Friday, May 31, 2024


We set off to see if the library van had arrived, yes!!! so we have enough books for 3 weeks until it comes again. No idea why Stuart told me it would be coming on Thursday.

Much as yesterday its raining again and is due to rain for the next few days. I did go out last night and water the hydranga and the climbing rose. Its quite wild the wind is getting up. 

I need to phone the water board, the washers on the toilet cistern appear to have perished and the water continues to run into the pan, we are on a water meter, I do not want a big bill. Yesterday I had to phone the fuel providers, they wanted me to pay £45 for a weeks electric. Fortunately I had the readings from the agents and also the reading for the week we moved in, I am waiting for a revised bill, then I will pay it.

Supper tonight is fish and chips as usual on a Friday, creme caramel with a few strawberries and cream for dessert.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wot a let down

Last month the library van rounds were altered. I was told that the van would be at Burton Lazars at 9am today, so up we got at 7.30, off to BL into the car park. waited 20 minutes, no mobile library so we came home, I dropped DB off and went down to Aldi for a small top up shop of things I cannot get from Morrison.

We had quite a bit of rain this morning but it has dried up. Notification of strulch arriving tomorrow and also 2 lots of plants including the rose for the arch. I need to water the climbing rose on the front.

DB has gone for his siesta, so I can put my feet up. I can tell he is home, things put in the wrong place or just left out!!! He is busy researching his step grandmothers family now. Keeps him out of mischief.

There are big black clouds in the sky, looks like we night be in for more rain.

Supper tonight quiche and salad, I treated us to a small punnet of strawberries, ours are not ready yet. So we will have strawberries and cream for dessert, just something light.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

more rain

It has rained on and off for the last 3 days, we get a brief burst of sun and then the sky starts leaking again. Getting a bit fed up with it.

DB continues to improve, he is showering on his own now, we had a visit from the OT yesterday, poking his nose into everything. Did not get much satisfaction out of me, everything is fine, although DB's appetite could be a bit better.

Seem to have spent most of the day doing nothing, am thinking of sorting out the machine......I cannot do anything in the garden whilst it is so wet. The stone came this morning for the piece to the left of the steps, if it stops raining long enough I will try and get the weed supprestant down and the pavors in the the plant pots to stand on, then I can tip the gravel on to fill the gaps.I am waiting for the strulch to come. Going to put cardboard onto the tubers of the berginia and then top it off with a layer os strulch will then use the pavors to stand pot on there. We have decided to leave one part of the garden at the top to 'do its own thing'. The piece to the right of the steps is going to get doused in weed killer and once the vegetation has died back strulsh and then plant through it into the soil underneath. We have several bush fuchias in the front, I am going to take cutting off and strike them to put in the back. I also still have the arch to erect and get put in, the rose for it is coming this week. Hey Ho......

Supper tonight is shepherds pie with carrots and peas. I have creme caramel for dessert. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

All quiet

on the western front as they say, the school is on half term, so no cars and no squeeling children!!

Claire came with Little Miss for half an hour, she usually collected her from school on Mondays to go to ballet lessons, non this week, they are on half term too.

GS, his partner, Little\miss and her half brothers are off to Poland to see family, they are away for 2 weeks. GS is staying at home to look after the animals and go to work.

It was quiet after they had gone. We watched a Vera and then went to bed to read, thayfully I had a much better night.

Its very overcast this morning. Egg chips and beans for supper tonight.

Monday, May 27, 2024


this morning, although we are forecast rain, yesterday it was fortecast we would have a thunderstorm at 2pm, we did but at 4pm.

Mac came to do some more at the garden and cut the grass, he had to pack in when the storm started, I ran him home as it was slinging it down.

A quiet day, DB did have a couple of trips round the back garden. 

We managed to stay up till 10pm, 

The roast chicken was very nice, enough left for today.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

We are getting there

Yesterday afternoon DB slept for almost 2 hours, then complained he was dizzy. I put him back to bed and after about half an hour he said he was ok again. 

Spag bol for supper went down very well, he is just having a small main course no dessert.

We went to bed just before 9pm, he then had a series of visits to the loo, he fell asleep and slept right through. I lay reading for a while before I settled down.

Woke this morning to a wet garden, it cleared but then rained again. Not sure if Mac will come to do the garden, it is forecast for a thunderstorms this afternoon.

Supper tonight roast chicken, roast spuds, peas, beans and carrots. No dessert as he is not eating puddings.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Shaking down

getting used to DB being home, yesterday was a good day, he had his lunch and went for his siesta, just over an hour. We watched a recorded programme on TV after he got up. Nothing out of the ordinary. GS, partner and GGD came is for a few minutes after school to check we were ok.

Watched an old Father |Brown on TV and then went to bed to read, light out just after 10pm. I managed to sleep for just over 9 hours, that has really brought my weekly average up.

Spag Bol for supper tonight. DB is eating smaller meals, he has also got a sheet of foods he should avoid to counteract the coughing and choking. Some of the things he really likes are on it, toast any thing with crumbs, pineapple is out too.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Home again

So DB arrived home just after 4pm, in the wheelchair, that soon changed. He seems to have accepted his hospital stay much better than previously. We had sausage and mash for supper, he went to bed just after 7pm, I took chocolate and a biscuit in when I went to bed at 9pm, he was asleep again by 9.30 and slept right through to 8am when I woke him for breakfast.

Got him up around 9.30, he washed and dressed himself and is now in the sitting room. He will go for a siesta after lunch.

I am really pleased with how he is, he looks great and is now walking straight again.....currently on his lap top. I need to set up his new tablet for him.

I had a decent night almost 9 hours, have made leek and potato soup for lunch. DB has been having soup most days, he can have a yogurt for dessert.

Its fish and chip night tonight, I have some small sponge puddings in the freezer he can have one of those if he wants it.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Quiet day

yesterday several messages passed,via email, DB has his new medication and appears to have had a good day, he will know shortly if he is to come home. I have told him not to be in too much of a rush to get home, I would reather him stay an extra day and make sure the medication is doing its job. He did say that he did not sleep well the patches where the lead connectors were itched. Think he needs some anti histamines.

It poured with rain most of the day, the patio started to flood again, I had some new bed linen to wash, had to put it in the dryer.

Did not too much apart from read I need to conserve my energy for DB coming home, I know I am going to need it. After the last experience I have not asked for a care package.

A couple of jobs to do this morning, waiting for the Drs to sign him off etc and then he will have to wait for transport.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

We now know the problem

Quite a few years ago DB was put on medication to keep his blood pressure up. At some point he was taken off it and he should not have been, we could have avoided all the carting off to hospital and anguish that invoked if Drs had questioned why he was on it. Had they read his notes properly they would have known that Dr Lakani prescribed the drug and why. DB went down for his tilt test, Dr Lakani was there and recognised DB, he refused to do the tilt test as he said it was not in DB's interest to have it done. So he is now back on the medication, once he is stabilised he will be discharged. So he is off the heart monitor, has been prescribed ointment to put on the places where the pads were, he is still having someone taking him to the toilet etc until they are sure they have the dose right. 

I will be glad to get him home and get a routine sorted out.

Not a nice morning, raining elephants and leopards, had to finish drying the laundry in the dryer. I had a decent night, decided to conserve my energy stayed in bed till 9.30am. DB tells me the script has gone for his medication. He has to seevthe physios theyvwill decide if he is fit enough to come home!!


its raining, did get the bed linen dry yesterday, was going to do a load of coloureds, but its wet, so they can wait until tomorrow.

Went in to see DB, he is very tired, had an EEG yesterday, is due for his tilt test today, will see what happens then. I will be glad to get him home. It means more work for me, but at least I will not feel as though I am sitting on a hot potato waiting to hear from him, or the drive into and out of the hospital. I am manging quite well with the walker, think I will have to try and get a light one for myself. DB's is rather heavy. One chore I will no longer have to do is wash up. The machine does it for me.

Nothing much on today, need a quick trip to Aldi and also have some stuff for the Air Ambulance charity shop.

Changed my mind about the laundry, it looks loke its going to clear up, so laundry is in the machine.

Supper tonight chicken and rice.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Over slept

Late waking up, I had phoned Trevor last night about not coming today, he told me he had fallen off his bike and injured his arm, so would not have been coming anyway.

I had bought a melon, had some yesterday and another piece this morning for my breakfast with toast and honey.

Cleaner arrived and did her usual excellent job, even took the grill tops off the radiators and cleaned out the fluff.

Off to see DB a bit later, he was ok first thing, has a couple of tests this week, one of which he is not looking forward to. He had been asking for different pads for his monitor, he is allergic to the stuff they use for the sticky pads, he asked yesterday and said he was getting sores underneath them, after complaining they managed to find some. Last time he was in it took me ages to clear up the sore that had developed beneath the pad.

Bag is packed ready to go, just have to put it in the car will set off about 1.15pm hope the roads are ok and I manage to get a parking space ok. 

Supper tonight cold ham and salad, might do another few small potato's with it.


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bright and sunny

yesterday was quiet. Cleaned the surfaces in the kitchen and that was about all. DB did not have a good day apparently, he had asked the nurses to ring me and they did not, so when I go in tomorrow I need to have words.

Not such a good night was awake reading for quite a while.

I have decided to put Trevor off tomorrow, the cleaner will be here and a visiting day. It gets a bit complicated collecting Trevor and being here for the cleaners arrival. Taking Trevor back and then going on to the hospital.

I had a phone call from DB's sister yesterday, they live in a very large house,  which is full to bursting with family stuff from both SIL and BIL's parents. BIL is a year younger than DB and SIL is 4 years younger than DB, both are not in the best of health, apparently SIL cannot walk without a frame, so they have decided to sell the family home and move into a one bedroomed appartment in an assisted living complex. Their family are going to sort out the house and get them settled in  the new 'apartment' then put the house up for sale. I think us moving finally settled a question which had been hanging over them for a while. I know the children will be more settled knowing that there is help available if they need it. Only their eldest son lives reasonably close, the others are in York, Cambridge and Bristol. So it appears changes all round.

I want to try and plant up the pots, I have 2 to do and also have some lavender plants to pot up. Will need a hat on keep the sun off my head and out of my eyes.

Supper tonight, gammon, new potato's and peas. I have a chocolate mousse to finish off for dessert.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dull and a bit chilly this morning

Yesterday was a hospital visiting day, I went early and after a short wait I was able to get a space. Taking DB's walker was a great idea, My back did not ache nor was I out of puff, everything was in the bag on the walker. DB was asleep when I got there, when he woke he told me they had done a mini tilt test placing him across the bed with his head hanging off. He said the test was painful but he did not pass out, however half an hour later he did. Fotunately the chap in the next bed saw him start to slump and called for help, so he did not grace the floor. The headache then reared it head, so he was given oromorph, when he sent a message last night he said it had gone off. They do not need to give it him regularly, it can become addictive, so only if the paracetamol and codiene is not enough.

The Dr came to speak to me and also took a photocopy of the relevant page of the POA, he also made a note that I was to be called by the Dr each time he saw DB. So at least now I will be kept in the loop.

His pacemaker is not being changed the surgeon was afraid that an infection might develop which would be disasterous for DB, so they have changed the settings, the machine by the bed will transfer everything through to the techys in the pacemaker clinic.

I left just after 3.30, not a bad journey home, a bvit busy but not too bad.

Sweet and sour chicken for my supper, very nice, I think DB will like it so need to find a recipe.

Decent nights sleep, just over 8 hours, did not get up until 9.30, so feeling ok. I want to plant up a couple more containers for Trevor to move when he is here on Monday. I am going to put Mac off this week. he cannot do much more until Trevor has finished cutting back the bushes.

Simple supper tonight, egg and chips, need to sort out something for tomorrow.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Rain ir sun

It does not seem to be able to make up its mind this morning. DB went for another scan yesterday, it is definately not his heart, they are now looking at neurological causes. He was diagnosed with BPPV some years ago, it looks as if that might have ramped up, it is literally almost 20 years ago. He used to have to do exercises which have long since been abandoned. It means he will be in hospital for another week. To say he is getting fed up is putting it mildly. he is due to have more tests next week.

It rained almost constantly yesterday, so laundry was dried on the airer in the porch. I brought it into the sitting room over night to finish it off. Bag is ready to take in this afternoon, just have to sort the walker.

Its bright and slightly warmer this morning, but keeps clouding over, guess I will have to take my rain coat with me, no desire to get soaked getting to and from the car park. I am going to set off at 12.45 in the hope that it might bw easier to get into the car park. 

I am not having fish and chips tonight, I had salmon last night and there is enough for sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. So will be having sweet and sour chicken instead.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Feel like something the cat brought in and forgot

not firing on all cylinders today, I was so tired I just could not sleep which did not help.  My right leg seems to have a life of its own, really giving me gip, might have to resort to medication!! So a quiet day today. DB has just gone down for his MRI scan, I hope they remembered to turn his pacemaker down and he does not collapse. He was ok yesterday.Will have to wait for a message when he gets back.

Its a dull, cold morning so the laundry is on the airer in the porch, not using the dryer unless I am forced to. Cooked some salmon to have tonight with salad and potato salad. I need to get the walker in from the garage and clean it. Its very dusty in there. I think it will fit in the back of the car behind my seat. Have got the stuff he asked for sorted out apart from underwear. 

Will not be doing anything strenuous, Amazon delivering sometime and also Morrison with a small order, mostly fresh fruit and a few veg. I am using frozen veg at the moment.

Will try an early night again tonight, apparently I managed 6 hours in fits and starts according to my fitbit watch.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Oopss forgot to post

I spent yesterday morning waiting for the gas man to come and replace the gas meter.....he arrived and departed without doing anything. I have to contact EDF he wants both meters changing so they work on the new series 2 smart meters.

I left here just after 1pm. had to wait ages to get into the disabled car park, eventually got in then started the long walk to the ward.

DB had emailed at one point to say he thought they were going to send him home, then he collapsed again, senior registrar, no you are not going home. I stayed for about an hour and a half and then travelled home. I had taken clothes in DM said he was fed up of sitting in PJ's.

Supper was sausage and mash with frozen mixed veg.

I had not slept well on Monday night, I was exhausted, so went to bed at 8.30pm, put the light out just after 10 and slept through until 7.55am, felt much better for the sleep. Today I went to Hose for the coffee morning to catch up and let them know how DB was. He has had an echocardiogram today and also has to have another head scan, they are trying to find out why he collapses.

He appears to have been ok today. I am not going in again until Friday. I have decided to use his walker, it has a bag on it, so I could put his kit in there. I have changed my bag to a smaller one, just got essentials in.

I have to take the POA in, I have control over his medical treatment, They need to see it. Also the DNR form.

We had rain yesterday and a bit more today, so I did not have to water, everything appears to be growing ok. message today to say that some more plants are on their way.

Just had my supper, baked potato with cheese and tomato sauce, yummy. Will be going to bed early again tonight, I need to catch up with my sleep


Monday, May 13, 2024

Gardeners work today

 plus the courgette that DB wanted planted, and bags of rubblish.

I need to sweet talk the green waste people to take the bags of rubbish........keep you fingers crossed.........

Gosh it was hot

Mac arrived just after 11am and was here all day, he planted the rest of the lavender and also the lavetera in the front, then started on the back

All that awful elephants ears has gone.

The left hand border cleared just leaving the two lots of leaves until I can sort out what they are. I think one is crocosmia.
We now have 12 bags waiting to go to the tip unless the bin men take pity on me and take them with the garden waste.
I found some turkey in the freezer, so made turkey in cream sauce with mach and mixed veg for my supper. First scratch supper I have eaten for a few days. Finished off with a chocolate mousse.
It was very hot, got up to 30+ on the outside thermometer.......too hot for me, made sure Mac had pleanty of water to drink.
DB is bed bound once more, I hope they get a move on and sort out his pace maker.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Not a good finish

to the day. I went in to see DB after lunch, managed to get into the disabled car park, without having to wait. He was fine sitting out of bed. Left him about 4pm to drive home.

Later I got a message to say he had been moved to another ward, turns out he had what they called an usual the Dr could not get blood, why they do not use a butterfly I really do not know. I rang the ward and spoke to the nurse she said he was ok, he is on oxygen apparently. This morning he tells me he had two further episodes last night and is now bed idea whats going on, I am just glad he is in hospital. hopefully this may bring the fitting of a new pacemaker forward, something is obviously going on.

I did have a reasonable night, an waiting for Mac, he is coming to do some more gardening for me, I have some lavender plants still to go in and he can start and clear the right hand side of the front.

No idea whats for supper. Am not going in to the hospital until Tuesday, although might change my mind and go in tomorrow and see if I can sort out whats going on. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Change of scene

So, DB was taken across to the hospital at Glenfield, much easier for me to get to. He is settled in and I will be off to visit a bit later.

Another lovely day, a bit of a breeze is keeping the temperature down a bit. I have laundry out on the line whicu should be dry now, will fetch it in before I go off to the hospital.

Yesterday was a quiet day, did a few job round the house, including moving all the plants out of the porch, they are now sheltered by the side of the house. It was very warm last night when I went to bed, had a job to get to sleep, think I am going to have to change the duvet for the lighter one.

Walked round the garden this morning, we have a massive growth of what looks like either raspberries or blackberries coming up in the bed nearest the house. Some one has planted aliums, further up the garden, I noticed them a few days ago. It looks like I am going to be able to use Trevor for at least another 6 weeks to get the garden at the back under control, I am also waiting to hear from Mac when he is coming again.

I have a pasta bake for supper tonight. Eating my way through the fresh fruit for dessert. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Another sunny day

Another quite hot day, windows and doors open to let some air in. I have put all the plants that were in the porch out at the side of the house I think the temperature will be ok. I have planred up one of the stone planters, its going in the middle of the front garden, the rhodi is starting to go over, so it can come into the back.

I have done some research re the  ground under the trees at the front. I think the answer is to plant perennial ground cover, so if its kept under control will cover the bare ground. I have put away £60 for the plants, and thats all I am spending on the front or back garden. I need to do a round with the spray weed killer, we have a superb show of dandelions. I also need to find the connector to connect the hose to the outside tap, so its easier to water the pots.

No news so far of DB moving to Glenfield. I suspect it will be early next week. He was seen by somone from ENT re his coughing and choking, I have been saying for ages that there was something wrong with his swallow.....vindicated.....he choked on a piece of macaroon!! They are going to keep an eye on him.

Went up to the library bus, books in for DB some for me too and picked up another couple as well. the next visit is in 3 weeks instead of 4.

Fish and chips tonight, have a couple of chocolate mousse to finish, so thats dessert.

Thursday, May 9, 2024


Yesterday was very hot, I did manage to do some weeding and put in the catshoo and also lavender, was crackered when I had finished.

DD2 came with E on the way home from school, I set off for the hospital when they had gone. DB had a good day, I also managed to see the Dr and talk over DB's medication etc. It looks like he will be in there for a few more days.

Traffic was a little easier on the way home, remembered to take the right turn off this time. Spent the evening watching TV.

I need to do some phoning this morning, really need to get the electric etc sorted. I also need to ring to get a blood test at some point and also an appointment to get my eyes tested.

Might put the rest of the lavender in and also DB's courgette, I am not visiting again until Saturday, DB is quite happy now he is getting the right medication at the right time.

I also need a quick trip to Aldi, so might do that now, then the rest of the day is mine.

No idea about supper, will have to have a sort out.

Update...... DB phoned, a wire has come loose on his pacemaker, he is being transferred to another hospital, they are going to replace it. So at last we have some answers to the passing out episodes. I think it will be another week at least before he comes home.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sun is shining

Sunny morning, I got the laundry dry on the whirly yesterday. 

Message from DB last night, all his medication is now being given as it should. He did manage to pass out in the loo, they moved his bed to get him on it. I am going in late this afternoon. Trying to avoid the awful traffic.

DD2 is bringing little miss in on her way home from school, just to make sure I am ok, which I am. Feeling much better today, much better night, did not even get up to go to the toilet, brilliant.I need to try and get some plants in before they go over!! Will do half an hour and then come in, the pots should not need water, I did them yesterday.

No shopping from Morrison tomorrow, I will nip to Aldi in the morning for the few bits I need.

Not sure what I will have for supper tonight, will have rake through the freezer see what there is I had a beef lasagne last night.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Busy day

Cleaning lady here, I nipped off to collect T to do some more pruning at the ivy on the fallen down fence. It took him all morning and part of the afternoon. The cleaner went off to collect her children.

The next arrival was Goshi's son, he started on the borders, when he had done one he switched to mowing the grass.

I went off to take T home and carried on to see DB, I did call at our old neighbours for half an hour and a chat. Good journey into the hospital, DB was quite bright and we spent a pleasant hour talking, I was just coming away when he develold them to ring me and go and collect himped a vertigo attack after complaining about the pain killers he was not getting. I stayed intil he had recovered, had a word with the nurses and drove home. I was not concentrating and drove straight past the turn off for Melton, so had to take the next exit and go through a couple of villages to get back onto the main road.

I had a distraught message from DB, the nurses had fetched a Dr. to see him, the DR went away without updating the medication. Apparently DB had told them to ring me to go and collect him. He would sign himself out!! A later message told me that he had been given the pain killers he needed, paracetamol and codiene.

Message this morning to say he had slept all night, better than me I had just 1 1/2hours, and had no headache. I know he has concussion, the hosital have all his records, they just could not be bothered to look them up.

After a very bad night in pain myself I decided to have a lie in. I made tea and toast and went back to bed. The window cleaner finally got me out of bed when he cleaned the windows!!

I have done a load of washing, its on the line, not such a nice day as yesterday, but it should dry a bit. I have hung it out, will finish it off on the clothes dryer in the porch.

The heating is switched off, I may have to put it on later, its quite cold this morning after yesterdays roaster.

No idea what to have tonight for supper.........might go for the jacket spud and cheese with a tomato salad and fresh fruit for dessert.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunny Sunday

so far, the porch was really warm when I opened the kitched door, left the door to the garden open, I have a load of washing in so will need to hang it out hopefully to dry.

DB was in good spirts yesterday when I went in, was there for just over 2 hours, came home and cooked myself egg and bacon. I am just not hungry.

Decent night almost 8 hours in bits, I put the light out at 10pm, woke a couple of times, eventually surfaced at 8.30. Managed to get out of bed at 10am. Found a message from DB he had another 'turn' at 11pm. I am not going in today. Will go tomorrow after I take T back, I can get up to the A46 from there quite easily.

No plans to do anything energetic today, the drive the the hospital is tiring enough, need to conserve my strength.

No sure whats for supper, I might just have a jacket potato and salad with some cheese.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Visiting day

I had a quiet day yesterday, did nothing except the essentials. The towels ended up in the dryer, it started to rain.

DB did not have a good day a couple of 'episodes' one was quite a bad one. He phoned me in the afternoon, and now he is connected to the internet is sending me messages, he is looking forward to me going in this afternoon sometime. I am waiting for M to come and fit up the water barrel to the rain water pipe on the garage. Just in time for it to collect the rain we are forecast for Monday.

No idea whats for supper, might do myself bacon and egg with a slice of fried bread.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Dull morning

DB was moved twice yesterday, he sent me an email to say which ward he was on. I phoned this morning, he had just had one of this vacant moments, did speak to him but briefly.

Not such a good night as I had hoped, got up at 7.30 and took a cup of tea back to bed after setting the washer to wash the towels, they are now on the line, although I doubt it will dry much, will have put them in the dryer later.

Goshi has been in to see me this morning, they are coming back after Ella finishes school. The grass needs cutting again.

No hospital visit today I am not sure when or if they are coming to sort out the meters, after yesterday I need respite from the traffic, it was horrendous getting into the parking at the hospital, and then trying to get to the A46 to come home. I think ion futute I might try about 11.30, although I have a feeling that the traffic at the hospital is always busy.

Fish and chips for supper I think, I have the remains of yesterday corned beef sarnies to finish at lunchtime.


Thursday, May 2, 2024


Today has been a full on day, This morning the service for Beryl at Grantham. A very simple service, there were only 12 of us there. The flowers that were on the coffin have been taken to Gretton Court where she lived for the last 3 years.

A quick trip home for some lunch and then on to Leicester to see DB. He has at last been moved into a ward, The consultant came to see him whilst I was there. It was a long walk to where he was I have been told when I go in again to go to the help desk and get a wheel chair. He still has the headache and the discomfort in the neck and shoulders. I re-iterated he should not be given Morphine as a pain killer.

I had a Morrison order to come between 5.30 and 6.30. The traffic was terrible both in and out, I left the hospital at 4.30, arrived home just after 6pm, thankfully the delivery was late.

I am exhausted, was awake at 4.30am, so I will be aiming for bed about 9pm.

Fabulous day weatherwise, I was so pleased the sun shone for Beryl, there is nothing worse than a funeral in the wet cold weather.

I was so hungry when I got home, demolished corned beef sandwiches.

They are supposed to be coming to do the meters tomorrow, ao I will have an easy day at home. Going in to see DB on Saturday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Yesterday did not end well.

 DB fell in the garden yesterday and banged the back of his head. Our next door neighbour is a Paramedic, he suggested I ring 999 which I did. They wanted me to take DB in in the car, soon told them where to get off there. We waited 61/2hours before the ambulance came, they had a trainee with them, it took her over an hour to do the obs etc. As they were taking DB out, of course he had to make things difficult by collapsing, as is his want. Eventually they got him tinto the ambulance and away.

I rang about 9pm, he has a scan which as I suspected showed zilch. Just as I was going to bed the hospital rang, they had given him Morphine aarrggg, he is allergic to it, they wanted me to drive in 25 miles to sit with way. Not allowed to drive in the dark.

Needless to say I did not have a good night, I rang this morning and was told he was still in A&E waiting for a bed in the elderly frail ward....... humm he would love that.

I have to wait until I know they have moved him before I can go in, they did say they had given him the antidote for the Morphine and he was ok, I need to get it added to the list of things he is allergic to.

So I am shattered, just had some lunch, waiting for two phone calls, they want to change the meters this week...... and also from my old neighbour about some stuff that was delivered to the wrong address.

Fine day but cool, the sun is just beginning to break through. I got all the laundry dried on the whirly yesterday, there was quite a strong breeze.

Chicken pasta for my supper, possibly an orange for dessert, there are some that need using up.

That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...