Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I wish it would stop raining

a lot of roads round us are flooded, work has had to stop on the new ring road, too wet to work, putting it further back yet again. I was looking at the route to Grantham to access the A1 when we go up to Newcastle, we are going to have to go almost to Hose to get onto the A607, it is being closed unil the begining of December so they can build yet another roundabout. I managed to dry out the garage, but now its flooded again.......was supposed to be dry today Ha Ha!!!

DB had a nasty dizzy this morning, I was late waking,  we got up he came through to put the coffee etc on and went back to bed. I am thinking of starting him back on the dizzy tablets for a few days. Breakfast this morning was toast and coffee rather than our usual breakfast. I was awake in the night, so I slept in again. I really must try and sort this out, it messes up our days something chronic. I have laundry in this morning, its going to have to go in the dryer, apart from DB's cord trousers, they will go on the airer in the kitchen.

I have pinned the side borders on the quilt top, will sew them on today. Then it will be the top and bottom and it will be ready to go to be quilted, waiting for the backing fabric to arrive, will get my friend to use her wadding in it. I want to make a set of mats for SIL and also try and do the Drummer Boy. I watched the video last night, he is going to be very time consuming, less bits than the Nutcracker, but more embroidery and fiddly bits.

Supper tonight is poached salmon and salad, DB likes the little potatoes with a salad, I put butter on them once they have drained. Not sure if we will have a dessert.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Still raining

the garage floor is wet half way again, not sure if it has stopped raining yet, but it looks a bit brighter.

We were later than ever waking up this morning, after two iffy nights I managed almost 9 hours again, it seems to be I have two bad nights and then a good one, really odd.

I have finished piecing the quilt top, Have cut the side  borders, I am undecided whether to cut the top piece a bit larger, so its possible to turn it over. The baby will not be using it in his cot for at least a year, but it can be used as a play mat. I did actually think of making a play mat with the bits I have left, will have to think about that. 

We have had a try on of trousers etc for DB today, he has a shirt, trousers and jumper which will do for the Saturday. He plans to travel up and back in cords, tee shirt and fleece. As for me, brown trousers to travel up in, tee shirt and either jumper or fleece, grey trousers top and cardigan for Saturday. DB has started a list of things to take. I am looking at making a lace mat for SIL. Will also take some of the stuff I made last year for the neices and nephews.

Supper tonight, egg and chips with rice pudding for dessert. I have just made out a menu list for October. I need to do a freezer audit to make sure I have everything in stock. I will get another gammon joint to cook and cut for meals or sandwiches.

Rain again

woke up to rain this morning, so no Trevor, at this rate the garden will not get done this year. It has stopped raining for now, but there are warnings again for heavier rain this afternoon and flood warnings for vulnerable areas.

Have just read the gas meter we have used a bit of gas this week because I put the heating on for a few hours as it was so cold.

I have to do a reccy of our clothes, Its ages sine either of us had anything 'new'. visit to SIL we need to be well turned out!! DB needs a couple of tee/ ordinary shirts and a second pair of trousers. I could do with a couple of tops and possibly a vee necked cardigan.........

Sorted out sauce for spag bol for supper, will have garlic bread with it. Need to sort out a dessert of some sort.

I wish it would stop raining

a lot of roads round us are flooded, work has had to stop on the new ring road, too wet to work, putting it further back yet again. I was lo...