Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday, Monday

Start of another week, am beginning to get bored, fed up of reading, nowt on have been making some decisions..........lots of things swirling around in the head.

Carer has been, washed, dressed and had breakfast, pineapple, back to weetabix tomorrow. DD2 is bringing the washing back and also some supplies.

Hope to get to see DB this week, he is asking for several things, how he thinks I am going to get to them I really do not know, although I can move around its very unsteady, no wish to fall........

Not a good nights sleep, too much thinking going on....might have a nap during the day, see how I feel.

Banking sorted out, after a few mad moments it tallied thankfully, it always hisses me off when I cannot get it to balance first time, I have to start sorting through. Companies do not help by not taking money on due days!!

CC bill paid off in full, no plans to spend on it.........

Bin men have been and emptied the bin and put it back.

Sandwich at lunch time, will have the rest of DGS's goulash for supper.

Off to do some more thinking and see if I can find a group that will take the remains of my quilting stuff and also some templates I have.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Getting a bit better each day, trying to increase my mobility a bit more each day, so far so good. Will see what they say say the hospital on Friday.

Spending quite a bit of time reading, watching some TV but not much.

Carers come and go, as do DD2, DGS and his partner, they are keeping an eye on me. E loves the walker, she puts the brakes on and sits on the seat. When DGS comes later, I will get him to start the car and check everything is OK. DD2 took a load of washing, she will bring it back tomorrow when she comes. I am ru ring out of underwear.

I am still sleeping in the sitting room, might try tomorrow to see if I can get into bed, might sleep better in there, will have to see.

That's it for today folks............more later.

Monday, Monday

Start of another week, am beginning to get bored, fed up of reading, nowt on have been making some decisions..........lots of th...