Sunday, March 9, 2025

Day 2

 so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam.

I put some laundry in the washer, and once it had finished, sat on a chair to put it on the airer in the porch, its been really warm in there and most of it seems to be dry.

I did manage to walk round the car to look at the side garden, full of snowdrops and crocus although they are beginning to go over now. I did take a photo but cannot get it to show on here, tried several times.

You can just see the front of the new car, its not a very good photo, the sun is beating down. You could not see them last year because of all the rubbish on that bit of the garden.

My leg feels heavy, not surprising considering it has been supported with the splint, even though it was not really in the right place. I have to wait for the physios to come with some exercises for me.

1 comment:

  1. You two are doing well to work your schedule around your daily visits from the carers. Am glad they're still coming every day.
    Yea!!! You got outdoors and in the fresh air! The garden looks so much neater than last year. Wise of you to keep your outing brief.
    I'm surprised your ortho doctor's office didn't give you papers of first exercises to do this weekend.
    I'm feeling better than yesterday, so that's an improvement! I hope to sew a bit.



Day 2

  so DB's carer came just before 7am. I got the breakfast before my carer came, back to pineapple and croissant with strawberry jam. I p...