Going to see DB tired me out. So have spent a quiet day. DD2 and DGD came with the baby. We dined off fish and chips.........trying to stop DB agitating to come home, I am just not able to deal with him. It's taking me all my time to cope myself. Will see what tomorrow brings.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Had to psyce myself up to get ready to go over and see DB. It was a hour journey each way, we stayed fro 3/4 of an hour.
He was finishing off his dessert. Spent time talking about various things. I am not sure if I will go again, I found the journey there arduous. Was better coming home.
All ready for bed, I am very tired so hopefully I will sleep better.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Sunny morning
Might dry the washing outside, if I could do it.
DB arrived at the hospital about 9. 30 last night, he has breakfasted, they need to assess him as see what extra help he requires.
Carer was late, she had not been given the key safe number, so I had to struggle to the window to give it to her. Washed breakfasted, flask of water for tea and a jug of drinking water.
Have finished the book I was reading, so now to start the 3 that have come in on my Borrow Box.
I am now on the second week of the 30 it will take for my leg to mend...... waiting for an appointment for the fracture clinic.....will know a bit more when I have been there. I will get my grandson to start the car occasionally. By declaring it SORN I will save around £100 in road tax.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
I missed posting yesterday, I only realised late last night.
DB is now at rehab, he got there late last night.
Carers here as usual, DGD took the baby for his first immunisations, apparently he was not impressed!! She brought the keys, which again did not fit, so they have gone back again. DD2 called in after work for an hour.
Telephone call from T if I want any shopping he will do it for me, which takes the burden off DD2. I also got a message to say that my fees for the retreat have been refunded, they managed to fill the space. I am very sad, it was to have been my last retreat any way.
Apart from the saga of the keys, not much else going on. I am not eating very much, the chicken rolls at lunch time are lovely. Last night I had pasta. Not sure about tonight.
Doing quite a bit of reading, watching odd things on TV, very much choosing what I want to see. I have been home almost a week now, I am doing exercises to strengthen my right leg, still find it difficult not to put my left leg down. I am wondering if I might be better with elbow crutches?
Spoke to DSIL last night to let her know what is going on. She was very concerned as I knew she would be.........
Back tomorrow, bye for now.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Monday, Monday
Not too good a night, woke just after 3am, snoozed a bit, but not for long.
Carer came just after 9am. Cleaner here so house is nice and clean. GS came this afternoon and put the keysafe up, DD2 brought the keys and tried them, one set ok, the mortise lock ones have to go back, do not fit. DD2 will come in after work tomorrow with them and one set will go in the box, the other set to DD2.
My new car arrived this morning, all gleaming, bins were moved and the car parked in front of the garage. It is not taxed at the moment until I get back to driving once my leg has healed. DB is being moved to another hospital for rehab, he is just not fit to come home yet.
Three phone calls, all from the chapel asking how things were, Barry phoned, he has offered to take me over to see DB when he is moved. It is a week today since our visit to the hospital.
It has been another busy day with people coming in and out. DGS met Little Miss from school this afternoon, stayed chatting for a little while.
My supper tonight will be a chicken and cranberry roll and a banana.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
I have been home since Friday morning. DD2 came in on her way back from work, brought a fish supper between us. DD1 and SIL came to pick up the things for DB, and my grandson also arrived.
A reasonable night. Carer came early yesterday, wash and breakfast. Back at lunchtime and then to undress me ready for bed. I am sleeping in the sitting room in DB'S chair, very comfortable.
Carer has been in this morning, will be back later, had breakfast. Gson is bringing me a meal tonight and DD2 is coming this afternoon. So a busy day. Have to contact the fracture clinic in the morning.
DB is still in hospital, guess they may send him out next week sometime, they are still unable to say what his problem is. What's new?
Friday, January 24, 2025
Still incarcerated
I was supposed to go home yesterday. At 9pm last night I was told I was not going home but moving to another ward and going home this morning.....we will see.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Still here
Still in hospital, no idea why, we were both moved 2 days ago. DB had a dizzy yesterday, they are still trying to find out what is going on.
I am getting better at managing on one leg, a bit worried about the house, DB has the set of keys. Might try and get Karen to collect them and deliver them to Claire so she can check the house and sort out the fridge etc, no idea how long we are going to be here.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Getting there
Both of us in hospital, hopefully home tomorrow, depends on how they manage to get a care package arranged. Dr's are changing my medication, so will have to wait for that.
Will keep up to date with my tablet.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Hit a bump in the road
We went to Grantham to pick up jig saws, when we got home DB tripped and knocked me over, I fell with my left leg bent under me, as far asI can tell nothing is broken. Went to the walk in centre at Loughborough, 8.15pm before I could get an Xray, they wanted me to travel 30 miles home and then go back at 8pm, sorry folks 60 mile round trip, forget it. DGD came and picked us up, arrived home just before 6pm. Will have to ring the Drs tomorrow and get him to refer me to our local hospital for an Xray. Could do with a pair of crutches!!
Frustrating but busy morning
The new car arrived at the dealers yesterday, so we went over to have a look at it, it is a special addition model, nice and clean, although it will be valeted before we pick it up.
Originally arranged to pick it up on Thursday, then realised it would have to be Monday as we have an appointment on Thursday. They were going to deliver it......so another journey into Leicester.......
Remind me not to swap the car again!! Not that I am likely to do that. I have to renew my licence for 3 years in August, I will not be renewing it. At that point I will be 85. There are enough decrepit drivers on the road as it is. We are now picking the new one up on Monday morning, the insurance kicks in at 12 noon Monday. I will have to finish cleaning it out tomorrow.
So, its fine but very cold, down the zero the last time I looked at the thermometer.
DB has decided he is not going for his siesta, so I expect him to fall asleep watching TV this evening.
Supper tonight, sausage mash and peas.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Thats better
10 hours 5 minutes.....cannot be bad, did not wake until 9.30, good job we were not going anywhere!
I decided to attack the car, mats out and washed, also managed to get a stain out of the drivers arm rest....... it was a water mark left from when the ice on the inside of the car melted. Cleared out the boot etc and everything we keep in the car, its in the garage. The things from the dash board locker on on the shelf in the porch we use to store shoes etc in. So I can just pick them up when we go to collect the car.
I went to use the little Dyson and clean out the seats floor etc, after 10 minutes it ran out so its on charge. Will finish it tomorrow, we might have heard about the car by then.
DB seems to be getting worse, he is forgetting things more freqently, this lunch time he was going to do the snack we have, he just walked away and sat down leaving everything on the work surface. I ended uo doing it. His condition is not really helping me either.
I am waiting for my new medication to be delivered, I have also had to order some medication to tackle constipation, I know from experience that is going to be the next think to tackle.
No sewing today, will decide what I am going to do and start after the weekend.......
Usual fish and chips tonight, I am trying to cut down on sweet stuff, so no dessert. If I need anything later I will have crackers and a small amount of cheese.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Late today
We were up early doors today, it was mobile library day and I had a delivery from Morrisons. We just got home as Morrison arrived. Towels into the dryer.
It was very cold, had to defrost the car. We appear to have lost the scrapper, so have sent for new ones.
Waiting to hear the car has arrived, it will go through the workshop and get a full valet before we see it. I have done a bit of shuffling and have the cash waiting. I hope the weather is not too cold at the weekend I need to valet the inside of ours and put the contents in the garage until we get the new car home.
Supper tonight, shepherd's pie, carrots and peas. No dessert.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
last night so went to bed at 8pm, DB watching TV, eventually managed to sleep until DB got up for the toilet, was then awake for a couple of hours, so managed just over 7 hours last night.
Its a fine but cold day a bit warmer than yesterday thankfully. Laundry done and in the dryer.
Messing about trying to download designs, fancy doing a zipper purse, need to sort the pattern first.
Our neighbour over the road, called in this morning, I have not been over recently, could not risk falling. She wished us a happy 2025, she was off into town to do some shopping, she usually has her lunch in town and gets a taxi home.
Supper tonight is egg and chips, I have some roulard, its raspberry, we had some last night, it was delicious, part of the stuff we got from M & S the other week.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Oh Dear
the bad nights are back. Last week I scored 1 8+ hours and 2 9+ hours, the last 3 nights have been pathetic......61/2 hours over 2 nights!! I definitely felt decidedly rough this morning, took me an hour to feel half up to par!!
So my cleaner has been, all nice and clean now, just need the sheets to be collected next week for ironing. I have another laod in this morning and will have to do a clothes wash tomorrow. It will go in the dryer.
The snow has gone and with it the mist but its still very cold out there.
I have finished the figures for the nativity, I now need to find the instructions to make then free standing. Also thinking about staking a table in a shop in the Bell Centre, several handicraft people have stuff displayed in there. I need to look and see what type of things the other table holders are selling.
Supper tonight macaroni cheese, jacket spuf and baked tomatoes, no dessert unless O defrost the roularde from the freezer.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
about yesterday, I hit the wrong button and away it went into the ether. It was sunny but still below freezing. After DB had his siesta we went out and de=frosted the car, put the windscreen shield on. This morning both the fog nd the frost had lifted.
Its a rather grey day, but at least most of the oice has now gone.
We had our usual Sunday brekkie in bed, finally managed into the shower around 10.30. I had booked lunch at the carvery, so no cooking for me today, we will have a roll and a mince pie for supper.
I am just sewing the joining bits for the nativity, once they are all done, I will soak them and using the instructions put it together. I do need to get some fast drying glue, cannot sit for hours waiting for glue to dry.
So thats the weekend over once again.........
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Friday, January 10, 2025
its more
than brrr, down to -7c overnight, the sun is shining, but its still -3 below freezing, no way am I going out. If I slip there is no telling what might break!!
I ran out of white thread yesterday, I was expecting it in the post, yesterday but it has just arrived, so I can carry on with what I was doing. I am using the Lumi just now. I have finished most of the figures, so working on the stable which is sewn in 7 bits. I need to get some clear glue so I can put it together. Its not going to be easy to store. Might have to see if I can beg borrow or steal a shoe box or something similar.
DB is cracking on with the puzzle, he has managed to join it side to side in the middle, so now working on the bottom half.
I have cooked belly pork this morning for tomorrows supper, tonight is fish and chips as usual. Just now we are not eating dessert.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
but very little heat in it, it is -4 just now. Have only been as far as the garage to put the laundry in the dryer.
Computer teccie has been this morning and sorted out the lap top and tablet, so good to go now.
DB is coninuing with the jig saw, I am half way through the bits for the nativity, have had to send for more thread, I am about to run out. The mylar I was waiting for has arrived. once I have finished the nativity I will sew another of the tree ornaments on the mylar and see what happens.
Supper tonight is the braised beef I froze with mash and mixed veg.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
glad I do not have to go out today, it has been down to -6 overnight and it is still below freezing now. Our road is passable the gritters have been out overnight, it is a bur route.....
DB is busy with his jig saw, I managed to get several of the figures done done for the nativity, just have the lamb, ass and camel to do before I start on the bits for the stable.
I have taken a beef lasagna out for supper tonight.
Will not be venturing out today, in fact have no plans for the rest of the week.
My knee has kept me awake most of the night, it will be pain killers again soon, it does not take the pain out, but does dampen it down, unless I happen to turn at the wrong angle, in whhich case the aire asumes a purple colour!!.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Made it
yesterday afternoon I rang, apologised for having to cancel my X Ray appointment and made one for this morning.
When I woke up just before 9am, it was obvious there had been quite a frost and Alexa confirmed it. After my breakfast I went out and took the cover off the car windscreen, squirted the back screen and side windows with de-icer. Only took me a few minutes to clear the car. I had checked on the internet and Melton was clear, although the road to Leicester and also Loughborough were both jammed.
Arrived early at the hospital and was taken stright away, problem came when they asked me to bend my right knee........once they picked me up from the floor I was ok, they gave me a bar to hold onto......my left knee was not a problem, although it is painful, its no where near as bad as my right......once back out I had to sit in the car for a few minutes to collect myself.
So thats that finished, I have to wait up to 2 weeks for the results to get to the Dr.
I plan to do another couple of the figures for the nativity, they take about 30 minutes each, it will be gluing all of them together which will be interesting!!!
We are not out for the rest of the week, so hopefully the bad weather will have cleared by then.
I managed a better sleep last night, despite falling asleep whilst DB was watching his 'police' programme.
Supper tonight egg and chips, possibly rice pudding to follow.
Monday, January 6, 2025
And again
appointment at the hospital for an X ray. woke up to fast falling snow!!! Had a shower and breakfast, the roads were like skating rinks, phoned the hospital and called off my appointment, cars apparently sliding all over the place and all roads out of the town blocked by floods......... glad I do not have to go to Leicester.
Washer on with a load of coloureds, they will have to go in the dryer, they will freeze if I put them on the line.It has stopped snowing for now, but the sky looks like there is a load more to come.
I have sorted out my old computer so all I have on it are designs for the machine, I do have the instructions to make them show up as pictures on my new lap top, just need to get round to doing it. I need to ring the computer techie, I have sent 2 emails to him, no reply. I have a feeling he is not going to travel into Melton from where he is now, so I am going to have to look for another techie here.
Plan on sewing out a couple of the figures for the nativity scene. I have ordered another 5000m cone of white thread, should come in the next couple of days. will have to get some clear glue to stich bits together. Some can be sewn, but the rest have to be stuck.
Lentil soup out of the freezer for soup, need to sort out something for supper, will have to see what I have in the freezer.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
We have snow
it started to snow about 9pm last night, the ground was white when we went through to bed. This morning, it was still all white, but we have drizzly rain......just hope we do not have a mammoth frost tonight, I have an appointment at the hospital for an X Ray on my knee.
I had an horrific night sleep last night, it needs to be better tonight.
I have solved the dilemma with the FSL patterns, I got my old computer out and down loaded them to it. Have transferred one to the UHB to see how it sews out. I hope its a bit quicker then the Nativity tree hanging.
Supper roast pork etc, no dessert, we finished the crumble last night and also finished up the cream.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Yellow warning
for snow tonight and tomorrow, needless to say we will not b e going anywhere.
Step son has just been with Aimee, she is more mobile and babbles, but still does not talk. He will have his hands full for the future.
DB has just gone for his nap, so I can put my feet up for an hour. No sewing on the cards, waiting for the milar film to come, possibly Monday, then I can have another go. I need to source some more white thread, I buy large cones of white, I use a lot, especially at Christmas.
Everywhere is very quiet, just the odd car going past, things will change on Tuesday when the children go back to school........
We are having braised beef for supper, did it this morning in the Ninja, there will be some left over for another day. The Apple crumble we got from M & S was very nice, enough left for dessert tonight.
Friday, January 3, 2025
We woke this morning to a fine dusting of snow, it has sort of cleared through the morning.
Load of laundry put in and dried, one job out of the way.
Have down loaded the nativity design onto a small USB and sewn one out, the new machine makes a different sound to the Lumi, it does not sulk either when you go out of the room, got to be good.
AQppointment for my knee Xray Monday 9.20 willring the surgery the following week, to see what the report is, although I know already.
DB is keeping himself occupied with his jig saw, its on a board with a cover, so we just put the place mats on it when its mealtime.
Everybody is taking their decs down, ours have been down for a while and put away for another year.
Usual Friday supper, fish and chips, we have mince pies to eat up, and also a piece of cake that was in the hamper from DD2.
She has made an appointment for us to get our eyes tested later this month, more expence I guess I will need new ones, I managed to get away with it last year. DB has 20, 20 vision, just needs reading glasses.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Heath, weath and happiness
in 2025 to all my readers.
We did not sit up to welcome in the new year, went to bed to read whilst the clock ticked away the old year.
When we went to bed itwas blowing a hoolie and raining fit to bust. By the time we got up the wind was dropping and the rain down to a sligh drizzle.
After breakfast we drove out to Hose for the coffee morning as we dipped down into the vale, the sun was out and blue sky. It was very well attended.
We have had quite a heavy frost overnight, the top of the car has a very pretty pattern on it, good job I do not need to go out. Sun is out but not a lot of heat in it. Have not put my nose outside the back door......it looks brrrrrr............
DB went for his siesta, I was searching for a pattern, I had looked everywhere for it, even getting my old lap top out, eventually I managed to down load it to a USB, checked the little machine and bingo it was there.......I am waiting for some Mylar to come before I stitch another one, want to see how it turns out.
I had an email from the Dr. I have to go for an X Ray on both knees and then to see the GP. The earliest appointment I can get is in March!! I am suffering from taking the pain killers, as usual......have had to take some senna.......
I had been looking at changing the chaise long for a bed settee, cannot get one to fit the space, so back to plan A. I need to look for a decent topper. I should have bed linen, but will also need to get a duvet. DD2 will stay with DB when I go to have my pacemaker changed.
ADB for supper tonight, we still have a few dessert bits to clear up as well.
The nativity scene I did yesterday, am going to sew it again backed with mylar, see how it comes out.
busy day
Both carers were late coming this morning, it was after 10am, so a slow start to the day. DD2 brought the washing back, DGD and partner were...
Both of us in hospital, hopefully home tomorrow, depends on how they manage to get a care package arranged. Dr's are changing my medicat...
We went to Grantham to pick up jig saws, when we got home DB tripped and knocked me over, I fell with my left leg bent under me, as far as...
Still in hospital, no idea why, we were both moved 2 days ago. DB had a dizzy yesterday, they are still trying to find out what is going o...