Sunday, June 30, 2024

We have had rain

during the night apparently there is more to come, the plants are looking better for it.

Another awful night, plus DB is having side effects from his medication, gets dizzy when he first gets up. so lands back in bed....

So very late getting up, shower and washed my hair, have just prepped the veggies for supper.

Hopefully will be able to fetch Trevor tomorrow, otherwise I am going to have to get down dirty and weed the front beds. I also have some plants to put in, T's favourite hates, grasses.

No plans for the day apart from cooking the supper, roast chicken, roast tatties, cauli and carrots. We have a few strawberries left so will have them for dessert.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 but a nice cool breeze blowing.

I had espied a pile of sheets in the sewing room so went through to iron them, a pair of DB's cords and a shirt, to my astonishment the sheets etc had been ironed. I had folded them, must have been called away and completely for got about them. They are now in the airing cupboard.

I had another bad night, not sure why, we again slept in till almost 9am, so a very light lunch.

Spent a while in the garden, potting up a clematis, DB was sowing basil, spinich and rocket for salads. The chap came with my medication for the next month, brilliant, we do not have to put the scripts in, they are done automatically, passed to the chemist who dispenses them and they are then delivered to us. I also cleaned the shelf in the porch, there are a few plants left in there but not many, they will be planted on Monday. The orchid I bought  some time ago from QD which was almost dead has revived and has put up another flower spike, it seems to like being in the kitchen. plenty of light but cooler then the porch.

We still seem to be spending a lot on the garden, I have ordered more plant ties and also rooting powder ready for cuttings. DB tells me we need another 6 bags of compost. Trevor will be here on Monday so a job list started for him. Cleaner will aslo be here, I have a pile of magazines for her, she away on holiday for the next clean, so they will arrange for a temp to come and sort us out.

Supper tonight is all day breakfast, we have strawberries, but I am saving them till tomorrow, we still have a couple of the frozen sponges, so will do those instead.

Friday, June 28, 2024


much cooler today, dark clouds keep scudding over, need to keep an eye out I have laundry out.

Better night last night, still not brilliant but better, we were late getting up so it has been a slow day.

We have quite a strong breeze, it has tipped the grow house over, so I have weighted it down with slabs, do not think it will move again unless we get a typhoon!!

If it does not rain I am going to have to water, we have a couple of dustbins we are going to put at the top of the garden, hopefully they will fill with rain water. We have 2 barrels on the back of the garage, we could swap the water over and let them fill again, just needs me to summon up some energy.

I am a lot more comfortable now its not so hot. There is a steady breeze in through the open front windows.

Saw J this afternoon, his Mum is getting on OK, he is back at work next week for 2 days, then on holiday for 20. He is a paramedic with the local ambulance service.

As its Friday its fish and chips, I have a couple of those microwave puddings in the freezer, will do them for dessert, they are not very big.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thank goodness

Its a lot cooler today and there is quite a breeze blowing.

Aldi this morning for shopping, DB stayed in the car and read whilst I went round the shop, no 2 pint bottles of milk again, have had to get a 4 pint one, trouble is in this weather it goes off quicker. Hey ho.

Have done nothing since we got home except get lunch and sit and read. When it cools off a bit I will go out and water, the barrel of rain water is not going to last long at this rate. We are on a water meter here so have to pay for every drop we used.

Supper tonight will be frittata and salad, strawberries and ice cream for afters. The year old strawberries have just about finiahed, they will be better next year. We will have to make sure we take all the runners off.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 its due to be another hot day, but not quite as bad as yesterday, its to cool down by the weekend.

We spent most of yesterday in the sitting room with the curtains drawn, drinking cold drinks until well after 8pm when it had cooled down quite a bit.

More of the same today I think, I need to move the plants out of the porch into the shady bit by the garage.......

Tomorrow is shopping day, Aldi and also QD for rooting compound, and couple of cheap glasses. 

No idea whats for supper......something cold I think. Need to put my thinking cap on.

Monday, June 24, 2024


The arch has gone up this morning, the black thing in front is the pot with the sweet peas in.

 The new bed filled with stone and pots on, really pleased wiith it.

  and dusted, the arch in place and the stones added to the border and pots on. Trevor hacked away at the stone at the side of the steps and managed to get it in ok. I will have to watch  the whirly when I put bed linen out, it does not foul the arch when the wind blows.

We had to water last night it was so hot yesterday we sat out for a while after we watered, it was very pleasant. DB has picked some more strawberries, we are having a few each day. today is to be another very hot day have the curtains drawn in the sitting room, the black out linings should help to keep the room a bit cooler. The fan is on full blast. We will have to water again tonight, just the plants on the arch and the pots in the porch, I may move them out later.......its quite warm in there already.

Laundry dried yesterday so most of it is folded and put away, just one cotton shirt needs an iron, it will have to wait with the sheets until its a bit cooler.

Supper tonight, chicken kiev with salad, its much too hot for a full cooked meal.

It aint half hot

glorious sun, although there is a breeze. Picked Trevor up, he is tackling trying to get the arch in, at the moment he is hacking away at some concrete.

Chap came last night and collected the cooker, so the cash will pay Trevor for 3 more weeks...........

Load of laundry in, it should dry well on the whirly. I have the fan on in the sitting room.

Another bad night last night, after 1am before I drifted off, wish we had a camp bed |I would sleep on that!! DB was fidgiting again. He had dropped off to sleep before I put the light off.

No idea whats for supper it will be something cold, thats for sure!!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

No cooking for me tonight

DD2 took us out for lunch today, so I will not have to cook tonight, a sandwich will do.

DB has gone for his siesta, I am about to put my feet up in his relaxer chair for half an hour.

The sun was shining fir to bust this morning, its cooled down a bit, I have the fan on in the sitting room and the back door to the porch open.; Will have to water if no rain is forecast for tonight.

I think I am going to have to get a Drs appointment, although the pain is not so bad, under my ribs, its still quite sore. I am also aware that my energy levels are very low just now, thanks to moving in February. although I am sleeping better than I did for the first few weeks we were here.

So a roll each with some fruit to follow for supper tonight. Need to be up early to collect Trevor from Hose.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The weekend

We have another sunny day, not quite as warm as yesterday. We sat out for lunch whilst DGS and partner did some work in the garden, the arch is put together and the grass has been cut, we now have to decide where the arch is going.

Late waking this morning, making up for lost sleep on Thursday night.

Not a lot to report, we are going out fo0r lunch again tomorrow this time with DD2 and GGD.

Watch the last days racing at Ascot, Some of the fashions are really way out, I am noy keen on the dresses that are split righu up the leg almost to the knicker line......My mother would think they are very common.

Supper tonight quiche and salad, we were given some young kale yesterday will cut it into fine strips to go into the green salad. Not sure about a dessert, there may be some strawberries.

Friday, June 21, 2024


 It was a nice day yesterday, and the sun is hotter this morning, our sitting room faces North so its fairly cool, I draw the blinds and curtains in the bedroom to keep the afternoon sun out.

Thank you to those of you who sent good wished for DB's birthday, it was a nice day, but I was forced to have words with him in the evening, he can be so selfish and subborn at times..........hey ho.....He enjoyed his Cornish cream tea, there were just enough strawberries for him to have them. 

This morning we went to the mobile library to change our books. I have also paid my car insurance and tax, TV licence will be the next thing, the bank balance goes down with a real whomp in June, everything seems to fall then. Good job we have an emergency fund!!

The towels dried well yesterday, folded and put away. Bad night for me, woke at 2am my fitbitt tells me I had just under 5 hours sleep....grrr I was dooing so well.

As its friday its the usual fish and chips for supper tonight.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


I did not post yesterday, the day just got away. The chap came to finish off the chimney, thanked me for the tea and access to water and electric.

We were disturbed to hear that our next door neiighbour was in hospital after a heart attack. Apparently she had not been feeling well for a while, but had not said anything. I saw her son yaterday evening, she has had a stent put in and is hoping to be home soon. He made me laugh, he was cleaning the kitchen and doing the washing up. I told him he should have bought the pots round to me I would have put them through the dishwasher.

So today DB is 91, this morning he thanked me for looking after him for the last 34 years, he never expected to live to be 91. His mother was 94 when she passed away!! He is gradually slowing down, but still does his 30 minutes in the garden. He picked strawberries this morning so he will have them with some ice cream before his Cornish Cream tea. Messages or cards have arrived. His sister  and her husband are now the owners of a one bedroom apartment, but as I expected is trying to push back moving in.........

DB has been watching the racing from Ascot in the afternoons. Not much on TV just now, its wall to wall football!!

Its a warmer day today, but with a breeze. I have put the towels in to wash, they should dry on the line. The gravel I ordered came yesterday, so Trevor can spread it on Monday. I hate to think how much we have spent on the garden, we need to be here for at least 5 years....... to get payback!!

So a light supper later tonight, not sure what as yet.

I have a cornish cream tea being delivered for him this morning. I though it would be nicer than going out for 'tea and cake' at the Potting Shed.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Late start

Did not wake until 8 55am this morning, so a much better night.....chap arrived to re point the chimney, also the chap at the back who is selling his house has cut the ivy away from the top of the fence. We now know it is ours so next week Trevor can go in and find the main stems and saw through. Then we can remove it once ir dies back. There is another piece at the side which I also intend to get rid of, it has pulled a piece of fence over, so it needs to go. The aptio behimd the garage is beginning to clear, I just need the arch to go up and I can get rid of more pots.

Laundry done and out on the line, need to keep an eye on the weather, will put it in the dryer to finish it off if it needs its. Yesterdays sheets etc folded and put away.

Its cloudy but keeps clouding over...... there is a bit of a breeze.

Supper tonight Tuna mayo and salad. DB has one banana left he will have it for dessert.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Busy morning

DB set the alarm for the wrong time, so late going to pick Trevor up. Cleaner was here when I got home, bed remade, sheets etc washed and out on the whirly. Bacon rolls done for lunch. Whilst we were eating lunch the rain hissed down, so sheets etc wet, they can stay out and dry off a bit.

Cleaner did usual great job...... Trevor set to lining a trench with doubled weed suppresant then put in the bricks for pot stands and the gravel, I have had to order 4 more bags. He has also filled in some large holes in the garden and tackled the weeds down the side of the garage with weed killer.

It was still raining so took him back to Hose a bit earlier, he was soaked anyway, so needed some dry cothes.

Supper tonight egg, chps and beans. DB will have a banana for dessert.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Treat day

It's Fathers Day in the UK, DB is 91 on Thursday, so I booked a table for lunch at The Harboro. It was very popular, several quite big party's and they also had a wedding. We had a very light breakfast, relaxed until 10.30 and then into the shower and ready to set off for lunch.

DB went for his siesta when we got home, I settled down to read. I decided to stem clean the kitchen floor, the cleaner is here tomorrow, I want her to do the porch now we have the outside tap sorted and almost all the plants have been planted. I have 3 grasses to go in the front, Trevor is coming tomorrow, I will get him to put them in. Hopefully we will also get the weed suppressant and stone down, then I can move more of the potted up plants on. I also want to start putting the strulch down. I have the red camellia to put between the two spotted laurel. The very top bed is full of's going to be interesting getting rid of that and also the crocosmia which is going mad!! Its almost taller than me!

Supper was banana roll for DB and corned beef roll for me.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The weekend

Late up this morning, DB is now firmly esconced in front of the TV watching the Trouping The Colour on TV........First appearance of The Porincess of Wales since her cancer diagnosis......

Sun was shining when we got up, sonce then it has poured down with a heavy rain shower which is the forecast for the next few days.......I am hoping to get Trevor here on Monday to do some more work on the garden.

Supper tonight is chicken pasta, DB will have a banana for dessert, he is moaning about having too much fruit....tough, he does as he is told or I devolve myself.

A bit warmer

but not much. DB has been out for his half hour, I went out and finished putting one rollator together, quite easy, then went on to clean the gas cooker from the bungalow, at Hose, we have built in oven and hob here, so it is no longer required. I have put it on a local selling site. Hopefully I will manage to sell it, much needed boost for the bank account, several bills to be paid this month and next including my car insurance, lowest quote was £415.00. guess my age is to blame passed 80 now.

DGS and partner came in on their way home from dropping little miss at school this morning, G is going to come and cut the grass over the weekend as Mac is away on holiday.

DB has picked 2 more ripe strawberries, they have been netted to keep the birds off. 

Fish and chips tonight, possibly fruit for dessert. DB is already moaning at the effect the fruit is having!! Tough...........

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Flaming June?

No idea where that came from, its more like early winter, flipping cold. I have been tempted to put the heat on, but resisted.

Trip to Morrison this morning for toasting bread, brought 3 loaves  2 in the freezer. I also picked up some reduced melon for DB, he had rocket, baby spinich and tomato rolls at lunch time with the charente melon that was in the packs, I had the ordinary melon that was in the pack. He had his glass or orange juice this morning with his breakfast.

I managed just over 9 hours sleep last night, so 3 nights this week I have beaten the 8 hour rule......will see what tonight brings.

I picked up 3 fuchsia £1.30 each, they are bushes, so will help to fill the back garden during the summer. I may plant one in a pot. DB brought in the first strawberry at lunch time, he says there are two more almost ready.

Supper tonight pork casserole and rice. I have a couple of sponge puddings in the freezer, so that will be dessert.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


cold this morning, dark clouds overhead but not rain as yet.

Quiet day, DB tied up his sweet peas and also netted the strawberries, I cooked pork shoulder and also salmon, by the time I had finished it was time for lunch.

Sat reading whilst DB was having his siesta, I had to arrange a blood test for him, has to have one every month to check his potassium levels. He had orange juice at breakfast and banana sandwich for lunch.....He has to have either an orange, or orange juice and a banana each day to keep his levels up.

Salmon salad for supper, finished the jelly, so need to sort out something for dessert. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


another decent nights sleep. Cloudy...... laundry done and out on the whirly.

We had rain overnight so no watering today, need to check on the plants I potted up yesterday and also put some slug pellets round the strawberries, they are starting to form so need to put the nets on to stop the birds pinching them.

Went to Aldi, bad day to go, shelves were quite empty and no 1 litre bottles of skimmed milk.....good job I have one in the freezer. Got most of the rest of the shopping, forgot to look at the menu for tonight, did not bring garlic bread, so it will be mince with mash, carrot and green beans. We will finish off the rasps in jelly. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


yesterday the forecast was for heavy showers, so I phoned and put the gardener off....we were late getting up, but apart from a short shower no rain.....I could spit, there is so much to do in the garden.

No idea what I have done to my stomach muscles but the discomfort is worse this morning......need to get some medication.

I potted up the ground cover plants into threes in bigger pots, once they grow together they will go in the piece of ground under the tree and hopefully eventually cover the ground. No need to water the rest of the garden, the rain has done it. The grass will need cutting this weekend.

Managed 8 hours sleep last night, better than the night before. We got a letter from Dr Lakani on Saturday, DB has to have a diet rich in pottasium, he has to have a banana a day, so will have to buy some and also orange juice, I already buy a salad with spinich leaves in it. DB hates cooked spinich, have to admit I am not keen on it either. 

Supper tonight, corned beef salad, rasps in jelly for dessert.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Another late post

Late waking up this morning, it was 10.30 before my feet touched the floor. Funny day weather wise, some sun, some very dark clouds but no rain.

It looks like we. May have to have a new outside tap, the one here is ancient and fixing the hose it leaks like a sieve. 

I may have to phone the Dr. Not sure what's going on, but my stomach muscles are very sore, I have been taking painkillers but they do not seem to have much effect.

Looks like Trevor will not be coming tomorrow, heavy showers are forecast, no point in collecting him if it's too wet to work.

Supper tonight, pork steaks, roast potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and steamed leeks. Raspberries in jelly for dessert.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

We watered

the garden last night, overnight it rained!!! Could have saved ourselves the effort.

A much better night, over 9 hours which will briing my weekly average up a bit.

DGS is coming tomorrow to put the arch together, so we went to Tool Station to get post crete. If its fine on Monday Trevor will put the posts in and we can put the concrete in, bobs your uncle.

DB is getting more contencious by the day, a spat this morning about where I parked the car, was informed the bin men will not be able to get past the car, so I have parked the car on the road. I am beginning to get like another lady whose blog I follow. 

The rain has cleared for the time being. Was asked if I was going to pot up the plants in the porch, I had already said I would do them tomorrow.......I went down to the bottom of the garden and had a silent scream, afraid if I had done it out loud we would have had heaven knows what turning up including the men in white coats!!

So supper tonight is ADB, its a couple of weeks since we had one. I have started a list for Aldi. Found some rasps so going to do rasps in jelly will do us for dessert for 3 days at least.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Very late today

I was at the pacemaker clinic this morning, another appointment in 3 months and then a change of battery.

I did a load of laundry, hung it out before I went to the hospital, it came over very black in the early afternoon, so I fetched it in, it was all dry, so just airing off before I fold it and put most of it away. A couple of DB'S shirts and his cords need ironing.

I left DB at home with strict instructions not to go out. Thankfully I did not have long to wait for a space in the disabled car park and they called me half an hour early so I was home quicker than I expected.

I had a better night last night, managed 6 hours sleep, hopefully tonight will be better.

After supper we went out and watered the garden, I did the front, DGS, his partner and little one were walking round the square. They stopped to have a chat whilst I continued to water the plants. We need to look for a new hose, the one we have is leaking like a sieve, it's a shame, I only brought it 2 years ago. It's one of the ones that expands when the water is on and then shrinks once the top is turned off.

We had fish and chips tonight for supper.......

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sunny again

Another sunny morning, DB managed to trip last night, I have had enough, he knows that if he falls he has to get himself up. He can do just what he likes.........The OT chap came this morning and has signed DB off.

No plans for today, I have towels etc out on the line, there is a fair breeze so I decided to wash the towels.

There seems to be something going on at the school, children have been going up with sleeping bags and bedding..... there are cars parked in all sorts of places.

We have decided to keep Trevor on, I will fetch him each week on a Monday, he does twice as much work as Mac who is really just learning. He is quite happy to have a roll or sandwich at lunch time and I make sure his coffee mug is topped up.

I am rather cross with my old cleaner, apparently she has made some disparaging remarks about us moving, into town, what we do is our business and no one elses, yes it was a lovely bungalow, but when I stop driving it would become untenable, plus in 3 - 4 years time moving would just not be an option. Neither of us would be able to cope with it. I have to admit she was getting more money but to be honest she spent more time talking than working. My new cleaner comes in does a fantastic job, has a quick chat whilst we cahnge the bed, and thats it. I always offer her a drink which she drinks on the hoof.

Enough...... we are having salad for supper, I have lettuce which DB grew. No plans for a dessert.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Sun is back

 We were awake early, we have a busy day, foot lady messaged yesterday, could she come earlier, yes it eases our schedule quite a bit. We are then going over to Hose for coffee and I have a blood test at the surgery this afternoon. Managed to press the bed linen yesterday, so its ready to go away.

No plans for the rest of the day, feet up and read me thinks, until time to get the supper, Mac and cheese, jacket spuds and grilled tomatoes.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


after a lovely sunny day yesterday, its dull and rainy this morning. We managed to get our covid top up at the local chemist this morning, now we know we can go there again, they also do the flu jab which is good to know. Apparently they do BP, the nurses at the practice no longer do it!!

After a busy day yesterday we have a quieter one today, tomorrow is going to be a full action day. Foot lady, over to Hose for coffee and then to the hairdresser to get our hair cut. 

Supper tonight mac and cheese and jacket spuds.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Its Monday again.

I set off to collected Trevor, left DB to start the cleaner off cleaning the bathroom. Once back made Trevor the first of his coffees and helped by the cleaner changed the bed and washed the bed linen, I managed to get it dry on the line.

Trevors wrist is still swollen but he has movement in it, I think it is just bruised. DB set him off in the front garden and then moved him round to the back, he has cleared the border on the right of the garden, so It can now be planted up, all the raspberry runners have gone, just some love in the mist and a fuchsia left, the next bit to be tackled is the horridly overgrown border at the top of the garden, the plants have all been wound round with convolvulus (bind weed). The plants we bought on Saturday are now in the front.

I did not sleep too well last night, so an early night for me tonight. L came across to see the progress on the garden, she has asked me to make 2 santas for her great grandsons for Christmas. I need to do the embroidery for Chris and Colin first. I must stir myself. DB tells me we have been here for 15 weeks, the first 6 we were living in a tip!!

Supper tonight was salad and frittata, we cheated and had a couple of kit kats rather then dessert.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

I was not expecting that!!

DD2 and DGD said they were coming today and bringing lunch.....I smelt a rat...... was I being suspicious???.....apparently DGD who has PCOS is pregnant......having been told at 16 that she would never have a family, the baby is due in its an other baby quilt... I need to know if its a boy or a girl before I set my stall out. must admit I was rather surprised to say the least.

DB and I spent half an hour in the garden this morning, its very sunny and quite warm. I potted up some more lavender to grow on and sorted out a pot to go on the left hand side of the drive. Phoned Trevor I am going to pick him up in the morning. DB will have to tell him what needs doing.

A load of washing out on the whirly, it will be dry and hopefully very little ironing to do.

So just a light supper tonight, 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

An outing

I ordered more plants yesterday to be paid for by DB. One lot he wanted were out of stock, so we decided to have a trip out to C & C and see what we could get there. We were lucky we came away with what we wanted. We also treated ourselves to a hot chocolate and a toasted tea cake. When we got home there was a box full of plants waiting for us. They are to go on the bank under the trees, they are ground cover, eventually they will spread themselves out and form a weed resistant mat.
I have 3 herucara plants to put in the front, need to pull up some of the vegetation which has sprung up,before I put them in.
It's very cold today, brrrr and its 1st June, it should be bright and sunny.
Lamb casserole with mash and cauliflower for supper, few strawberries left for dessert.

That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...