the craft fair is in doubt, depends on the weather between now and Saturday. The hall it is being held in is up a steep hill.

Not too bad a night last night, almost 7 hours, sleep so getting better. I change over to the winter duvet yesterday, it was nice and warm in bed, did not want to get up. It was well past 9am before my foot touched the floor.

Load of laundry in, will have to put it in the dryer, no way it will dry on the whirly, I am going to take it out of the socket and store it in the garage until we get better weather.

Grocery order in for delivery on Thursday, it seems to get more expensive every week its running at £50 (64). this time last year it was quite a lot cheaper.

Supper tonight is salmon, new potatoes and peas. We are not having dessert at the present.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Another week

and according to the weather forecast we are due snow!! Brrrrr..... its very cold this morning, but clear as is often the case when its frosty.

DB woke with a dizzy, so just covered him up and left him, had visions of usd having to change the bed under him, but he came though just after 8.30. Clare the cleaner is here doing her usual sterling job.

Our lunch with DD2 yesterday was very nice, she came home with us and had a cup of tea. It became obvious that DD2 is not going to panda to DGD when the baby is born, she has arranged a schedule with DGS and his family to look after Little Miss when they are at work. She will be sleeping over a couple of nights a week to do the school run with Little Miss.

Bed Linen will have to go in the dryer, rain/sleet is forecast for later...

Not sure about supper tonight sausage and dessert.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

NIce day

wonders will never cease, Ihad a decent nights sleep, just over 8.5 hours.

We just had fruit for breakfast as we were going out for lunch. It was a grey cold morning. I had to put my winter coat on.

Lunch was lovely, as usual I had the  beef, DB and DD2 had pork. At last I have got DB to just take what he can eat, I get very upset if good food is a child during the war meals tended to be rather sparten. It was eat it or go without. It would not be the first time I was presented  with the night befores supper for breakfast.

Not much sewing done today, I looked for the pattern for the scissor holders and founs three part completed. I have cut out another one, will make 6 in total, three with hangers and three without.

DD came back with us for an hour. DB went for his seista, she and I chatted about life in general, she then elected to walk home, I settles on the settee for a short while.

Supper tonight was poached egg on toast, just enough to fill a small gap.

So thats our Sunday, I will be going to bed early in the hopes of getting a decent nights sleep again, the cleaner is here its bed change, will be putting the heavier duvet on the bed.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

its getting colder

We did not get up too early, so a bit of a slow start. I have 2 bookmarks finished and 2 on the nachine, once I  have finished  them all will photograph them.

Its a very grey morning, it has rained, but it seems to have stopped for now. I really hate the dark days, so glad when the nights start to draw out again, just now we are putting the lamps on mid afternoon. draw the curtains before we have our supper.

So gammon, salad jacket spud for supper tonight. We are out for lunch with DD2 tomorrow, so no supper to get tomorrow night.

pot stands.

Bookmark with pen pocket.

Not sure why but the photos are not very good I have to do a repair on the top middle book mark, the tassel fell off the string!!

Friday, November 15, 2024

Another early start

 mobile library day, so up and out just after 9am, after choosing books we went into town to QD they were selling boxes of Christmas cards and I also wanted batteries and some bleach.

It was sunny first thing, but cold, my winter jacket came out, so I was warm and cosy.

Two more pot mats made yesterday, have one to clean off then I will post a photo of them. On to something else now. The sale is a week tomorrow 23rd November.

DB is taking his dizzy medication more regularly and it seems to be staving it off. He needs to be ok for next weekend. I am wondering how muchy the journey up to Newcastle in a car for almost 4 hours each way may have upset his ears........

I rang and booked the two extra nights for the retreat in March, forgot to tell them I am a Hilton member, need to ring about that. Reminded my friend and she messaged to say she had done hers too...

Fish and chips tonight......

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Early doors

We had to get up early this morning, 7.45am The window cleaner was due and also a delivery from Morrison which came 40 minutes early, he was in the next road and did not see the point of going to the next call and then having to come back, so the shopping is put away half an hour brfore he was due.

Cooking belly pork for pork, with pineapple and rice for supper tonight.

Bright morning but down to 9, sun is out but its cold. I have turned the heating down a bit, the bungalow has warmed up, if its cooler we can put a jumper on.

Finished the 4 pot stands yesterday, going to cut out another 2, the Insul Brite and also some felt I had ordered came yesterday.  The pot stands are nice but they taken an hour to sew. Once I have sorted the sewing for the sale I am going to strip down the sewing room and move stuff around a bit, want to try and loose a bookcase, and give me a bit more room to move. The room is wider than the one at Hose but one bookcase was never in the sewing room, it was in the hall cupboard.

So need to drink my tea and get on..........

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Winter cometh

we have bright sun, but the temperture outside is down to 1. there are signs that there might have been a slight frost although we woke to mist which has now cleared.

Started on the 3rd pot holder, one more to do when this one is finished, then on to scissor holders I think, I have quite a few scraps I can use, book marks on the cards as to follow.

DB is complaining about his back, I said he is spending most of the day sitting so its not from unacustomed movment!! He is still on his dizzy meds, they seem to be helping.

Egg and chips tonight, orange for dessert, I have a couple to use up before the delivery tomorrow. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


the sun decided not to give a repreat performance today, its very grey and COLD!!!

A slightly better night last nighr, but we did not get up till 9am, it was warm in bed!! After breakfast I put the machine on and finished off the pot mat and got a second one done. Just 2 more to go, then I am on to scissor holders and possibly book marks.

DB has been ok today, gave him 2 tablets this morning.....

I am now looking at my sewing room with jaundiced eyes, I want to loose a book case, its where to put things, some can go in the kitchen cupboard, whats in those cupboards will relocate to the pantry cupboards on the wall.

Quiet week this week, we have the library van on Friday, I know there are some reserved book on it, I have had a couple of emails.

Supper tonight chicken kiev with potato, brussels and cauliflower. Will make some gravy. No dessert. 

Monday, November 11, 2024


we have bright sunshine, but its chillingly cold. First morning of sun for a while.

Found a quick project on John Deer's site for a mat to go under a hot pot on the table, I have mackled together 4 pieces of Insul Bright, just need to sort out some fabric......should not take me too long to do. I had to do a search through boxes to find fabric etc, whilst doing that I came across other things that were on the missing list from when we moved. 

Laundry in the washer, should get it partially dry on the whirly, can finish it off on the airer in the kitchen overnight.

We have the heating on all day, I have to read the meter and send it in, still waiting for an updated gas bill after my phone call to EDF last week.

Supper tonight cooked gammon, jacket poato and tomato salad, possibly a mince pie for dessert.

Sunday, November 10, 2024


Lest we forget those who laid down their lives so that we might live.

Saturday, November 9, 2024


at last the Drummer Boy is finished, he is not perfect, but lessons have been learnt, the felt needs to be soft and thin. I doubt I will make the drummer boy again, too many colour changes, could have done with the 10 needle machine, but my lumi coped.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Almost, but not quite

got the Drummer finished, lots of swapping colours, was getting cross eyed so finished for today, the top is on the bottom and the legs on ....

Trip into Leicester to take the quilt in to be done.....traffic was horrendous from the A46 island to the island for Glenfield.

Sue and John are no longer doing quilt fairs, so the tradmark van had disappeared, almost over shot. Better journey home, much less traffic, it was all going into town.

Very cold and grey, have the heater on just topping the temperature up to 20 in the sitting room. I need to sort out the timer for the heating so its on lowish all day. I can adjust the temperature up if needed.

Managed a better night sleep, just over 8 hours 5 hours more than the night before.

Fish and chips tonight for supper.......banana and ice cream for dessert.

Very late

getting up, we were drinking tea at 2am and it was 4.30 before I finally dropped off to sleep, so back to 4+ hours.

DB woke just about 10am, by the time we were showered, dressed and had our breakfast it was after 11am.

Took the quilt yesterday, should get it back in a couple of weeks, this time next week we should have some news.

Set to and cooked the bol sauce for tonights supper, I need to devide it up when it is cooked, there should be enough for another Spag bol meal and maybe a shepherds pie as well.

Nothing exciting to is quiet for a change.

Still not finished the Drummer, quite a bit more to do involes a lot of thread changes, I will be really happy when its finished. Am not going to have much time to make a few more bits for the stall on 23rd of this month.

So supper tonight spag bol and garlic bread.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Is it

Menieres disease?? After yesterday I have a nasty feeling it is. DB spent most of the day in bed........he has all the symptoms except the tinnitus......he is waiting for an appointment to see Peter Rae. He saw him shortly before we moved back to Scotland in 2010.

I have done a load of laundry, most of it is in the dryer in the garage. I will be using it throughout the winter unless we get a run of nice clear days.

No sewing yesterday, need to try and motivate myself to finish it today so I can sort out some extra stuff for the stall. I have a pattern for a book mark with a pocket on the back for a pen, going to try that.

I have to press the quilt and backing, I am going tomorrow to take it to be quilted on the long arm machine.

Supper tonight is frittata and salad, may be a mince pie for dessert.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


I think I have found a way to retrieve DB's lost journal, will see later, at the moment he is in bed with a dizzy......

Yesterday I managed to get quite a bit done on the drummer boy, the last piece is very 'bitty' hope to finsh him later today or tomorrow.

Stuff is coming through for the retreat, I have to cross my fingers and hope that DB is ok........I stand to loose £500 if he is not. I hope by March we will have seen the specialist that DB has been referred to.

Dull grey morning and cold, people going by with coats, hats and scarves on.

Supper poached smoked haddock and poached egg, with bread and butter.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Another day

DB is driving me nuts he has managed to wipe out his journal, I have tried to get it back but to no avail.

DD2 messaged yesterday to say that DGD is to have a Ceaser in 2 weeks, so a November birthday rather than December.

A decent night again last night, could do with a full week of 8hrs +. A grey morning, have washed a load of whites, no breeze at all so they are in the dryer.

I did not get to the Dummer yesterday, will hopefully manage it later this afternoon when DB goes for his siesta.

Joint of pork in the oven to cook, once its cold I will slice and freeze it ready for when we need it.

Supper tonight mac and cheese and jacket spuds.

Nothing really to report, so will be back tomorrow.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Thank goodness

At last a decent nights sleep, 8+ hours, I need a few nights like that.

Very cold grey morning, glad I did the laundry yesterday although at least I now have the dryer back, I did use it quite a bit in the winter. Will take the whirly out and store it in the garage.

Collected Trevor for his last day here until the spring, he has done a fabulous job in the garden, looks a lot better than a year ago.....

I plant to try and finish the Drummer today, not going to kill myself though. I need to sort out a quick easy design for some extra bits for the fair at the end of the month.

Not sure about supper tonight yet, the left over chicken will go in rolls at lunchtime. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024


lousy night, topped off by DB tipping a tray of fruit cup and orange juice all over the had to change the bed without help this morning. Sheets etc in the washer.

M arrived just after 10am, he moved the dryer and freezer, the plug was out of the I have no idea, however we pulled the dryer out, moved the freezer over and put the dryer where the freezer was, I can now get at both plugs. He cut up the pallett we had by the garage door and the dryer is also stood up off the floor.

Once the sheets had finished I put them in the dryer and they are now ready to go to be ironed later this week.

I am so tired I decided to leave sewing the last bits of the Drummer boy till tomorrow, its the bottom of the tuntic, hands, drum etc so quite a bit to do, the last bit is doing the satin stitch round him, might get him finished on Tuesday.

Prepped the veggies for supper, cooked the gammon joint and made soup with the liquor, will cook the pork tomorrow, then I can slice it and the gammon.

Rather cold day and over cast, winter cometh........

So roast chicken, cauliflower, brussels and roast potatoes for supper tonight. No dessert.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

They said

it would not rain, I have just been out and collected the small load of laundry I did this morning. The sky is very grey so I guess we are in for a downpour.

DB seems to have recovered from his dizzy bout yesterday, to make sure I have given him the medication this morning and will do again at supper time.

I have the legs attached to the boots on the Dummer, tomorrow I have the lower part to sew, his tunic hands, drum stick and drum and then connect the top to the bottom......should be fun. He will then be finished apart from being tidyed up and threads snipped on the back. I have been mulling over the new machine that has come out, like cars, they loose value once the box has been opened, if then we have to move in 3,4,5 years time it will possibly only be worth £8 - £9 thousand I am sticking with the one I have. I will sell it when we move and just use the NV2700.

We have both been for our flu jabs, will leave it a couple of weeks and then go for our covid jabs. We are then protected.

I have a joint of pork to cook tomorrow, I will carve some of it for supper and then slice and freeze the rest for either supper with veg or rolls at lunch time.

Tonight is ADB, its a couple of weeks since we had it last.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Not good

 We were awake at 2am drinking tea. I went back to sleep, DB woke this morning with a bad dizzy, he was still in bed at 11.30.

I plant to do the legs and boots for the Drummer this afternoon, if I have time.

Its a fine but cold day, we have a problem with the lock on the garage, it is not turning properly, so had to put the roller door up and go in that way to get bread from the freezer.

Fish and chips tonight........

That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...