Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Its fine

But the wind is rising. We are forecast heavy rain tomorrow, will see how it is in the morning, we were going to the coffee morning. Will make the decision when we get up and see what the weather is doing. Having a problem with the new machine, it does not seem to like the USB. Nothing planned for the rest of the day.

Grocery delivery, fridge shelves etc cleaned and sorted out, there is some space in there now. Outside freezer is gradually emptying, will clean it out once we have used everything. I also need to clean out the kitchen freezer.

I am having problems with my lap top, somehow I have managed to change something and all my embroidery files which usually show as picture's are just showing as files grrrr. I have a lot of the designs on USB sticks, but my main file has over 600 designs in it...... I have not backed it up recently, slapped wrist......

Supper tonight spag bol. We need to finish off the chocolate log, so that will be dessert.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Busy day

An appoitment at the pacemaker clinic today, also cleaner here doing her usual job. Better sleep, just over 7 hours.

The fog has cleared, it was blue sky and weak sun, but freezing cold.

The bed linen was washed and dried in the dryer, packed up ready to go to be ironed, guess it will be collected later this week.

Very early lunch, a possible visit to M & S in Thurmaston on the way back to use the gift card from DD1.

Appointment went OK, next appointment 3 months, by then I think they will schedule the change. I was told I will get one the same as DBs so I will no longer have to go to the clinic, it will all be done over the Internet.  We went to M & S, the shop was manic, I spent a bit over the card, but we have some really nice stuff to eat. Some of it is in the freezer, some in the fridge. Yummy. I called at the post office and drew some cash.

Thank goodness, apart from going to the coffee morning on Wednesday we are not out again. Snow is forecast for Thursday, so we will be staying close to the fire until it's gone.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Better late

than never. DB is fine, I did not sleep well again last night just almost 6 hours, hoping for better tonight. 

We had our usual breakfast in bed this morning, DB was up first, I made it into the shower just before 11am.

DB is spending an hour each morning and afternoon working on his jigsaw, its coming on.

Visit to the pacemaker clinic tomorrow afternoon, DB will come with me, no way am I leaving him here. Will call and pop the cards through DD1's door, she can pass them on to DGD etc. 

White wash done and in the dryer, also prepped the veg for supper, Gammon with mustard sauce, carrot, cauliflower and small new potatoes. There is enough trifle for dessert, another thing finished up.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Home again

DB returned home last night, straight to bed and apart from having a drink at 10pm, slept right through to 8.30 this morning when I managed to get out of bed after 5 hours sleep.

They have confirmed that there is a loose wire on his pacemaker and it is not working properly, but he would need an op to put it right....... no way, there is a big risk of infection, so he will just have to put up with it. If he gets the pain again he is to take paracetamol 2 x 4 times a day. So we are back where we started.

I am feeling the strain quite a bit, they keep asking if we have carers, no just me, but I do have a cleaner and gardener which takes off some of the weight, DB gets himself up, washes and dresses etc, I do the rest, cooking and washing etc. The bed linen I wash and then the lady collects 2 lots once a month. I do not see the need for carers. at the moment......

We have had several days of fog hanging about, its misty this morning, very slow to clear.

Boxing Day afternoon we were at DD2's we had a running buffet which was very nice. Emilio was ssleep when we got there, but woke for a bottle and was then handed over to me for a while. It was rather foggy so I drove the car straight in, will turn it round on Monday when I have an appointment at the pacemaker clinic myself. Will also post DD1 and DGD's cards through DD1's door on the way home.

Tonights supper is fish and chips, will have more of the trifle for dessert.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Boxing Day

ended with DB on his way to hospital with chest pains.......wonderful, of course I got no sleep, so stayed in bed until 11am, hunger got me out of bed.

I phoned at lunchtime and was told he may be home tonight, he has had a couple of sessions of the pitter patters..... He has been on a monitor, they are now trying to  get him home. He did ring me and has also sent a couple of emails. They want him to use a walker in the house...... not a fan, might see if we can get a trolley like the one his sister has.

So thats it I am waiting to see if he makes it home today or tomorrow.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thats it

Christmas is past for another year, Boxing day to recover and get ready for 2025. DB reminded me that when he was young, they worked Christmas Day but had Hogmanay off. Riotous behaviour was expected and in many cases resulted in more that a headache next day. My MIL cleaned the house and put out the fire, all laundry etc was washed dried and ironed and then the table prepared for visitors......The fire was relight just after midnight to usher in the new year, and then a round of first nighting began. A dark haired man knocked on the door bringing a lump of coal for the fire and salt for the food. A glass of whisky was drunk and then he went on to the next house.........by the end he was more than drunk!!!! How do I know, DB was the dark haired man!!

When I worked in Scotland, workers saved up enough flexi time to have 10 days off over the holiday only returning, at the eraliest, on January 3rd and often still 'pickeled'. DB and I always volunteered to work over the holiday, using the extra days to add to our annual holiday entitlement. In 1992 it allowed us almost 3 weeks to spend with DB's cousin and family on the first of our visits to the USA as well as a fortnight in France in the Spring.

We spent a quiet day yesterday, watched a bit of TV, DB is into puzzling, I spent some time in the sewing room, and we ate in the early evening, Turkey with all the trimmings. We have enough cold for another couple of meals. We were late getting up, so did not have our usual smoke salmon and rocket salad. The salmon is now in the freezer, the salad will get used over the next couple of days.

This afternoon we are going down to DD2's for a while, she puts on a help yourself meal and you do just that.

Christmas Eve we had a surprise, cleaner Clare camw with a Christmas log and a card. The log is residing in the porch, where its freezing cold, until I have space for it in the fridge. 

So thats our Christmas, we hope you all enjoyed yours, and wish you everything you wish for yourselves for 2025.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


A very happy Christmas to all who read my blog.
Thank you for reading my whitterings. More to come in the New Year.

Its Christmas Eve

It was after 10am when I woke this morning, I actually broke the 9 hour sleep!! Cannot be bad.

DB is sleeping longer, I guess because he is now in his 90's. He has always been a good sleeper, I have known him sleep standing up on a train!! wish he would give some of that to me.

Supper tonight is braised beef, we will eat about 4pm as we were so late getting up....... I have cooked it, just have to reheat it and cook the veggies. We will probably eat at the same time tomorrow as well. The turkey breast is defrosting.....

I did spend a few minutes in the sewing room, I have the rows for the floor mat put together, it needs a press and then I can layer it up and use the serpentine pattern on the machine to quilt it. I plan to sew a sample nativity decoration, am going to try out the embroidery on the little machine I bought recently.

So another year is almost over, this time last year we had no idea we would be moving into Melton. We discussed it over the holiday, I quickly realised that it was something we needed to do now and not wait a couple of years......so we did it!! It has been sucessful, the garden was a night mare, but thatks to the sterling efforts of Trevor it is now under control, and as long as I am able to fetch him it will stay that way.

We have an appointment for eye tests coming up, so I shall be asking the optician if my eyes are still ok to drive. Pleas keep fingers crossed. They are bringing in tests for the over 70's. Life will be very difficult if I have to give up the car.

So a quiet day  today as tomorrow will be, I just wish all my readers a very happy Christmas with your families.

Monday, December 23, 2024

No post

yesterday, the day just seems to get away from me. There were reports of huge traffic jams thorughout the town, I guess people were hitting the supermarkets.

We were up early, I went down to Aldi to do the last minute bits, what I have not got now we will have to do without.

DD2 came yesterday evening with the Chrostmas present, a bag of goodies from Lakeland, including some posh biscuits and sweeties. She was going to DGS for supper and staying the night as DGS was on nights and his partner started work before he finished his shift, she was looking after GGD.

Santa has had an accident and fallen down, I need to put more tape over him to keep him upright. I will be taking them down on boxing day and putting everything away for another year.

DB has given up his family research, bought himself a board and a 1000 piece jig saw, that should keep him occupied for a few days.

Supper tonight is egg chips and beans. tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I plan to do braising steak.

This is the nativity scene tree ornament I downloaded yesterday.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

I see

I have just been looking at my scores over the week for sleep, It appears that every other night is a bad one. For instance Thursday night 5hrs 51 minutes not too bad last night 7hrs 50 minutes, despite me having to make tea just after 1am. There seems to be a pattern developing, need to try and see how I cab sort it.

It is sunny, but very cold, grey skies keep passing over. DB tweels me there is snow due tonight but it will not last. I hope not, I have a visit to Aldi planned for Monday early doors.

Yesterday DB received his request for payment for his family history, membership £229 for the year.Thats more than half our grocery bill for a month. He has cancelled it and decided to concentrate on Jigsaws, so has bought himself a  folding mat and one new jigsaw, he plans to visit the charity shops and see what he can find there.

I have cooked a gammon joint, put some honey in the micro to melt to brush the gannon with, forgot, the house stinks of burnt sugar!! Once its cold I will use the slicer on it....... sausages taken out, request for sausage, jacket potato and beans for supper tonight.......so thats what we are having.

Friday, December 20, 2024


it is warmer than yesterday, mind you its still freezing. The sun is out, but no real heat in it.

Groceries delivered, I will go to Aldi on Monday and get the stuff we usually get from there and that will be it.........until New Years eve.

Just bits and bobs to do. I have a couple of rows to add to the play mat, but not going to kill myself doing it. I plan to quilt it on my machine, thankfully its not that big, will probably just stirch in the ditch. I have a couple of things I want to make for next year, one is Rudolf  and the other Santa on his sleigh.

Not a good night last night, I did sleep for a while and then was awake for at least 2 hours. I seem to have got into a rut and need to try and change, it seems to have ramped up since we moved here for some reason.

Usual fish and chips tonight........


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Oh double brrr

sun is shining but its down to 3. We had a massive rain storm last night over an 1" of rain.

Coffee morning went well, I had to call at the chemist and pick up part of DB's script, the rest should be delivered today. The usual crowd were at the coffee morning. I have ordered a quilt for Rosalind, managed to forget Eileens book marks......Tim came at lunch time and collected them. My fit bit does not seem to be working properly, it did register almost 8 hours last night, I was in bed and asleep by 11pm. We were late getting up this morning, the ironing lady was due, so I finally managed out of bed just after 9am.

Delivery coming tomorrow......I need a quick visit to Aldi on Monday for fresh veg etc.....and then it will be doors shut until Boxing Day. This time in 2 weeks we will be into 2025........I shudder to think what might be ahead of us..........

No sure about supper tonight........ might do DB lasange, there is a small portion of chicken pasta which needs using up so I will have that maybe with a sour dough baguette. Tomorrow is fish and chip night........

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


grey morning, light levels are low.

Chiropodist came this morning, so feet ok for a bit longer.

Yesterday was a try to relax day, I was suffering badly from not having enough sleep over the last few days, thankfully I made up for it last night, almost 8 hours.

Laundry in the dryer, no way would it dry outside, there is a dampness in the air.

Nothing much going on today, we are off to the coffee morning tomorrow.

Mince and tatties for supper tonight. DB is not having desserts just at the moment.

Monday, December 16, 2024

down to earth

a really bad night, just 4 hours, just could not get off to sleep at all, when I did was wokwn by the alarm going off at 7.45am. Card arrived in the post today from my friend in the US, I have been corresponding with her since 2007, it was quilting that brought us together.

Bed changed and washed, the ironing lady collected the sheets etc for ironing. 

Cleaner here doing her usual good job, she just comes in and gets on with it, which is great. She has a cup of tea when DB makes one just after 10am and then goes on her way to her next job.

So supper tonight egg and chips, just about have enough strength to do those, and thats it.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Its done

In the window, just as I pressed the shutter I slipped!! So not straight.

So we are just 10 days away from Christmas, Apart from the shopping delivery next Friday we have quite a busy week. I have to go and get more Christmas cards.......several I was not expecting came through the post.
So this mornings job was putting the dressing on the window, I was standing on the stones and my foot slipped just as I was pressing the shutter, sorry it looks as if they were drunk.

Usual breakki in bed, shower, dressed and up just after 11am.....a bit late for us but who is counting?

Quiet day yesterday, did not eat supper until well after 6pm, we watched the Downton Film again, then retired to bed to read. I managed 7 hours.

Supper tonight is roast chicken etc, depends on DB wether we have any dessert.


Saturday, December 14, 2024


 the lunch was teriffic as usual,  just 24 of us, we both asked for small servings and that was what we got, so two clean plates, we both had a small Christmas pudding, DB had custard, I had brandy sauce, mince pies, coffee and mint chocolates.......we were both very full..... DB did not go for his siesta, it was 3pm by the time we got home. Supper was rolls and a jam tart!! A friend who sat with us said she had been to two other Christmas meals, neither of which were as good as yesterdays. There is no charge, but a basket is put out for donations. It was announced that as from January there would be a lunch the 4th Friday of the month, its a trial to see how it goes, it was a suggestion made at the Harvest Supper in October. 

I did have a better night, but then I was exhausted. Its fine but very cold, the sun is shining, we did have rain last nnight DB said the back patio had small puddles on it.

So an easy day today, late getting up, but I had said I was not rushing to get up, we sat down to toast and coffee just after 10am.

I need to get the decoration stuff out, we need extra room for cards as well as the christmas cottages......

Supper will be fish and chips.

                                     Just at the pudding stage.

                        Four helpers gone to get coffee and mints.


Friday, December 13, 2024

What a grey day

but at least its not raining, makes a change. Its very cold, had a doorstep conversation with a neighbour, frozen when I went back in the house.

Complete failure at sleeping last night 5+ hours......nothing seems to work.......If I ring for a Drs appointment I will have to wait 2 months for an appointment.........

Ready to go over to Hose for lunch at the chapel,am have the cards and things that were ordered ready to deliver. Have also arranged to meet Trevor to give him his Christmas card. I need to call at Tesco on the way back and fill the car up, I have a voucher that will save me £2.50. That equates to just over half a gallon of fuel. I was checking my driving licence yesterday I have to renew it in 2025. I think another 3 years will see me out driving.

I started on the play mat yesterday, suddenly realised my seam was more than 1/4" I forgot to move my needle over to the right, so its unpicking time again!!

No fish and chips tonight, so maybe tomorrow for supper. Will be too full of Christmas lunch, so supper may well be cheese and biscuits.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Its begining

to look a lot like Christmas, although not in this house until Sunday when I plan to do the window of the sitting room. I need to sort out a couple of other things to go in the small top window.

Pleased to report a better night, I think my fit bit has a problem, it recorded me being awake for over an hour in the night.........definately was not, hey ho.....

Nothing much planned for today, I need to do a bit more sorting in the back bedroom, thinking about putting the carry bag for the machine in the loft but close to the trap door so its easy to get at when I need to pack for the Retreat.

DB managed to get up this morning without a dizzy, so better than yesterday, it took him over an hour till it went off.

Tomorrow is the over 60's lunch, so will just be having a sandwich for supper. Tonight, sweet and sour chicken. No dessert. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Oh dear

bad night last night, drinking tea at 1am, so very late waking up. DB had a nasty dizzy attack when he tried to get up.......

Wind has dropped, very grey sky, but as yet no rain.

I have to visit Aldi later, I forgot to order coffee beans. Working out next week, I have a christmas delivery coming form Morrison on 20th, so the day before I will go down to Aldi for their veg, they reduce it to 15p the week before Christmas, I want to get a stalk of brussels, I keep them outside they last for a couple of weeks if they are left on the stalk.

I managed to sort the small machine, Have put it on Facebook, if it has not sold before Christmas I will contact Tim and see if he can sort it for me. I will have to take a hit, but it really is a very good little machine, someone will get a bargain.

Will do a bit more sorting in the sewing room, have managed to rearrange some things but need to sort out fabric.

Supper tonight spag bol and garlic bread, will see about a dessert later, DB is not having so many these days.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

After the excitement

Baby came visiting yesterday...... I had forgotten how little a tiny baby is........sleeping when he got here, but woke for food and nappy change then was given to Great Nana, like most new borns he hovered between sleeping and awake, it appeared that he did not recognise the voice, he opened his eyes, took a look and went back to sleep!! He is on 3 hourly feeds, unusually he has not lost weight since he was born. Mum seems to be doing ok with support from her Mum.

I slept better last night, we woke just after 9am. Morrisons delivery was a bit ahead of time, so shopping unpacked and put away. Both freezers are more or less full, so next weeks order will be mostly fresh food. I have a delivery coming on 20th December with food for Christmas.....I am sure we will not starve.

Now that the quilt has gone to its new home I need to concentrate on the sewing room. I need to sort out the little machine and get it sold, I could do with the cash. So will unpack it and check everything that should be there is, photograph it and get it on the net. 

Done it, all checked ok, its in the box  ready to go to the buyer.

Supper tonight chicken  kiev and salad, we have an s banana to finish up, so that will be dessert.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Up early

Had to finish sewing the binding on the quilt...... its finished.....wrapped up ready for the State Visit this afternoon. Will try and get some photos. Now I have to sort out the Brother A60, find all the bits and put it up for sale, it would make a nice Christmas present for someone. I have had it about 18 months, not used it a lot since I got to grips with the sewing side of the Lumi.

Its very cold, we had rain first thing but it has dried out and a spot of weak sun.

DB informed me that the detached house on the corner has been sold, it has been up for sale since before we came here, so guess its a welcome sale.

Our neighbour has just been across with a present and a card for us. She was dleighted with the Christmas Cactus I got for her.

Supper tonight is egg and chips.

One of the Peter Rabbit Blocks

Finished quilt, for some reason it has not photographed so well.

Peter Rabbit and friends.

Sorry about the picture of the quilt, it has not photographed so well although the blocks have come out ok.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

It is still

raining and blowing a hoolie, although the wind is not as bad as it was yesterday, is supposed to drop this afternoon and then come on again tonight....brilliant. A lot of flooding again, and I guess there will be more, there were some new houses that have been flooded twice in the last 6 months, apparently the sewer was not big enough to take the water........people have only been in them for 12 months, Surveyors have told the residents the houses are unsellable in their present condition and all have been told the insurers will not take a second claim. I see a lot of problems in the future. Questions are being asked wny permission for the houses were given, when they knew the site was prone to flooding!!

I have sewing the binding on, justr have to sew it down, I am going to hand sew ir and then go over it again with the machine, I have also pinned the label on. I had a message to say that Emilio will be paying a visit on Monday afternoon, so need to pack up the quilt and the suit....

We were late waking up, another late night drinking tea, but at least I managed just over 7 1/2 hours.

I have prepped the supper, roast pork and veggies, I have a couple of sponge puddings for dessert if DB wants them. 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Oh my Goodness

wind and rain, the trees are going every which way and its bucketing down. Glad I went out yesterday.

I have started sewing the binding on the quilt, maching it on, will decide how I am going to fasten it down once it has been pressed.

Got a quiche out of the freezer, having it with jacket potato and baked beans for supper.

Not a lot going on just now, glad we do not have to go out. 

Friday, December 6, 2024


late post we were drinking tea at 3am, so 9am before I woke, all behind yet again. I have had to go into town to get pale blue thread to finish the cot quilt. Grandma is back at work today, so the new parents are on their own........DGD came out of hospital yesterday, her iron levels had gone up so they have allowed her to come home.

DD1 is on a cruise with other DGD, no idea where they are susp[act it might be the West Indies.

So fish and chips tonight, will have a banana for dessert. 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Early start

up early for a shower, breakfast and then off to meet the mobile library at Burton Lazers village hall. The library bus went past the end of the road as we waited to turn out onto the main road.

Books changed and off to Aldi for a couple of things I needed to take us through to the order coming on Tuesday next from Morrison.

Back home it was morning tea time.

Sausage mash and mixed veg for supper tonight.


This is a Christmas quilt I made at least 15 years ago. It was a kit from Joanne's in the USA. My friend Ana bought the kit in the sale, 12 packs at around a dollar each. Each kit had part of the design and the fabric in it to make the blocks and the borders. It goes on the bed each year.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Its misty

waiting for DD2 to come and collect the pram. It looks like Mum and baby may come home tomorrow.

I have managed to pin the binding on the quilt, but thats as far as it has got, the sewing room is a mess and my mo jo has disappeared. Another wakeful night although I did manage 7.5 hours, but only by sleeping in till 9.30am. Good job we were not going to the coffee morning!!

Not much going on, the 60+ Christmas lunch is a week on Friday, so have some serious card writing to do before then, there is a coffee morning the following Wednesday, so hopefully will have sorted out and delivered most of the cards.

Cleaner is due again on 16th, and then the week after Christmas up to the new year. When we go to the lunch I will drop Trevors card in at his sisters.

Supper tonight, sweet and sour pork and rice, flying by the seat of my pants just now, will do a Morrison delivery next Thursday, I have the Christmas order coming on 20th. I already have some stuff in the freezer. I think we could just about eat from the freezer through most of January.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Our tally

of great grand children has now gone up to 11 the youngest was born just after 12am this morning, a little boy, no idea of weight etc.......have just received pictures. I need to get a move on and get his quilt bound.

He was due to be born by C section tomorrow, but arrived naturally just a few days early. He is to be called Emillio Nicholas, quite a mouthful, have no doubts his name will be shortened.

DB managed to fall again when I got back from the post office, stupid man came out in his slippers, he did not get any sympathy, afraid its run out....... I managed to get a Christmas cactus from Lidl for our over the road neighbour for Christmas, so will take it over to her later.

Sunny but cold morning, load of laundry in the dryer another in the machine. I am running out of knickers!!

Supper tonight egg and chips.

Monday, December 2, 2024


when I went through to get breakfast, it cleared up later. Forecast is for snow at the end of the week!! Could do without that.

Breakfast in bed, first time for a couple of weeks. Have prepped the veggies etc for tonights supper, lunch will be light, Yoguart and milk for DB, apple and something for me........

Tomorrow is bed change and cleaner day, I am looking at moving the furniture round. Have been looking at sofa beds.........but it will have to wait until the spring when I might have built up the savings pot a bit, its looking ruefully empty just now.

Back bedroom looks like a bomb hit it, I must start tomorrow and clear it out and tidy up. There is so much stuff laying about. The ironing machine is driving me daft, have had it on for sale, nothing doing there. Also have the small sewing machine to sell as well, need to unpack it and make sure everything is with it and sort that out. Will advertize it, if it does not go, will get Woodseats to advertize it for me. It will cost me but so be it. I have had an idea about the stuff left over from the sale. We have the over 60's Christmas lunch, I am going to hand out the tree decorations, one on each place and ask for an extra donation into the pot we use for the lunch. The chapel is run as a charity so they do not charge, but ask for donations, hopefully some will put extra in for the decs.........we will see. I am also going to give some out at the coffee morning.

I need to look for a Christmas cactus, my neighbour across the road saw ours, it is not big enough to take cuttings off, so I will see if I can get her one.

So roast chicken for supper with veggies, There is a choice for pudding if DB wants one.

I do need to sort out the quilt binding once the room is sorted, I have a feeling that quite a bit of stuff is going to go out either to the bin or our local charity shop.


I did not post yesterday, not sure why. However, better late then never, here is today's.

Early this morning DB woke me shouting, he sometimes has nightmares, last night was one. He went back to sleep me ? forget it. I managed 4 1/2 hours.

Bed changed, cleaner here, usual good job. I have found the missing Santa etc for the window. I had shoved then in between a large piece of wadding. The window will be done on 15th, before the schools close for the holiday.

Supper tonight, corned beef, salad and jacket potato. There is a banana to finish for dessert.

DGD went today for her bloods to be done, C section on Wednesday. I think they are trying to get her as close as they can to her due date which is 7th December.

1st Day

without the brace........ gentlr day, not too much walking about, leg feeld weird with out the brace, Knee feels heavy. Its been another rea...