Wednesday, July 31, 2024


another roasting day, it is not forecast to get cooler until tomorrow. The laundry dreid yesterday, I took advantage of an extra sunny day and washed the quilt from our bed, it is pinned on the longest line on the whirly.

We are hunkered down in the sitting room with the fan on and glasses of iced water. We have just had lunch and DB is on his way for his siesta. I could do with one myself, ended up with just 5 hours sleep last  night.

We are desperate for rain, the garden is suffering, I have had to move the acer into the shade, the sun was bburning the leaves.

Supper beef with rice, ice cream for dessert.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I forgot to post yesterday, blame the heat!! it was blistering again and is still very warm today. The forecast is for rain on Thursday, I cannot wait.

Trevor was here yesterday, the front beds have been weeded and now have strulsh spread on, hopefully that will deal with the weeds. A 2" layer is what is recommended. More work done in the back as well.

Reeling a bit from the news from the new government yesterday they are canclling the winter fuel payment and we are going to have to pay tax on our pensions. We paid for our pensions whilst we were working, now they want us to pay over again.....more than blooming cheek!!

Fan is on in the sitting room, curtains and blinds closed, it was hot sleeping last night although I managed almost 9 hours, better than Sunday which was about 6.

All is quiet with the school closed, also the traffic into the town is much lighter as the road is closed between Melton and Burton Lazars, so we ony get local traffic.

I need to phone The Harboro for a table for Sunday lunch. I also need to make a trial baking of scones ready for next week.

Not sure whats for supper tonight, need something cool, may be a salad of some sort.......not sure, I have some tinned tuna, could do tunna mayo with hard boiled egg......hmmmm....

Sunday, July 28, 2024

and again

over 8 hours again........brilliant. Its very warm this morning, I have the fan on in the living room to cool it down a bit.

DB is doing his Sunday jobs enptying the bins ready for collection in the morning. they usually come early.

Veg etc sorted for supper.

Last night I watched the video for making the nutcracket, I need to sort out the felt and threads. I am going to do one bit a day starting with the hands and sleeves......... it will take me a few days to do, but its a start.

Cleaner here in the morning, I will collect Trevor about 9.15. Mac is coming to cut the grass this morning and DB is going to set him on cutting back the ivy at the side of the garage, we need to get that bit cleat. There is an old bench seat been dumped up there, will have a look at it and see if we can do anything with it. the frame will need cleaning and repainting and possibly new slats for the seat. There is also a piece of trellis which I may be able to use.

Supper is roast pork and veggies, I have a couple of lemomcello desserts for dessert.

going on the for sale list

 This is the steam iron and stand I bought to use when my ironing lady gave up.

It is in very good condition, need to sort out a price for it and post it on Gumtree.

Hope I manage to sell it, I can do with the space in the sewing room. We do no have as much storage here as we did at Hose, so some of the things that were in cupboards have had to go  on shelves in the sewing room.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

I did it

first night this week I have  broken the 8 hour sleep, three days it was 7 hrs plus, one night 5 hours.

Fine, sunny morning, DB wanted to go to QD, to take some excess small plant pots, we anaged to pick up 7 9cm pots which I need for potting on. We also got more resolva for the weeds.

DB has been in the garage clearing more stuff out. It is beginning to look tidier and easier to get round. Hoping to get the strulch spread when Trevor comes on  Monday.

The plants I watered last night have perked up, not rain forecast for some time. We are back to having to use the hose. Fingers crossed its not too expensive. If we can I need to see if we can make monthy payments.

We have discovered the buildin at the back which is going up, is a deck and a shed. I just hope they are not going to start having racous parties, Our bedroom is at the back.

Supper tonight is all day breakfast, ice cream for dessert. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Not so different in the town as it was in the country. The same jobs still need to be done, washing, cooking, cleaning etc. The big difference is a school at the top of the road, more traffic,15 miles less to drive to do the shopping, and a bus that stops outside the house to go into town.

We still have neighbours and there is still the sounds of living going on round about us. 

We do miss our next door neighbours from the close, it was great having a handy man lkiving next door, they were so helpful to us in the 4 years they livednext to us at no.14. 

Its a shame the garden was allowed to get so overgrown, it has cost us a mint to get it sorted and it still needs work, hopefully we will sort it before I lay Trevor off for the winter.

Yesterday afternoon I went over to have a cup of tea with Lily, she had been asking me to go over for ages......I spent an hour talking to her, reminded me of the times I spent talking to Beryl. Lily is 92, so just a bit older than DB, she still keeps everywhere clean and tidy, but has a gardener to keep her garden tidy.

DB has been clearing out the garage, he has put a load of small pots out to go to the basker at QD. I also have a bag to go to the charity shop. I might have a quick look round whilst we are there. We still have a way to go with the garage, the boxes with Strulsh in are in front of the garage door, it will be good to get them moved. Its a bit like trying to wend your way through a maze.

Supper tonight is fish and chips, possibly banana with ice cream for dessert.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Busy doing nothing

having a quiet day, was tired yesterday.  have had a request from our new Dr. to go for a health check, so have made an apointment for September. The practice in the town is massive, so appointments are hard to come by, I have to sort out a blood test for Edwin to check his potassium levels now they have increased his medication.

Not so warm as it has been and there is quite a breeze, rain is forecast for later this evening.

Supper tonight smoked haddock and poached egg, banana and ice cream for dessert.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The orange peril

 The mystery plant that grew like a weed is in bloom, it is indeed a crocosmia.

The crocosmia, there are 3 others in various parts of the garden.

Went to Aldi this morning for bits I cannot get from Morrison, spent just under my weekly budget, so that was ok.

DGD messaged me to say the baby is a boy, so now I need to sort out patterns for a quilt.

Its not so warm today, there is quite a breeze which helps, rain has been forecast for later, not convinced......if it does not rain I will have to water the ground cover plants we put in on Monday. Trevor made inroads into the last bed at the top of the garden found 2 peonies up there, would like to move them, but after the experience with my Grandmother, I am a bit reluctant. I have told DB he can have that small bit for his veg he wants to grow.

Supper tonight is sausage and mash, will do peas with it, need to sort out a dessert.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still warm

but the wind has changed direection.

I collected Trevor, DB had several jobs for him to do including plant up the ground cover plants for the dry bed under the tree. They have bulked up nicely. We had to ring re the second green bin, its had cost me another £7 a month for it to be collected.

We left at 1pm to take Trevor back and then went on to the hospital, We managed to park ok and were early for DB;s appointment, but they saw him early. We were home, exhausted just after 3.30pm. I had a problem getting the walkers in the car, ended up having  to put part of the back seat down to take the two. How I wish we had bought an estate wagon!!!

Its a bit cooler today, no rain forecast until Thursday, I have a load of washing to hang out, it will dry in the wind.

Supper tonight beef with rice.........I need to go to Aldi tomorrow for some veg and get a couple of items I cannot get from Morrison.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Another Monday

DB has an appointment for a 24 hr BP monitor this afternoon, so I had to collect Trevor early, we will drop him home as we go into the Hospital. He is planting lavender just now.

Its  cloudy, the grey skies keep rolling by, no rain as yet although showers are forecast.

No cleaner today, so will blow the dust around, maybe hoover the carpet and thats it. She will be here next Monday.

Dunelm delivery, another set of sheets with a deeper corners. The cream set is about to go to the chsrity shop. I have had them a number of years, the sheets do not fit the new mattress.

I am swithering about sending the sheet and quilt cover to be ironed, I cannot lift the ironing machine up and there is no room for it on its stand. I can iron the pillow cases myself, its the bulk of the sheet and quilt cover I cannot cope with. I need to weigh them the ironing is charged by weight.

Supper tonight 3 cheese kiev's and salad. DB had the chocolate sponge last night, tonight will possibly be banana and ice cream.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


much cooler yesterday, although I did have to have the fan in in the sitting room for a while first thing. It clouded over a few times and there were a few drops of rain, but that was all.

I set to and assembled the second walker, we will need them both tomorrow when DB goes to get his 24 hour BP monitor fitted. I also bashed the wheets and handles onto the new dustbin with the lump hammer. I could not find the wooden mallet, not udea where it is.

It is cooler this morning, still have the sitting room curtains closed, it was quite warm in there when I went through to get our Sunday breakfast going. I opened the back door to the porch and left the  house back door open, there is a breeze blowing. Hopefully tomorrow will be even cooler. I have to arrange to collect Trevor at about 9am, we will take him back just afer 1pm and then continue in to the hospital.

The garden is coming on slowly, I think we may be finished the cutting back etc by the end of August, just now I need to take cuttings of things I want to save. The crocosmia is in bloom a splash of orange in the borders, once it has finished flowering it is getting cut down and then the roots dug up. I will save a couple of bits in each bed, but it will never be allowed to grow like that again, whilst we live here. There is a clause in the rental agreement about keeping the garden tidy...........hmmmmm. DB is being sensible about going out into the garden whilst it is so hot. 

No laundry tomorrow, will do it on Tuesday, am considering sending the sheet and quilt cover to be professionally ironed, I have a problem lift ing the press up and there is no room to have it permanantly on its stand.

Supper tonight is chicken, new potatoes and mixed veg. Will do the chocolate sponge for DB.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Phew it was hot

The temperature in the porch yesterday was was on all day, despite the curtains drawn the bedroom was also very sticky last not a good night.

It was very bright when we got up, bust has clouded over, the sky looks a bit grey, we are forecast rain showers. It is not quite so hot in the porch 30c when we got up.

Needless to say not much got done yesterday, we mostly sat and read and drank iced water, it was too hot to do anything else.

I have to make up the second walker and also bang the wheels and handle on the new bin, we have enough bags to fill it, it will be collected on Monday and emptied.

The new mattress is doing well, I have ordered new sheets with a deeper side on them, will wash the old ones and take them to the charity shop.

Its too hot to cook so will maybe look at doing something with salad. Will have to have a rake and see what I can find, I think I may have some ham left, or some of the sliced pork.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Another hot one

yesterday was very hot, even though it cooled off in the evening it was still 20+ last night. 24c in the sitting room this morning, even with the fan on. We will not be doing much today. Apparently it is to be hot tomorrow and then rain Sunday onwards, hopefully it will be just showers on Monday so Trevor can come and  carry on with the garden.

The laundry dried yesterday on the line, will have to press the quilt cover and the two top pillow cases, but the rest will be ok. I will need to get replacement sheets. Can put the others into the charity shop. Must say it was good not having to hang on to the side of the bed last night.

Fish and chips tonight, not sure about dessert, it might just be ice cream.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


message first thing to say the mattress would  be here between 12.55 and 15.55. It actually arrived just after 10.30 am. Old mattress was taken away. I decided to make the bed up so DB could have his siesta, gave up after getting the sheet etc on, went through and sorted lunch. After lunch I went back and put the duvet cover on and sorted the pillows, DB climbed in for his siesta. I have to sort out some new fitted sheets, the mattress is deeper than our old one. I need one cream and 3 white. The ones I have are just too narrow. 

Bed was stripped first thing and washed, out on the line. Its a very warm day, have had the sitting room curtains closed most of the morning till the sun moved round.

It was also grocery delivery day, so all unpacked and put away. Needless to say I am now shattered. I did manage 8 minutes short of 8 hours last night.

Changed the supper menu, we were due to have mince, we are now having quiche and salad. May be a choc ice for dessert.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My goodness

a roller coaster of a day, almost 7 hours sleep last night. I arranged for my neice to come in August for Sunday tea, I have not seen her since Covid. She asked if Claire and Alice would be here so I messaged Claire and both of them are coming. I suddenly realised that I did not have cups and suacers etc for 6 of us. We were going to the Coffee morning at Hose, so I have borrowed china for 6 from the chapel...phew..... there were 13 of us there for coffee they were not expecting us, so that was ok.

This afternoon I got an email to say the mattress we had ordered for delivery tomorrow was out of stock, so detailed emails with the company, we have ordered another one which is very similar and it will be delivered tomorrow. They will eamil me with a delivery time.

I did a load of laundry and hung it out before we went out, Its beenh a fine sunny day so it will have dried. I need to go out and get it in. Tomorrow is also going to be fine, so I will wash the bed linen in the morning before the new mattress comes.

Supper tonight lamb casserole, mash, green beans, carrot and a bit of cabbage that was left from the weekend. Think it will be fresh fruit for dessert.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


A much better night last night over 9 hours, but then I was absolutly crackered. We woke to a damp morning, it is drizzling, although it is supposed to stop this afternoon.

The extra bin we ordered has arrived, I need to attach the wheels and lid, will have to do a search for instructions there were none with the bin. The parcel which was sent in error has also been collected. 

Supper salmom and salad.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Oh dear

Last night sleep registered as 2 hours however was more than that not sure if my fitbit is working properly!!

Up and off to collect Trevor, When I got back the cleaning lady had arrived and was busy in the bathroom. I have ordered a new mattress which comes on Thursday, so did not change the bed, will do it after the mattress has arrived. I am not happy with the mattress I am replacing, it had only lasted 5 years, the springs on the edge have collasped on both sides of the bed. It was not cheap either. The fashion these days seems to be for a mattress that you just turn round not one to turn over.

I was sad to see the Spaniard will Wimbledon, Djokovic has long been a favorite of mine, somehow he did not seem himself......

Not sure about supper tonight, will have to have a freezer rake. The lemoncello was very nice, we have raspberry trifle for dessert.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Sunday is the day we get up late, just after 10am the door bell went, it was Mac, apparently he messaged me last night, but I had switched my phone off. Had to have a quick shower after setting him to cut the grass and trim the edges. He is also clearing the dead weeds from the far side of the garage and then starting to dig out the rizomes of the Bergenia, so we can start and put the strulch down. Once the strulch is down, the rain will bind it together to form a mat which will supress the weeds, any that do manage to escape we can pull out. Slugs and snails do not like it either. I have only managed to grow lupins, delphiniums and foxgloves since I started using it. There will be an extra thick layer on the bed I intend to use for herbaceous plants next year.

Its a very dull day, hopefully it will not rain, its also quite cold. I have come to the conclusion that our bedroom is a cold room, its at the back and does not get the sun till later in the day. The last 2 nights I have slept in my bed jacket.

So Mac working in the garden DB has been out and done a bit of work on the strawberry beds, he says there are a few more coming. He is setting some runners for Mac.

Supper tonight gammon new spuds, green beans and carrots, will make mustard sauce to go with it. I have lemoncello cheese cake for dessert.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Is it raining

people were going by with umbrellas up however the ground outside the back door is dry. Do I risk putting the  laundry out???

Better night last night over 9 hours, still tired would very easily have stayed in bed!!!

We went to meet the library van in Great Dalby yesterday, so now have enough books to last us for 3 weeks. I think we will go to Thorpe Satchville next time, we do not have to park on the street there. The village roads are very narrow around here.

Watched the tennis yesterday, ladies final today, according to the papers The Princess of Wales will be thre to present the trophy. Apparently Prince William is flying to Germany for the football final tomorrow.

No plans for today except sorting something out for supper.

Friday, July 12, 2024

It was cold

last night the temerature was down to 13c Brrrrr this morning we have sun and its a bit warmer but not much.

DB did his half hour in the garden I went down to the post office to draw some cash to cover our cleaner and gardener for the rest of this month and into next. DB was cutting off runners from the strawberries. 

We were late up this morning, once again it was 4am before I managed to drop off to sleep, no idea why. So it was after 9am when I woke.

The garden at the front is looking good thanks to the rain all the plants except the Robina are doing ok. 

No plans for the day except to watch the tennis this afternoon, tomorrow is the ladies final and the mens on Sunday, then it will be on to the Olympics, not something I am mad about unless its the dressage or the tennis.

Supper tonight is fish and chips. Need to find something for dessert. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Not again!!

 Its that horrible drizzle they call smurr in Scotland, its fine but wets you through........cannot complain though, saves me watering. The rose we brought from Hose has a flower just opened on it, its a compassion, the smell is heavenly. There are two more buds on, I am training it up the trellis between the kitchen and sitting room windows.

Was at Aldi just after 8.45. I really have decided that I cannot cope with a big shop any more, so will switch to Morrisons delivery and just a quick trip to Aldi for things I cannot get at Morrison. I also called at the post office to draw cash for next month......banking is down, hey ho no cash. Will try again tomorrow, if not will have to draw cash from the ATM and muddle through as best I can. Mac is due on Sunday to cut the grass and the cleaner and gardener on Monday, although the gardener may be off as the forecast is for rain.

The bed at the top of the garden. Trevor pulled bagfulls on convulous out of it.

Looks good from a distance, once the triffid has flowered it will be cut down and dug out, will keep just a small clump. I also will take cuttings from the shrubs and flowers in the bed.

Very bad night last night, only slept for just over 3 hours, drinking tea at 1am, so not much getting done today. I have down loaded a design for a quilt for the new baby due in December. The embroidery plaque is on hold for now. I need to look for some fabric for the quilt, Possibly cream with yellow embroidery. Will see whats needed and what I can get, might look at gingham with animals embroidered on on the plain fabric.......

Supper tonight, chicken and 3 cheese kiev, new spuds, cabbage and carrots.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Its fine

 No rain forecasy but there are dark clouds scudding across the sky. It rained for most of yesterday, DB checked the rain barrel attached to the garage, it is almost full, so next lot of rain will start filling the overflow barrel. He plans to add another overflow barrel so we will have 3.

Towels in the washer, should dry ok, can always finish them off in the dryer if I have to. We need to get into the garage and sort it out, also need to start spreading the strulsh on the garden,  We need to weed kill the Berginia which is starting to shoot from the rizomes. Trevor worked on the top bed on Monday, I am going to take cuttings from the geraniums, the rest will be dug out.

Still not up to 100%, I went in the sewing room yesterday and looked at the design for the embroidery that is going to be mounted, just could not be bothered, came out and shut the door. I really think I am not over the stress of moving, plus Edwin is getting slowly worse although he was not so dizzy first thing this morning.

I have a beef lasagne for supper tonight. Bananas are finished, so need to sort out a dessert of some sort.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


yesterday we were warned of a rain storm which could dump a months worth of rain in a day!! Well its raining but not as they said, other parts of the country have had heavy rain, not us.

I am not firing on all cylinders at all, did not have any supper last night, and not really hungry this morning. I am finding coping with DB and all his 'ailments' very difficult.......he has an appointment next week for a 24 hour BP test, think I will be sleeping in the sitting room, I have enough trouble sleeping without having to be disturbed by a BP monitor puffing up and letting out air evry hour! At least he managed up this morning without moaning about a dizzy!!

No idea whats for supper. Think it might be a ready meal.........


Monday, July 8, 2024

Gardener day

picked up Trevor just after 9.15am. He set to and emptied the big plant pots that had nothing growing in them, he then started clearing the top bed on the right of the garden, it has convulous growing all over it, once its clear I can start thinking about taking cuttings from the Johnsons blue geraniums. Apparently he has found a water butt in amoungst the detritus. it needs a hole in the side of the butt at the top so we can link it up to the rest of the butts.

DB did his half hour in the garden and then put the tennis on TV, he has suddenly become interested in it. Previously it was me that watched it, he seems to have got 'the bug.' 

Load of laundry on the whirly, the sun is quite strong, very little wind. It should dry ok.

Supper tonight is quiche and salad, will do some small potatoes with it. I suspect it will be banana and ice crem for dessert.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Quite a night

It rained heavily yesterday evening, still raining when we went to bed. I appeared to have stopped during the night, no thunder or anything, started again late morning, it a very dark sky again just now.

Week before last I bought a melon, kept it a week to ripen up, cut it this morning for our Sunday Breakfast in bed, it was lovely and ripe, very refreshing. We finally made it out of bed by 10.30am. Veggies prepped for supper, carrots, cabbage and roast potatoes with the pork I cooked and sliced.

DB is still complaining about being dizzy when he wakes up, he does sleep on 3 pillows but wriggles so much he ends up sleeping flat. I have tried getting him to sit up slowly, but it does not seem to work too well. So he just has to wait until it settles. I do make him get up and walk round in the sitting room, not moving is not good.

The rain has done the garden a power of good, everything seems to be ok, and the lavender in the front is starting to flower. I need to sot out pots for the ones in the grow house.

Still no sewing done, just cannot seem to raise any enthusiasm for some reason.

Spoke to our old neighbours yesterday, they new tenant have moved into No 16.....apparently the place is a mess already. I know the grass has not been cut. I do not understand why people take on a house with a large garden if they are not interested in gardening. The garden was one thing that sold the bungalow to us when we first saw it. They do not seem keen on housekeeping either. 


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Its raining

started last night and is still raining this morning, golly do we need it!! The rain water barrel on the shed was almost empty, I have been having to use the hose........its due to clear up later but return tomorrow.

I had a good sleep Thursday night, over 9 hours, last night was 6 hours 3 minutes, better than nothing I suppose.

No plans for today, unless it clears we will not be able to go out into the garden........ so will go and set up my machine to do the embroidered plaque I want to do. I need to lift the ironing press off the table and back onto the floor so I can use the cutting table.

Supper tonight is spag bol with garlic bread. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Our garden gets a viewing

earlier in the week, we asked Colin to deliver 6 bags of compost.  He came just as we finished lunch yesterday, dropped the bags and then took a walk round the garden. He was surprised at how  much we had done and how much better it looked than when he saw it last, two weeks after we moved in. We had a discussion about what we hoped to do and he answered various queries I had about some of the existing plants, he has recommended we cut the cherry tree back to 2 buds to encourage them to grow. He also said they had a big problem with leaf curl as well. He suggested leaving the crososmia until it had flowered and then chop it down and dig out the bulbs.

It was quite chilly this morning, but the sun came out around 11am, there appeares to be something on at the school this afternoon, there are cars everywhere.

Out in the garden for half an hour this morning, DB is still having dizzies when he wakes up, he is ok after 10 - 15 minutes, it must be something to do with his BP. Might have to get the dose upped, will speak to the chemist at the Drs next week, see what they say.

Fish and chips tonight, we had icecream last night for dessert, so may well have the sponge pudding tonight.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


I managed 8.24hrs last night, ,much better. Its election day, neither of us have voted for the first time ever, there is no party fit to run this Country, just watch what happens if, as expected, labour win!! Draw your money out the bank and put it under the mattress!! We are already having to pay tax on money we earnt, which was taxed at source. 

Its a very windy morning, I have laundry out which hopefully will dry, I managed to clonk myself with the clothes pole...... no damage just a bruised ear.

Grocery delivery this morning, I ordered a case of shandy, they were out of stock....hey ho, will have to drink orange juice.

I have been to put fuel in the car, there are rumours that fuel is going to start going up again. I never let the car go empty, once it gets to half a tank I fill it up.

I need to get myself back in the groove and start sewing again, I really want to do quite a bit.

Sausage, mash and beans for supper tonight, I have 2 small sponge puddings I will do for dessert.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A slower day

 Did not get to sleep until after 1am, managed 6 hours, so not too bad but not good.

Dull morning, it has rained during the night, the slabs are still damp. The garden needs the rain, the grass has started to grow again.

Ironed the bed linen, its the last lot I bought, am not rally happy with it, have a job to get it to lie flat especially yhe pillowcases which seem to have been sewn on the twist somehow. I have to iron it myself, just cannot afford to have the ironing done at the laundry.

DB has been out and moved things around a bit, Colin is coming sometime with 6 more bags of compost. I am hoping tomorrow to sort out the rest of the pots that are sitting at the back of the garage, so the patio can be swept and weed killed.  Then we can perhaps sit out if its not too hot. Apparently we are due another week of high temperatures this month.

Supper tonight, some of the gammon I cooked at the weekend with a green salad, no tomato's until tomorrow. possibly ice crem for dessert.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Treat day

After a hectic day yesterday, I decided on a trip to our favourite garden centre, DB wanted more compost and I decided we could have hot chocolate and toasted tea cake....... they were having a 'sale' I got 18 lavender plants for £18, They are usually at least £2 normally. DB got two alpine plants for his trough. I will grow the lavender on, its going round one of the beds on the right hand side of the garden.  I also paid for 6 bags of compost. Colin will deliver it later this week.We had just arrived when it started to rain, but only a shower, by the time we had driven back home it had stopped.

The bed at the top of the garden on the right hand side is going to be an herbacous bed next year. Trevor will be cutting euronymus back in the autumn and sorting the ivy etc on the fences. I have a jasmin that can go on the fence once its clear.

No lunch today DB will have his yogut before he goes for his siesta. 

I did have a better night last night, just over 8 hours, I will try and have a nap when DB is iin bed. I managed an hour yesterday afternoon.

Supper tonight is pork and rice, banana for dessert.



Monday, July 1, 2024

I hate Mondays

another terrible night, I really must get hold of average for last week was 5 hours!!

Cleaner here , usual excellent job, fetched Trevor, he has also done a great job more plants in, the front garden weeded and a few more plants put  in and also he has edged the grass at the back. Split the campanula I bought from Hose, it made 5 clumps to go in along the edge of the wall in the front.

Rain was forecast, I had stripped the bed, the sheets etc on the line, it came over very dark, so I fetched them in, the wind had dried them, they are just damp enough to iron possibly tomorrow.

I took Trevor back whilst DB was having his siesta. He really seems to enjoy coming. I keep him up with coffee and I put a thermos of water with ice cubes in for him as well. I had some chicken left from yesterday so I wizzed it up with half an onion, salt and pepper, mixed  Mayo in and used it for rolls at lunch time.

Yesterday I cooked a piece of gammon, so sliced it up on the slicer, we had some for supper along with some salad and new potato's.

I am getting concerned about the amount of pain in my lower back, I suppose I should really start taking the pain killers regularly rather than when the pain is bad. I am wiped out, fell asleep on the settee for over an hour this afternoon. I need to sort out my Mondays and pace myself a bit better.


That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...