Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Misty start

and it was quite cold, the mist cleared and it is now sunny, but there is a chill in the air.

Drawers I ordered came this morning, taller than the old ones, so my rulers will fit on the top, so much easier to grab.

Used the last of the frozen rasps to do a raspberries in jelly for dessert, will last us a couple of nights.

I am hoping to get the squares cut so I can start the quilt next week. We are out tomorrow  for the coffee morning, Thursday is my well womwn check up at 9.30am, I know it is not going to go well!!

Supper tonight chicken gratin and veggies, jelly for dessert.


Monday, September 16, 2024


Its 'ot. Sun was shining when I went to collected Trevor, By the time I got to take him home it was blistering. I called at Tesco for fuel and then drove home. The estate agent was waiting for me, she had a cancellation so came early, to inspect the property, lots of photos taken. I am afraid she was the type of lady I cannot stand.........DB said he felt the same.

Called for petrol on the way home, the petrol station is under attack, 4 pumps have disappeared, no idea what they are doing. I usually pay cash, but had to use my CC.

Trevor worked his usual miracle in the garden, he has moved some of the pots into the empty space in the top bed. We really just have the two overgrown crocosmia ? bushes to see to and the garden will be ok.

DGD came home from hospital last evening, the pain has subsided, I expect it will rear its head again before long. They are trying to get her far enough along the road towards her delivery date.

Frittata and salad for supper tonight, I was going to do rice pudding, but its too hot. So it will be ice cream.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunny start

 We had our usual Sunday breakkie in bed, had to get up 9.45am as the chap was coming to cut the grass and do another few odd jobs for us.

We have an inspection tomorrow, checking to see we have not turned the place into a canabis factory. I need to spend half an hour in the sewing room, its a bit messy, have started to cut out the squares for the quilt.

No news re DGD, guess she will see the consultant in the morning, I think its a case of whats best to do, they cannot take out her gall bladder whilst she is pregnant, it may be a case of delivering the baby and then doing the cholesystectomy via keyhole surgery.

Supper prepped, I cooked a gammon joint yesterday, sliced it this morning, put some slices for supper tonight and the rest in packages in the freezer. I did potatoes and some cauliflower, will roast the spuds and do peas with the cauliflower, parslet sauce with the gammon. I guess we will be having ice cream for dessert.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

It was brrrrr

last night, but a warmish sunny day today. Did some laundry and it has dried, so thats fine. Started to cut the squares for the quilt, not quite sure how many of each fabric I will need.

Cooked the gammon joint for tomorrow, will slice it and freeze hwats left after I have cut the slices for tomorrow night

Nothing much going on. DGD is back in hospital, one of her stones has moved, not sure what the plan is. The difficulty is that she is pregnant They may decide to deliver the baby early and then sort out her gall bladder. Baby is due beginning of December, so is viable if they do have to go in. I think they are hoping to keep her going a bit longer before they go in, the longer they can put it off the better.

Supper tonight HM sweet and sour chicken and rice.

Friday, September 13, 2024


early doors, the road alterations have finished and at last we can go 2 minutes up the road for books.  The new roundabout is massive and only one side each way is open the rest is coned off. There were several  books on the  ordered shelf for us both along with the new timetable. 9.30 instead of 9am. There were several people waiting all with the same complaint they were not told the van was broken down, so like us they had to wait 6 weeks for the next visit. I managed to get 9 books and DB has one I can read as well.

Bright sunny morning but brrrrr is was down to 14c in the sitting room when I came through, I opened the blinds and its warming up nicely. I will have to put the small fire on later to see us through to bedtime. I have decided I will start the cot quilt on Monday, new week new project. I do need to do another sample first though.

DB continues to drive me nuts at times, I can tell him something and 2 minutes later he has forgotten. I could not find the tin with the ground coffee in. I keep it in the fridge.......found it on the shelf in the cupboard..... Hey Ho, no point saying anything, it will happen again I know.

His medication will be down to 1 tablet a day on Sunday for 4 days then half, they are really small I have a job to break them in half, my thumb nail works best. I am back on painkillers twice a day, so need to up the amount of water I drink.

Shepherds pie went down well last night. Its fish and chips tonight.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

And again

8.45 before I woke up, not a great nights sleep but better than it has been.

Its very cold outside, we have not got the heating on yet, I just put the electric fire on for a short while in the evening, its thermostatically controlled, so goes off when it reaches the set temperature.

DD2 came yesterday, brought me some bits I had asked for  from the town, and collected the tin from the tea party a few weeks ago. Last week she and DGD went into Leicester and bought more stuff for the baby. DD2 paid for it all. I was going to give DGD some money but have decided to give it to DD2 to set against the vast amount she spent. Believe me it was an awful lot. She has already brought the 'travel system' which is sitting in our garage. I have to admit that I am a bit trepidatious about this baby and it's effect, quite a lot is going to have to change.

Grocery delivery this morning, I need to nip to Aldi for dish washer tabs and the laundry liquid I use, will go whilst DB is having his siesta, then its done.

Supper tonight is shepherds pie I made yesterday, it just needs reheating in the oven. Will do peas and sweetcorn with it. Ice cream for dessert.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Oh Brilliant

We were late waking this morning, so late putting the laundry out, half an hour later it chucked it down with rain, The sun is not shining on wringing wet washing!! It can stay out, will watch for further rain clouds and get it into the dryer. I really do not want to use the dryer until forced, but there is too much to go on the airer.

The second lot of fabric has arrived for the quilt, so I can gird my loins and make a start. It just needs ironing. DB 2 will be in this afternoon, she is collecting LM from school.

DB has started reducing the tablets, cutting  a small lozinge in half is not easy, he has to do 4 days on 1.5, then go down to one.

It is quite a bit cooler today there is a breeze, we are now putting jumpers on and last night the fire went on for half an hour after I drew the curtains, it cuts out when it reaches a set heat.

Cooked mince this morning for shepherds pie tomorrow, will divide the rest into half and freeze for spag bol or mince and tatties. We are having egg chips and beans tonight with ice cream to follow.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Busy morning

 DB had an appointment with his consultant this morning. We were in for an hour going through various things. He is to cut down one of his medications, with a view to stop taking it, It appears that his BP is not to blame, He is being referred on to see someone else.

We left home at 8.45, arrived back at 12 45, he has gone for his siesta. I had a much better night 8. 15 hours After 3 bad nights it was a welcome relief.

Sausage and mash tonight, Ice cream for dessert I think.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Raining again

So not trip to pick up the gardener. Now 10.20 the sun is trying to peep through. Everywhere is wet, think it has been raining all night.

Trying to work out the size of the quilt blocks, have converted my machine to sew.....will be strange using the foot pedal. I need to iron the fabric, just waiting for the white Peter Rabbit fabric to come, can make the blue blocks for a start.

Cleaner is here doing her usual excellent job, she is worth her weight in gold.....

DB is back on his Family research,  He got his DNA done, I am wondering what mine might bring up........ I might be related to royalty not!!

Supper tonight sausage and mash....... no idea about a dessert, may be fresh fruit.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

It seems to be getting worse

last night I only managed just under 5 hours, that 3 nights in a row I have slept badly.

After a very cold dull day yesterday its bright, sunny and rather warm. We were very late getting up, so nothing done apart from sorting the supper

We had a quick walk up the garden, I have decided that all the plants in pots are going into the garden, when we finally leave here I doubt we will have a garden at all.

 I did do a quick pinwheel this morning, I need to cut 51/2 inch squares, when sewn they come out to 6 inches which is just what I need.

So roast chicken and all the trimmings for supper, banana and ice cream for dessert.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The weather

cannot make up its mind. Yesterday was warm and sunny this morning its cloudy, grey and raining.

Life goes on, we were awake early so an early start to the day. I need to start on the quilt, but am waiting to get some white fabric, decided to do blue and white pin wheels........

I need to wait and see what the hospital has to say re us going up to see DB's sister, they should decide when they are going to replace the pacemaker after my next appointment later this month. Will not be starting the Drummer Boy until I have done the quilt.

Supper tonight is ADB, not sure about dessert.


Friday, September 6, 2024


yesterday I finished the nut cracker, I still have to go round and clip the threads off. 

Here he is hanging about on the bookcase!!

So a bit late getting up, but not as late as yesterday. I have cleaned up the sewing room and loaded the pattern for the drummer boy, having gone through the instructions its going to be more complecated than the nutcracker.

I nipped to Aldi whilst DB was in bed for his sieats. He rang his sister this morning, I could hear her in the kitchen, she never stopped to draw breath for at least 20 minutes. DB is making noises about going up to see them, she is still driving but at 87 no longer does long journeys. We are working on it.

Fish and chips for supper tonight, banana and ice cream for dessert.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Late waking

We woke at 9.20 this morning to grey skies, it had rained in the night and began to rain again whilst I had a load of laundry in, so its on the airer in the porch with the windows open. I am fighting against putting the dryer on until at least November.

Did a bit more at the nutcracker, just have one arm to put on, he is looking quite good.

It has stopped raining but very grey out.

We went to the library yesterday, got a couple of books out to keep us going until the van comes again.

My mind is constantly going forward to when I stop driving, even here it will make life more difficult. A combibation of bus or taxi. If we need to go into Leicester for the hospital it will have to be hospital transport. That I am not looking forward to, how ever no way are we moving until we have to. 

Heard from SIL yesterday she sent us their new address, have sent her an email, trying to get DB to phone her...........it would appear that their old house is not yet on the market, I know the children are taking care of that........

Prepped pork for pork and pasta for tonights supper, we will have garlic bread with it. There will be enough for another supper for the freezer.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Busy Day

In a weak moment I agreed to have DGD's pram delivered here and stored in the garage. Message this morning, due for delivery between 10 = 11am, DD2 abd DGD turned up to wait for it, only half the order was delivered, the rest is coming this afternoon.

After they had gone we decided to go to the library and take out books, the van is not due for another 2 weeks. The pram body and wheels. I bit different to wjem mime were babies, coach built Osnath pram, I loved it. So sad when it had to go after Nicholas was mobile.

Soup and toast for lunch, I spent an hour doing pne sleeve of the Nutctacker, have another one to do and its finished. Will start on the cot quilt I have decided to do pin wheels, alternate blue and white, hopefully it will not take too long, I am going to quilt it on my Lumi.

Salmon new potatoes and sweet corn for supper, will finish off the rasps in jeely with some ice cream. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

We had rain

A very heavy rain shower about 6pm ;ast night and then more rain overnight, the garden really needs it. Its spitting with rain again, but not really coming to much.

We were drinking tea at 1am, so consequently it was 9.45am before we woke, so everything is out of sync today.

Have just walked down to the shop, forgot to order weetabix from Morrison, so picked up the TV Choice at the same time. Forgot to take a letter to post, so it will have to wait until we go out again.

No sewing yesterday, might manage an hour when DB goes for his siesta, I must concentrate then on the baby quilt, need to find out if its a cot quilt or pram quilt thats required.

Grocery delivery this afternoon, we will be having egg chips and beans for supper tonight, I made a raspberry jeslly yesterday, so jelly and ice cream for dessert.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness

The weather is telling us we are in autumn, we have a misty start this morning. I was late picking Trevor up, almost 15 minutes late.

Driving home we ran into rain, but no sign at the bungalow although its mid day the sky is very grey, we are forecast a thunder storm, It had rained during the night.

I have not quite finished the Nutcracker, doubt I will get any of it done today, very tired after a bad night thanks to DB. It was 4am when I last looked at the clock.

Trevor has put cardboard and strulch down on the top bed, hopefully it will stop the ivy regenerating in that bed. I have had to order another 6 bags of strulch, hopefully that will be enough to finish the garden off.

Supper tonight jacket potatoes, sausage and beans. I have made a raspberry jelly for dessert.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

So we wait

It is a dull morning and we are forecast thunder storms and heavy rain later today, flood warnings just about everywhere. Not looking forward to that. I have out essential electrical appliances surge protected, especially my machine, It would cost a fortune to put right.

DB had a coughing fit last night after we went to bed, consequently although he went off to sleep after I told him to get one of his cough sweets, I was awake for hours, the coughing along with his short term memory and vertigo are really sapping my strength, I feel as if I am trying to fight my way out of a bubble, he is unconcerned, which is not helping. Of course he is from the generation before me who were brought up so you changed your mother for a wife who was supposed to look after you as your Mother did!!! After 30+ years the gloss is wearing thin.

Managed to sort out the problem with the nutcracker, I am about to start on the head, only a couple of things i.e. joining the head and arms to the body and then his hat, should finish him tomorrow, then I need to start seriously thinking about the baby quilt. Still have not made up my nind re the blocks.

Supper tonight is roast pork again, very tempted to go to The Harboro for lunch, but our finances have taken a dip thanks to the new mattress. This is no spend month........

Misty start

and it was quite cold, the mist cleared and it is now sunny, but there is a chill in the air. Drawers I ordered came this morning, taller th...