Thursday, October 31, 2024

Done and dusted

So DGD and his partner came this morning, the boxes are up in the attic which is insulated and floored. DGD did a bit of moving round, he says there is room for a lot more stuff. I do not want to put anything else there, it is all going to have to come out eventually.

Morrisons were early with their delivery, so I plan to do the drummers hat and get it sewn on today. One bit a day till he is finished.

Supper tonight garlic chicken, new potatoes and salad. I have printed off the menu for next month and stuck it on the fridge door. Have a pork joint and a gammon joint to cook and slice.

News flash........Drummer Boy now has a hat on!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Early doors

We were up early this morning GS was coming to put the boxes up in the attic, they called him into work this morning, so he is coming later.

I am back to not sleeping well, was drinking tea and reading till almost 2am.

No real plans, it looks as though the dryer has gone to dryer heaven, I hung clothes out yesterday, had to finish them off on the rads, one advantage I had warm knickers to put on this morning!! We need to do a bit of a move round in the garage, want to put the freezer where the dryer is and vice versa, easier to get to the plug.

I have a couple of DB'S shirts to iron, will may be sort out the rest of the Drummer Boy get him out of the way. Then I need to sort out something extra for the sale at the end of November.

Supper tonight, salmon, new potatoes,peas and parsley sauce.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


to the Drs this morning for DB's monthly blood test. He has to book a 10 minute appointment as they need a butterfly to get blood out of him. Spoke to the receptionist who was very helpful.

Reversing into the drive DGS and GGD were just walking past, so had a quick chat. A is coming tomorrow morning to put the box etc to the new machine into the attic.

Late lunch, cuppa soup and toast, DB was late going for his siesta. I sat and finished reading the book I started last week. Am feeling rather tired, could have done with a Granny nap myself.

Supper - sausage and chips. DB had yogurt and I had an apple for dessert.


Monday, October 28, 2024

Home sweet home

back to the daily grind.......went and collected Trevor, he is now digging out the large piece of montbretia, there are tulip bulbs tangled in it.

Great nights sleep, I did wake briefly at around 3am, turned over and back to sleep.......woke when the alarm went off.

I have decided to finish the drummer, he is not perfect, but so will only be seen from a distance, only someone with xray eyes will see it. However I need more stock for the stall, so need to sort that out, think it might be key rings.

I bought frozen sweet and sour so that will be tonights supper.

Tomorrow is another day.

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Friday morning, we were up and showered, Bacon rolls and tea consumed, flowers bought and we set off on our ' Great North Run'.

The traffic was horrendous, nose to tail through the A1 where they are replacing a bridge, and from then on until we turned off the A1 it was stop start all the way. Needless to say we were late.

Phoned to say we were about 10 minutes away, Both were waiting, B with a wheel chair to put the luggage in and M with her walker. We were shocked at the change in them both.......We were conducted to our room for the 2 night stay, a really nice large room with twin beds, dressing table/desk, beside tables with lamps and a very spacious wet room. We dunped our stuff and went up to the apartment. I must say we were impressed, none of the furniture from the house except the bed had made it there. Large sitting/ dining room, the bedroom was enormous. Bathroom with walk in shower and a nice large storage cupboard th the hall.

M's eldest son and his wife wife brough a 4 course dinner they had prepared, soup, appetizer, chicken and tiramisau for dessert.

The dish washer was loaded and we sat down to chat. I had given M her mats, she was delighted with them and also the books and decorations I had taken for the Christmas tree.

We eventually made it to bed about 11.30.

Good nights sleep and a shower we went down for breakfast, mixed fruit cup and bacon sandwhiches. We then went up to the apartment.

M's daughter and husband had arrived, we had never met G before, very nice chap.......he had been in the RAF for a number of years.

We ended up going to Woodhorn Colliery for a look round. The wheel chair was taken for M. DB had an electric buggy and I had the pusher. We had a great time looking round. The miners who worked there had started an art club and about 40 0f their pictures were on display with a small piece of information about the painters who had worked at the Colliery before it closed down. We then went though the mock up of the conditions the men had been forced to work in.

We arrived back at the apartment to get ready to go out for dinner to the local Italian Resturant, we all chose what we wanted main course and dessert. We went back and sat in the  residents lounge for coffee and more talk.

DB and I retired to our room for a good nights sleep.

This morning we had breakfast and then went up to make our farewells. I had taken the luggage out to the car, so we were ready to shoot off.  I was so glad we had taken the time to go up and see them, I doubt we will go again, we will have to see.

A slightly quicker journey home, we arrived safe and sound, I am shattered, over 400 miles in two days is more than enough. I will be glad to get in to bed.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


 and cold morning. We were off to Burton Lazars to meet the libray van at 9.30. Had to make a detour on the way home to get DB cough sweets......also checked time for Covid jabs will get them done next week. Our surgery is only doing flu jabs.

So, sorting and packing day ready for our trip tomorrow. I plan to leave here around 12pm, give us 4 hours depending on the traffic, will try and post if I have time.

I am going to maybe do a bit of patching on the drummer, trouble is everytime I look at it I can see the faults. If I do it again I will use fabric rather than felt, will have to use a stiffner in the back.

Fish and chips tonight.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


How to waste 10 - 15 hours. I tackled the Drummer again, not sure why........I made a right mess of it, I have come to the conclusion that using felt, as I did for the nut cracker, was a huge mistake. I have given up on it. Parts were very thick and the machine had a job coping with it.

If you look closely  you will see it's a mess, the gold fabric on the left shoulder has frayed away and on the right hand I have got the placement wrong and you can see the top of his sleeve. I think if I do it again I will use different fabric and also do the face in a larger hoop!!

Collapsed the boxes for the machine, the outer box is flat under the bed. The smaller ones will go in the attic.

Nothing much done this morning, pressed DB'S cords and ironed two shirts.

Frittata and salad for supper, banana and ice cream for dessert.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Crazy day

 We were both awake at 2am drinking tea, I did manage to get to sleep eventually. Woke just before 9am, quick shower and breakfast and then out.

Took the car to the garage, very nice gentleman showed me how to reset the onboard computer. We then asked at the car wash next door if they could wash the car....... brilliant job, I have been there before with the old car, just £7 for a through clean. 

Then went on to Aldi for  tablets for the dish washer and a few other things, still came to just over £20 though.

By the time we got home it was lunch time, did manage to get the laundry out, did a sperate small load of jumpers, DB had managed to spill coffee on his lemon sweater, I rubbed the stains with washing up liquid and it has come out......brilliant.

Spent this afternoon fighting with the drummer boy, I doubt I will get it done befor the weekend, we will see. I really wish I had not started it.

Unpacked the new machine, it just sits nicely on the end of the cutting table, I need to get to grips with using it, at least now if Big Bertha snarls up, I will be able to get on. using Betty, I took photos of the machine being unpacked, so I know where everything goes if I need to pack it up again. I just need some kind soul to put the boxes in the attic for me. The outer box will have to be folded down, it is too big to go through the gap.

I need to go and get the laundry in, its getting dark really early these days, lighs on just after 6pm.

Corned beef hash and beans for supper tonight, I picked a couple of bananas up so we can have them for dessert.

Monday, October 21, 2024


Did not post, nothing really to post.

The hotel got my email re the overcharge, they rand this morning, one payment has gone, waiting for the second to go........

Clare was here cleaning this morning, she always does such a good job, quick but through.

Collected Trevor, he thinks that one more week will see the garden sorted until the spring. I just have the tulips to plant in the pots and make sure the rose on the front gets enough water.

Waiting on the delivery of my second machine, it should come sometime today, no message or anything so far. Finished the Drummer boys coat and on to his face now. Had hoped to finish today, but doubt it now, hopefully I will get it done to take away with us on Friday.

We had very high winds and an absolute blattering of rain yesterday, garage flooded again. At least the pram is on wheels now so not likely to suffer with mould.

Supper tonight will be egg and chips. No dessert.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Home again.

suitcase emptied and left out to pack for nexy weekend. Reasonab;+le journey home except fot the grid lock in Melton, think its the chocolatefest or something. Looks like Melton district had a lot of rain last night, we drove very slowly through several lots of standing water. There was also a diversion in Loughborough.

The hotel room was very nice, but one lamp had no bulb in it and the breakfast was awful, only ate a but of mine. I will comment when I put my experienses on the hotel comments page. We were very disappointed.

The new machine has not be delivered this morning, so it should come on Monday as Tim requested. Have not unpacked my big machine, its still in the bag. Everything else has been sorted. The flask I filled yesterday morning we did not use, the water was hot enough to only need a second or two in the kettle to get it hot enough for a cup of tea.

DB has gone for his siesta, I am going to sort out the picnic bag and wash it out ready for out trip next week.

Fridays supper tonight, fish and chips!!

Friday, October 18, 2024

We have arrived

At the hotel. DB managed to send me on 3 wrong roads......however, dropped the machine off paid for and arranged for delivery to us, hopefully on Monday of the NV2700 so hopefully if the lumi throws a fit again, I can still sew.

We then motored up to the carvery for lunch and on to the Hotel, the room was ready, brilliant, they had upgraded us to a Kingsize with a walk in wet room. Very nice.

DB had a brief siesta, we then spent a while reading. Booking out after breakfast tomorrow, collecting my Lumi, hoping Matt has sorted the problem with the thread for me. I need to try and get the drummerboy finishd for us going up to Newcastle next weekend. That will be the end of the splurging, defo more saving needed now. Also sorting out stuff we can disburse to lighten the load a bit. 

I need to sort out stuff for the craft sale as well, have an order for a bookmark to do.

As we ate at lunch time, I have packed up rolls etc for supper later.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


for 24 hours, will be in Sheffield this time tomorrow.

We had a very good night last night, the children took part in the show until they were sent off to bed at 9pm. Dick was his usual garrulous self, he does love a captive audience.

Our hotel was very comfortable, although I did not sleep too well. Cereal and scrambled eggs on toast with orange juice and coffee for breakfast.

The Stawbridges were off early this morning to Cambridge for a show tonight.

DB is driving me nuts in the car, twice yesterday he insisted in taking me the wrong way and this morning I made him get out of the car when we got home, I was reversing in and the motor mouth was at it again. In future I will drop him off before attempting to reverse in. Our drive is awkward you have to come through the gates at just the right angle or you have had it.

Message on the car screen re the tyres, yesterday on the way in I had to pull over for a maniac, who had no thoought of stopping, drove up the middle of the road and I landed in a rut on the side of the road. It was quite a big bounce and I think thats what let a bit of air out of the passenger side tyres. The are back to the right pressure now. so all is well for our journey tomorrow.

Sunny morning, yesterdays laundry dried in the kitchen on the airer, so it will get  folded and put away.

Grocery delivery this afternoon, rolls to do for tea tomorrow night, also have a couple of jam tarts we can take with us.

Tonights supper, sausage, jacket potato and  beans.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Just arrived


We have arrived at our hotel, much to my surprise we have a king size bed in a very large room. Accessible bath room, as you can see the bath is in front of the window, and a separate walk in shower. The bathroom is big enough to hold a party in.

Just going to have our humble tuna mayo and cucumber rolls and jam tarts. We had lunch at home, corned beef and salad. DB had his yogurt and milk and repaired for his siesta, before we travelled into Leicester.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


the mist is hanging over the hill and looks as if it will descend into the town.

The chap is here doing the fence panels and I am expecting DD2 & DGD this afternoon to sort out the pram in the garage.

Did not have a good night at all, just over 3 hours sleep......must do better tonight.

I have managed to get the Lumi into its case ready to go on Friday, we are off for coffee at Hose tomorrow morning, travelling into Leicester ready for our meet up with Dick and Angel and the children after DB has his siesta.

Supper tonight is sweet and sour pork with pilau rice, I have a couple of oranges which need eating so we will have them for dessert. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Busy Week

in line for this week. I picked up the gardener this morning, his phone is US, so I will go over to pick him up unless its raining cats and dogs. He has been cutting back and emptying the pots of geraniums. We will top them up next week and plant the tulip bulbs.

It was raining when we got up, but although its cold the sun is shining. 

I have fetch out the suitcase from under the bed and given it a spring clean. DB has a list of things we need to pack. We will refill it for our trip on Friday. Double Tree contacted me this morning and told me that they had upgraded us because of our difficulties. So we get the accessible king size room.

It has full accessibility bathroom with walk in shower. I am going to try and get us the same room when we go in March next year.

Will take the gardener home whist DB has his siesta. I need to relax a bit, its going to be busy and my back is not brilliant, we are taking one of the walkers with us, in case one of us needs it.

Supper tonight is egg and chips, by the time I have taken Trevor back I will be crackered.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

An enjoyable night

We had a really good night, Tim collected us just after 6pm. By the time we say down there were 18 of us enjoying a meal. I am not sure but I think that because it was a smaller number it was a really good time, the first time we have enjoyed ourselves as much since we started supporting events at the Chapel. Tim delivered us back home aroud 9.40.

We were sad to learn that Joan, our oldest member after DB was in hospital and had been for the last 2 weeks. She has been increasingly frail over the past couple of years. I think the concensus is that she really needs more care, possbly with carers but more likely in an assisted living situation.

We were just going out when DB's sister rang, I will ring her back later today.

After a lot of soul seeking and discussion, it has been decided that I get a second sewing/embroidery machine, so I have to collect a Brother NV2700 when I take my Lumi in on Friday. We have booked to stay the night and travel back on Saturday. DB has also told me to put my name down for the retreat next March, so I will not have to tout the Lumi but can take the much lighter new machine. I have my name on the list and paid the deposit. 

Its sunny but very cold this morning. Supper tonight is gammon and veggies, possibly ice cream for dessert.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


at the moment it is fine, but very overcast, DB tells me we are due some rain later.

We wre a bit late waking this morning, I was awake for more than an hour in the night. Showered and breakfasted.

We are being picked up for the Harvest Supper at 6pm, so DB has set the recorder for a couple of programmes we usually watch.

Have been doing a bit of research for a machine, the one I have found is a new one, but a bit more than I wanted to pay, so will hold fast for a while and bear it in mind.

We also heard from the repair man, he is coming Tuesday to fix 4 new fence panels, my DGD also messaged they are coming Tuesday to set up her pram, its the onlt free day with have next week now we have a trip to Sheffield on Friday, stay over night and drive home Saturday.

So no supper tonight, we are eating out. The Chapel is a Charity so cannot charge for anything that goes on unless it is going to another Charity. Its the same with the lunch at Christmas. I always leave a reasonable amount in the plate that is put out for donations. Will leave £10 tonight, we usually leave £15 for the Christmas lunch. It does make me cross when quite a few people walk out without leaving a contribution towards the cost of the meal. The money raised goes towards the up keep of the chapel. 

The supper is usally cold meat. salad, baked potatoes and then a selction of desserts.

Friday, October 11, 2024

oh my

this coming week is going to be expensive. We are staying in Town on wednesday night after going to see The Strawbridges, friday we are staying in Sheffield.....I have to take my machine up to the dealers to try and sort out the problem that a stuck piece of thread has caused. I have elected to drive up and drop the machine on Friday and stay over, pick it up and travel back on Saturday. So over £200 on hotels and heaven knows how much on fuel. I will fill the car up before go to  Leicester on wednesday. After having a chat with DB I am going to look for a second hand machine that I can have in reserve in case this happens again. I just cannot be without a machine in the busy parts of the year.  Have just had two orders come in. There is also the fact that when, in the future, we have to go into a one bedroom, apartment and I no longer have a sewing room. I can sell my Luminaire and still have an embroidery machine. OK not such an expensive one, but one that will do the job.

Its turned into a sunny day, but we had a frost overnight, it was 3c when we went to bed last night and 1c when we got up.

Had a phone call last night from a friend asking if we would like to go to the Harvest Supper at the chapel in Hose. She is arranging for sosmeone to pick us up, so I do not have to drive in the dark.

Supper tonight, fish and chips.......

Thursday, October 10, 2024


drinking tea at 2am, so a slow start to the day. Looked outside and it was DRY!!! The sun is shining, but its a bitter wind. Although the garage floor was flooded last night is was dry this morning, so both doors open for now.

I have almost finished the 4th go at the Drummers arms, one of the problems is that the felt seems to be thicker that that I have used in the past, so have to watch it like a hawk when I do the satin stitch.

On the internet this morning, hurricane hit about 35 miles south of where our friends live, 30 million homes without power......I will send a message and hope that eventually I get some sort of reply. I have not heard from my other friend in North Carolina, guess they are still without power. I really hope their house is ok, it was such a pretty house. So much devastation..... at one point the wind was sucking the water out of Tampa bay.

Grocery delivery this morning, bought a turkey breast, its in the freezer for our Christmas supper. I am buying things one each week, without the heating allowance this year, I am having to budget for our Christmas meals. Not that I would spend £300 but we will feel the pinch a bit.

The two Teddy bear coveralls arrived yesterday so we will be wearing them once it gets really cold.  You can use them with a battery pack to warm, but as we both have pacemakers, we will not be using the heater. I had mine on last night, it warmed me up very quickly.

Supper tonight is braised beef with veggies. No dessert planned, DB says he is going to have an orange.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


to rain soaked Melton. It was raining when we woke up, has continued to rain on and off during the morning, just now the sun is shining.

The garage floor is running with water again, I left the door open when I went in with washing for the dryer. DB tells me we have had over an inch of rain since Sunday.

I had ordered a couple of lined 'teddies' to keep us warm in the winter, we tried them on, within a few minutes I was feeling more comfortable, eventually took it off after an hour as I was too warm!! We have the heating on from 7am - 10am and then it comes back on at 4pm till 9.30pm. The programme is set with the temperature at 60c. I was lothe to switch it on, but the last few days have been very cold.

I started my 4th shot at the Drummer Boy yesterday, got half way through and then packed in, I had enough, will maybe do an hour tomorrow. I want to try and get him finished for next Wednesday.

Very concerned about my friends in Sun City, the hurricane is due to hit them later today, no idea if they are ok or not. Part of North Carolina is cut off and services are down so do not know how they are either. Those winds and rain is something else.

Smoked haddock and poached egg for supper, will do a buttered roll with it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


off wet, then cleared up and at lunchtime it was bright sun. DB went into the garage this morning and moved all the stuff away from the wall where the water is coming in. It has obviously been happening for a long while the skirting board is rotten. The job has been ok'd so hopefully it will be done soon.

I ended up ringing Trevors brother, apparently he did not realise his phone had run out of charge, he had waited in the gate for me to pick him up.

I went down to the post office to send my DNA sample. There are rumours, I have heard that there is French, Welsh and Scottish blood in the family, it will be interesting to see what comes up. Most of the family as I know it are dead. I have one cousin 10 years younger than me, he has two daughters, so when he dies the Ingleby name will die out. On the other side the Newitt name will go on, but he was adopted, so not true blood.when DB passes his surname will we believe die out as well. Although he has an adopted son who has two sons, so again it will not be a blood link.

I started the drummer boy yesterday...... 3 tries, binned....... have set up a 4th it it goes wrong thats it!!

I was horrified last night to read that a hurricane with 150mph winds was due to hit Florida. We have frends who live in Sun City close to Tampa, I hope and pray they are ok.

Egg and chips tonight, there is enough crumble left fot DB to finish it off, I will just have ice cream.

Monday, October 7, 2024


it had been raining overnight, but the sun broke through, I had sheets etc in the washer, so there is a breeze so they are on the line. The ironing lady will collect them on Thursday.

I have started on the drummer,havw used the wrong colour for the sleeves, so one lot of this mornings work in the bin. I was using up some white fabric, not enough left to do the jacket and trousers, so need to fins white felt and cut out new sleeves.

Cleaner here, she is still carless, jobs in the toen are ok, but some of her clients are in Oakham, over an hour by bus from here. O do hope she is not going to give up, she is an excellent cleaner.

Trevor is not here, I cannot get him by phone all his calls are being diverted. I need to try and find out the number of the farm and speak to his sister.

Supper tonight, Ham salad, the chicken from last night is in the bin. Waiting to hear back from Morrison.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


 but cold this morning. Mac came for probably the last time this season to cut the grass, sort out pots in the shed and cut back some more of the ivy.

I set to yesterday and started another mat for SIL disaster struck again, I had turned the machine off, when I restarted did not go back to where it left off. Fiddled with it for a while and then decided to call it a day and start another one, it sewed perfectly.

I can now start the drummer boy, will have to sort out the fabric, threads etc, it will be double sided made of felt again.

Two the same, just need soaking to soak off the stabilizer and drying.

Prepped the vggies etc for supper and also made an apple and blackberry crumble for dessert for tonight and possibly two more nights.

Rain was forecast for 3pm and its raining, a fine morning thankfully so we could get the grass cut. 

So supper tonight, roast chicken, baby potatoes, cauliflower, calebrease and gravy, there will be enough chicken for rolls tomorrow lunch time. We finished the quiche off for lunch today with tomato salad.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The weather

is excelling itself, after 3 weeks of almost constant rain, we have another fine day, sun out but cold. I have the heating on, its on early morning, then goes off till around 4pm as the evenings start to draw in, goes off again just before we go to bed.

No plans except to maybe put the top and bottom borders on the baby quilt and then start on the mats for SIL. They will take me a couple of days, then its the Drummer boy.

We were late getting up again, almost 9am before I opened my eyes, although I had been awake in the night for about an hour.

DB is out in the garage he is sorting pots, We are going to have to get something done in the garage to stop the flooding when it rains. I am opening the roller door and side door each day when its fine to make sure the pram does not get damp.

Fingers crossed the fine weather will last past Monday so Trevor can come and do some more in the garden, if November is fine, I may have to keep him on to get finished off. The bedding plants need lifting from the pots and bulbs put in before the end of this month.

Life goes on around us, I have done a DNA sample for my heritage, need to post it off. DB's was quite interesting, and he got quite a few new links from it. Mine might not be so clear cut.

Supper, quiche and salad, ice cream for dessert, I have the chicken breast joint out for tomorrow, I plan to do a meat audit and then go to Aldi and stock up for a couple of months main meals meat. Have started the menu on the kitchen door again, I fell off the wagon when I was so tired after our move.I know there will be another one in the future, so really need to downsize a lot of stuff, was shocked at what we had brought with us. One thing that will not be going, the plants, they will stay. Even so I have to come to terms with loosing my sewing room and the Luminaire........and probably the car. I also have a load of fabric I know I will not use, so I am going to have to get rid of that as well. I have some stuff I am going to pass on to a friend

Friday, October 4, 2024

My goodness

we have another dry sunny day!! Garage doors both open. I think from now until the baby arrives I will have the door open everyday unless its raining, at least then I can be sure that there is no condensation on anything.

The chap came yesterday re the fence we reported, he has to do a quote for replacing 4 panels. He looked at the garage again, we will have to clear it out, yet again. I have a load of plant pots that need to go, we have too many now. I also need to take cuttings from the geraniums and sort out the hydranga cuttings that arrived last week.

I have the top and bottom borders to put on the quilt, then sort out some backing fabric, looks like it might be blue 100% cotton sheeting. Will then be on to SIL's mats.

We were up early this morning, as we had to go to meet the library bus, it is coming a day early next time, so instead of the day we go away it is the day before, so not so much rushing about getting ready to go up to Newcastle.

Supper tonight is the usual fish and chips.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

What is that

 I see in the sky? Do no believe it, the sun is shining!!! not too warm though. I have the airer in the porch finishing off drying the laundry from yesterday.

I have the side borders on the quilt, just about to put on the top and bottom borders. I fabric I had chosen for the backing is not available so I will have to search for some more, I am getting a refund.

DB 's dizzies are increasing again, so he is back on the medication. I cannot do with him like this whilst we are oop north!! I know his sister will panic and ring for help....not needed left alone he will recover on his own.

I have decided on a set of 3 mats for SIL, I have the design on a USB, so I can get them done, then I will start on the Drummer Boy, see how I get on with him, he is more complicated than the nutcracker.

Grocery delivery this morning, he was early, had a delivery just down the road, so killed two birds with one visit, no problem. Everything is packed away either in cupboards or the freezer.

The garage freezer has filled up nicely, I have the doors open to try and dry off the floor. I am still concerned about the pram.

Supper tonight sweet and sour pork with rice, I bought ice cream so I dare say that will be for dessert.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I wish it would stop raining

a lot of roads round us are flooded, work has had to stop on the new ring road, too wet to work, putting it further back yet again. I was looking at the route to Grantham to access the A1 when we go up to Newcastle, we are going to have to go almost to Hose to get onto the A607, it is being closed unil the begining of December so they can build yet another roundabout. I managed to dry out the garage, but now its flooded again.......was supposed to be dry today Ha Ha!!!

DB had a nasty dizzy this morning, I was late waking,  we got up he came through to put the coffee etc on and went back to bed. I am thinking of starting him back on the dizzy tablets for a few days. Breakfast this morning was toast and coffee rather than our usual breakfast. I was awake in the night, so I slept in again. I really must try and sort this out, it messes up our days something chronic. I have laundry in this morning, its going to have to go in the dryer, apart from DB's cord trousers, they will go on the airer in the kitchen.

I have pinned the side borders on the quilt top, will sew them on today. Then it will be the top and bottom and it will be ready to go to be quilted, waiting for the backing fabric to arrive, will get my friend to use her wadding in it. I want to make a set of mats for SIL and also try and do the Drummer Boy. I watched the video last night, he is going to be very time consuming, less bits than the Nutcracker, but more embroidery and fiddly bits.

Supper tonight is poached salmon and salad, DB likes the little potatoes with a salad, I put butter on them once they have drained. Not sure if we will have a dessert.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Still raining

the garage floor is wet half way again, not sure if it has stopped raining yet, but it looks a bit brighter.

We were later than ever waking up this morning, after two iffy nights I managed almost 9 hours again, it seems to be I have two bad nights and then a good one, really odd.

I have finished piecing the quilt top, Have cut the side  borders, I am undecided whether to cut the top piece a bit larger, so its possible to turn it over. The baby will not be using it in his cot for at least a year, but it can be used as a play mat. I did actually think of making a play mat with the bits I have left, will have to think about that. 

We have had a try on of trousers etc for DB today, he has a shirt, trousers and jumper which will do for the Saturday. He plans to travel up and back in cords, tee shirt and fleece. As for me, brown trousers to travel up in, tee shirt and either jumper or fleece, grey trousers top and cardigan for Saturday. DB has started a list of things to take. I am looking at making a lace mat for SIL. Will also take some of the stuff I made last year for the neices and nephews.

Supper tonight, egg and chips with rice pudding for dessert. I have just made out a menu list for October. I need to do a freezer audit to make sure I have everything in stock. I will get another gammon joint to cook and cut for meals or sandwiches.

Rain again

woke up to rain this morning, so no Trevor, at this rate the garden will not get done this year. It has stopped raining for now, but there are warnings again for heavier rain this afternoon and flood warnings for vulnerable areas.

Have just read the gas meter we have used a bit of gas this week because I put the heating on for a few hours as it was so cold.

I have to do a reccy of our clothes, Its ages sine either of us had anything 'new'. visit to SIL we need to be well turned out!! DB needs a couple of tee/ ordinary shirts and a second pair of trousers. I could do with a couple of tops and possibly a vee necked cardigan.........

Sorted out sauce for spag bol for supper, will have garlic bread with it. Need to sort out a dessert of some sort.

That was a damp squib

transport was supposed to pick me up this morning for Physio, did not turn up, could not be contacted by phone, so had to grovel to the powe...