Thursday, February 27, 2025


 suuny morning but they tell me its cold. The front garden is basking in the sun the snowdrops are looking good.

Both careres have been, DB's was the early bird again this morning, mine came just before 9am. I took my cricket off again this morning,  the skin is so dry and flaking, so an application of E45 cream and we managed to tighten the bottom strap a bit more, hopefully it will stop the downward slip!!

I am getting rather fed up with just sitting, I do make the rolls at lunchtime, standing on one leg, and also the supper, the microwave has never had so much use, it will need a decent clean out once I am mobile again. I do wipe it out but it could do with a  really good clean.

DGS is home from their holiday, he is back working. Little Miss is at  school and Mummy at work.

DD2 came yesterday with the baby, she brought the washing back. Had a few minutes hold of the baby, he is going to be nosy like his Mum, even at 3 months he is gazing round, yesterday he was fixated on the ceiling light.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Its raining

It started raining last night, it is still raining this morning, very dark .

I  an still battling with EDF over our gas bill, they are holding almost £500 and not charging us correctly for gas. Last month they charged £17 for a month's gas. We have the heating on from 7am to 9pm well as water and the gas hob, crazy or what?

DB is walking better, he gets tired, but that is only to be expected.

We had a bad afternoon yesterday, the Internet went down, it was this morning before it came back. DB could not play his games, he plays word search and solitaire.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hectic morning

 DB'S carer changed today, a lady who had been to the house before when a previous gentleman had lived here.

Chiropodist came shortly followed by the chap with a new walker for DB and the trolly, I used the trolly at lunch time to bring the lunch in, worked very well.

It's been a sunny day, nice to see blue sky for a change, although snow if forecast for the beginning of March.

The garden is full of snowdrops, because of the mess the garden was in last year, when we moved in it was impossible to see them, the side garden by the car is full of them. Such a pretty sight. I will see if DD2 can take a photo of them and send it to me.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Today is a grey day, yesterday was bright and sunny, the nights are noticeably drawing out now, it was almost 5.30 last night before we drew the blinds.

Carers were earlier today, so up dressed and had our breaki by 10am.

DB is doing his sitting exercises, he had a coughing fit  last night, so a short nights sleep for us both. I might have a Nana nap this afternoon, waiting for DD2 to come and collect the washing. 

Carer has just been to give us our lunch, he has just one call in the morning before the HART team take over and start to rehabilitate DB.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Its the weekend!!

Not that it makes much difference to us, every day is the same.

DB'S carer was late this morning, a previous patient had fallen and he had to wait for help. So we will be late with lunch today. He will be running late most of the day.

Cleaner Clare came last night with her husband, he has fixed up the TV on the bedroom wall, so we watched Death in Paradise in bed.

I am much the same trying, vainly, at times to keep DB under control. His hospital stay has not done much for his short term memory loss. Makes it rather frustrating. 

Friday, February 21, 2025


 Another day the same as yesterday, B managed to choke twice, not a happy bunny, looks like he is going to have to have mashed up meals.

I am much the same, fed up, the brace on my leg has worked loose again, I have to keep hauling it back up.

DB keeps asking Mr for things, he does not seem to realise I have a broken leg, he seems to think I can do anying he's wearing a bit thin!!

DD2 is bringing fish and chips tonight, so one meal I do not have to worry about.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


It looks as if I lost a day somewhere this week, it's Thursday today.

I am much the same as yesterday, DB has been very dozy today 2 naps in the chair and then 2 hours in bed this afternoon.

I am wading my way through the People's Friend. Not spending so much time on my tablet. Spoke to T from the Chapel, he is going to come and stay with DB whilst I go to the fracture clinic in a couple of weeks.

DD2will bring supper tomorrow night, fish and chips.

DGS is still away, will be back on Monday. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Its Tuesday

Market day in Melton, all the farmers bringing their livestock and produce in to sell. Very cold morning, quite peaceful, the schools are on a half term break.

Occupational therapist came to see DB this morning, he has some exercises to do to strengthen his legs. He is also getting a change of carers next week.

I am managing ok. Need to sort out something for supper, possibly pasta. 

DD2 was up this morning she brought back the washing, she was on her way into Leicester with DGD and baby.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sunny day but brrrrrr

A bit less sleep last night, awake reading at 3am.

DBs care is being taken over by the reablement team from Monday...... mine stays the same.

Order delivered this morning, mostly put away, just a couple of things I will try and get away later.

A friend brought me about 3 months weekly copies of The People Friend, that will keep me going reading wise for a while.....along with my tablet.

Both of us are feeling a bit better, but it's going to take time for both of us.

Monday, February 17, 2025

A new week

 I did not think I had slept, but my fittbit tells me in fact I slept for 7 hours and 5 minutes.

My carer was early, just after 8am, DB'S did not come until well after 9am. He tires easily, is napping just now. 

Calls made for 2 ambulance pickups for me next month, check my leg and then a pacemaker check.

I also have to ring to renew our blue badges now DB'is home.

A very cold night, at least we have not had any snow!!

DD2 will be in later to pick up the laundry, I gather she will have Emilio with her. His mum has an appointment.

Think it will be pasta for supper tonight. I have to sort a drawer out for the ready meals I have ordered from Morrison, which will come tomorrow.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Day 2

 I had a much better sleep last night, was still asleep when DB'S carer knocked, 7 35am........eventually we were both up, wash3d and breakfasted. We had cheese on toast at lunch time, DB had an orange, I had an apple. Cleaner Clare and also DD2 landed more or less at the same time. The site for the TV in our bedroom was discussed. DD2 brought us chicken and noodles for supper. I managed to spill sauce on the settee......... I hope it does not mark it!!

DB IS ready for bed, I am waiting for my carer to arrive and prep me.

Thanks to spending almost a month in bed, DB is very doddery, wants to do things beyond his capabilities just now........he is not going to be easy to live with until he regains some strength.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

We are home

DB arrived home at 5.15pm, just as DD2 arrived with fish and chips.

His carer landed at 8pm, to get him ready for bed, my carer had been earlier. We sat watching a couple of programmes I had recorded and retired ro bed about 10pm.

DB went straight to sleep, I lay for quite a while before going to sleep myself. I had been sleeping in DBs chair, I could not get comfortable in the bed.

DB was first up, washed and dressed, my carer was very late, her partner had a tyre blow out on her car, she said she would be late all day.

Several phone calls for DB, various people wanting to come to see him. Going to be busy next week

Friday, February 14, 2025

Its Friday

 Boy was it cold last night. I woke cold so got the other fleece and put it over the top, took a bit but did warm up eventually and managed a bit more sleep.

DB is waiting for his care to be taken up, then he will be home too, it will seem odd, I have been home 3 weeks, so used to only occasional visitors.

DGD and his partner are going away for a few days, it's half term, flying off to Abu Dbhai.

Carer has just gone, she will be back later.

My appointment came for the fracture clinic, it was for 9.40 had to ring and get it changed, now for 11am

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Carer tells me it's very cold, glad I do not have to go out!! Washed, dressed and breakfasted, carer gone on to her next call.

No news re DB coming home, guess they are sorting  things out. He was given new medication yesterday, it did not work, so they are trying him on something different.

I think he has at last realised that we need to shed more belongings, I'm toiling to find a quilting group to take my left over fabric and wadding. If I can get rid of that I can store my quilts in the boxes in the sewing room. If we are forced to move again I have no idea where they will go.

At last we have 4 working keys, so that is no longer a problem, DD is bringing the last one up after work tonight.

People do not seem able to grasp the fact that my leg does not hurt. The only pain I had was just after I fell since then nothing. That's what having a high threshold to pain does for you!!

Not sure what's for supper, I still do not have much of an appetite.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 DB did not go to see the consultant, the appointment was cancelled, he is waiting for a phycology appointment. So DB is coming home once they have sorted out a care package. Life is not going to be easy over the next few months. I think it will be at least May before I get out of the splint altogether. Needless to say he is busting a gut to get home.

DD2 is coming later to try and sort out the keys to the back door and my cleaner is coming this afternoon to do some shopping for me.

Me I am fine, apart from being bored and having a blooming great splint on my leg!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Todays the day

DB goes to see the consultant, could be interesting, he had one episode yesterday, he is hoping to come home......we will see!!!

Another disturbed night but did manage 6+ hours. My leg gets the fidgets which drive me crackers. I am managing to do odd bits, but not much, weeks with the cricket splint loom ahead.

Carer tells me it's very cold again, I read that we appear to be in line for heavy snow again later this month ugggg.

Playing games and reading books, doing jigsaws on my tablet keeps me occupied for a while, watching old TV programmes as well.

Raking in the freezer found cooked pork belly, will have that tonight with instant (yes I know) mash and peas. Would have rice but it's in a pack for 2, do not like keeping left over rice in the fridge.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Rolls round again, the carer was here just after 7.30, I had a bad night, could have done with sleeping in........however, washed and dressed and all ready for breakfast by 8am. Children were late going to school, it's raining, so guess they were later so they went straight in, rather than play in the playground. DB had a good day yesterday, no blackouts, long may it continue. He goes to see the consultant tomorrow.

Wish I had some knitting or something to do, fed up reading or playing games on my tablet. It's 4 weeks today I found out I had fractured my leg. I have come quite a way in the last 3 weeks. I am getting around easier, still have a problem carrying stuff though. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Su day

Just the same as any other day, sitting in the relaxation chair with my leg up, once an hour, put down the foor rest and exercise  to keep my knee joint from seizing up.

Carer here earlier than yesterday morning so washed, dressed and breakfasted.

Read the news on the Internet, also did a bit of searching around.

Sandwich, crisps and a yogurt for lunch, should not eat too much salt, prevents the bone renewing. I have started to take extra vit D to hopefully encourage the bone to repair itself. Also more milk.

DD2 coming this afternoon will collect the washing and bring it back later in the week.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hospital visit

Only just ready when the Ambulance came. We went half way round the town to pick up another patient who eventually did not come, they could not get his electric wheelchair in. Just a few minutes wait, I was taken for an Xray and then in to see the consultant. I now have a splint I can bend my knee in. Back to see the specialist in 4 weeks. No weight bearing till then. I was told I would have to wait till 4pm for a ride home.....what!!  About half an hour later I was contacted and told that they were paying for a taxi for me. The clinic closed at 12.30, I was shoved into a draughty corridor to wait....... 2 hours later the taxi picked me up and brought me back arriving just before 4pm. Had just got in when the the carer arrived. DD2 came with fish and chips, very nice. Spent a quiet evening watching TV.

Dgs coming later today with supplies. DB continues to have blackouts, he sees the specialist on Tuesday.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Not a good day.

 Very foggy in parts on our journey to see DB. we had not been there long when he had another episode, the third our visit was cut short. Back home we had a cup of tea and a chat, carers will be here shortly, not much for them to do as I have been out for lunch.

I have an appointment for the fracture clinic tomorrow, not looking forward to that, hope I am going to get some answers.......

I could do with a nap, I was awake in the night for quite a while........depends what's on TV tonight. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


But they tell me it's very cold.

Carer was later this morning, all done and dusted. Have managed to sort out stuff for DB tomorrow.  He now needs trackies and a tee shirt, sorry but I doubt I can get into the bedroom to get them. I doubt I will get the true story re his consultation!

DD2 was here this morning, she helped me with a couple of things before going into Leicester to do a rummage.........

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Did not sleep so well last night, woke just before the carer came. Washed, dressed and breakfasted. Egg & cress sarnie for lunch, easy peeler for dessert. I have found the two things DB has asked for, so, in the bag with his books. Just have to sort out and print a document for Dr Lakani for next week. Will have to get DD2 to switch on the printer tomorrow so I can print it off.

Not sure about supper, plenty in the freezer. So that's about it for today.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday, Monday

Start of another week, am beginning to get bored, fed up of reading, nowt on have been making some decisions..........lots of things swirling around in the head.

Carer has been, washed, dressed and had breakfast, pineapple, back to weetabix tomorrow. DD2 is bringing the washing back and also some supplies.

Hope to get to see DB this week, he is asking for several things, how he thinks I am going to get to them I really do not know, although I can move around its very unsteady, no wish to fall........

Not a good nights sleep, too much thinking going on....might have a nap during the day, see how I feel.

Banking sorted out, after a few mad moments it tallied thankfully, it always hisses me off when I cannot get it to balance first time, I have to start sorting through. Companies do not help by not taking money on due days!!

CC bill paid off in full, no plans to spend on it.........

Bin men have been and emptied the bin and put it back.

Sandwich at lunch time, will have the rest of DGS's goulash for supper.

Off to do some more thinking and see if I can find a group that will take the remains of my quilting stuff and also some templates I have.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Getting a bit better each day, trying to increase my mobility a bit more each day, so far so good. Will see what they say say the hospital on Friday.

Spending quite a bit of time reading, watching some TV but not much.

Carers come and go, as do DD2, DGS and his partner, they are keeping an eye on me. E loves the walker, she puts the brakes on and sits on the seat. When DGS comes later, I will get him to start the car and check everything is OK. DD2 took a load of washing, she will bring it back tomorrow when she comes. I am ru ring out of underwear.

I am still sleeping in the sitting room, might try tomorrow to see if I can get into bed, might sleep better in there, will have to see.

That's it for today folks............more later.

busy day

Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...